General sessions: | | PAGE |
Addresses of welcome and response | | 57 |
Address | Herbert Putnam | 59 |
President's address: The public library: a leaven'd and prepared choice | Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf | 67 |
Publicity for the sake of information: The public's point of view | W. H. Hatton | 72 |
Secretary's report | George B. Utley | 75 |
Treasurer's report | Carl B. Roden | 81 |
Reports of boards and committees: |
Finance committee | C. W. Andrews | 81 |
A. L. A. Publishing Board | Henry E. Legler | 83 |
Trustees of endowment funds | W. C. Kimball | 91 |
Bookbinding | A. L. Bailey | 93 |
Bookbuying | W. L. Brown | 95 |
Co-ordination | C. H. Gould | 96 |
Co-operation with the N. E. A | M. E. Ahern | 101 |
Federal and state relations | B. C. Steiner | 102 |
Library administration | A. E. Bostwick | 102 |
Library training | A. S. Root | 113 |
Library work with the blind | Emma N. Delfino | 114 |
Public documents | George S. Godard | 115 |
Preservation of newspapers | Frank P. Hill | 116 |
Publicity for the sake of support | Carl H. Milam | 120 |
Breadth and limitations of bookbuying | W. L. Brown | 124 |
Open door through the book and the library | C. E. McLenegan | 127 |
What do the people want? | Jessie Welles | 132 |
Assistant and the book | Mary E. Hazeltine | 134 |
Type of assistants | Edith Tobitt | 138 |
Efficiency of the library staff and scientific management | Adam Strohm | 143 |
What library schools can do for the profession | Chalmers Hadley | 147 |
Address | Sir Wilfrid Laurier | 159 |
Conservation of character | J. W. Robertson | 161 |
Address | George E. Vincent | 170 |
Book advertising: information as to subject and scope of books | Carl B. Roden | 181 |
Book advertising: illumination as to the attractions of real books | Grace Miller | 187 |
Report of Executive Board | | 192 |
Report of Council | | 195 |
Report of resolutions committee | | 201 |
Memorial to Frederick Morgan Crunden | | 203 |
Report of tellers of election | | 204 |
Social side of the conference | R. G. Thwaites | 205 |
Day in Toronto | M. E. Ahern | 208 |
Day in Montreal | Carl B. Roden | 209 |
Post-conference trip | Julia Ideson | 211 |
Sections: |
Agricultural libraries | | 213 |
Catalog | |