General sessions: PAGE
Addresses of welcome and response 57
Address Herbert Putnam 59
President's address: The public library: a leaven'd and prepared choice Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf 67
Publicity for the sake of information: The public's point of view W. H. Hatton 72
Secretary's report George B. Utley 75
Treasurer's report Carl B. Roden 81
Reports of boards and committees:
Finance committee C. W. Andrews 81
A. L. A. Publishing Board Henry E. Legler 83
Trustees of endowment funds W. C. Kimball 91
Bookbinding A. L. Bailey 93
Bookbuying W. L. Brown 95
Co-ordination C. H. Gould 96
Co-operation with the N. E. A M. E. Ahern 101
Federal and state relations B. C. Steiner 102
Library administration A. E. Bostwick 102
Library training A. S. Root 113
Library work with the blind Emma N. Delfino 114
Public documents George S. Godard 115
Preservation of newspapers Frank P. Hill 116
Publicity for the sake of support Carl H. Milam 120
Breadth and limitations of bookbuying W. L. Brown 124
Open door through the book and the library C. E. McLenegan 127
What do the people want? Jessie Welles 132
Assistant and the book Mary E. Hazeltine 134
Type of assistants Edith Tobitt 138
Efficiency of the library staff and scientific management Adam Strohm 143
What library schools can do for the profession Chalmers Hadley 147
Address Sir Wilfrid Laurier 159
Conservation of character J. W. Robertson 161
Address George E. Vincent 170
Book advertising: information as to subject and scope of books Carl B. Roden 181
Book advertising: illumination as to the attractions of real books Grace Miller 187
Report of Executive Board 192
Report of Council 195
Report of resolutions committee 201
Memorial to Frederick Morgan Crunden 203
Report of tellers of election 204
Social side of the conference R. G. Thwaites 205
Day in Toronto M. E. Ahern 208
Day in Montreal Carl B. Roden 209
Post-conference trip Julia Ideson 211
Agricultural libraries 213


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