Abbott, Lyman, letter from, 83.
Accessioning (of books), rpt. of com. on library administration, 126-8.
Affiliation of state library associations with A. L. A., amendment to constitution and by-law affecting, 167-8.
Affiliation with other than local, state and provincial library associations, rpt. of com. on, 256-7.
Agricultural libraries section, round table, 258-9.
Ahern, Mary Eileen, reads letters at symposium, 82;
discusses work with college students, 198;
discusses library in relation to business, 218-9;
member of council, 236;
chrm. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.
Allen, William H., addresses Reference librarians' round table, 342.
American Association of law libraries, proceedings, 362-4.
American Library Association, president's address, 73-82;
secretary's report, 99-103;
treasurer's report, 103;
rpt. of trustees of Carnegie and endowment funds, 111-3;
rpt. of executive board, 237-42;
rpt. of Council, 242-57;
election of officers, 236;
attendance summaries and register, 392-408.
A. L. A. Booklist, 105.
A. L. A. committees on
blind. See Blind.
bookbinding. See Bookbinding.
bookbuying. See Bookbuying.
co-operation with N. E. A. See National Education Association.
co-ordination. See Co-ordination.
federal and state relations. See Federal and state relations.
finance. See Finance.
international relations. See International relations.
library administration. See Library administration.
library training. See Library training.
program. See Program.
public documents. See Public documents.
travel. See Travel.
—— constitution, amendment to, 167;
by-law to, adopted, 168.
—— Council, amendment to constitution and by-law relative to election of members to, 167-8.
—— Executive board, 237-42.
—— membership (rpt. of secretary), 100.
—— necrology (rpt. of secretary), 102-3.
—— publicity (rpt. of secretary), 100-1.
—— Publishing board, rpt. of (Legler), 105-10;
periodical cards, 105;
Booklist, 105;
new publications, 106;
reprints, 106;
A. L. A. catalog, 106-7;
Manual of library economy, 107;
advertising, 107;
foreign lists, 107;
financial report, 108;
sales of publications, 109-10.
—— registration for library position (rpt. of secretary), 101.
—— representatives at other conferences, 101-2.
Anderson, E. H., rpt. as member of finance com., 111;
presides second session, 144-ff;
president of A. L. A., 236-7;
chrm. program com., 242.
Antin, Mary, "The immigrant in the library," 145-9.
Andrus, Gertrude E., "How the library is meeting the changing conditions of child life," 188-93.
Andrews, C. W., rpt. as chrm. com. on finance, 104;
moves amendment to by-law, 168;
discusses library in relation to business, 219;
chrm. finance com., 241;
participates in fiction discussion, 255;
rpt. as chrm. of affiliation com., 256-7.
Arnold, Sarah Louise, telegram from, 170.
"Art in the college library" (Weitenkampf), 315-9.
"As others see us," symposium, 82-98.
Attendance summaries and register. See American Library Association.
Ayer, C. W., obituary, 102.
Babbitt, C. J., memorial on, 364.
Bacon, Corinne, "Co-operation of libraries with library schools," 347-50;
chrm. Professional training sect., 352.
Bacon, Corinne, reviews Brieux, "La femme seule," 236.
Bailey, A. L., member of council, 236;
mem. com. on library training, 241;
chrm. com. on bookbinding, 242.
Ball, Sarah B., "What any library can do for the business interests of the town," 336-9.
Bascom, Elva L., resignation as editor Booklist, 105.
Belden, C. F. D., mem. public documents com., 241;
mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.
Bennett, Arnold, letter from, 83.
Best, Mrs. A. S., letter from, 83-6.
Bill drafting, "Law that stands the test" (Dudgeon), 206-10.
Billings, J. S., obituary, 102;
memorial resolution on, 169-70.
Bishop, W. W., participates in fiction discussion, 256.
Blackwelder, Paul, reviews Hine "Modern organization," 236;
mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.
Bliss, H. E., "Some practical considerations regarding classification for libraries," 309-15.
Blind, rpt. of com. on work with, 136-9;
com. on, 242.
Book, evolution of the. "World of print and the world's work: president's address" (Legler), 73-82.
Bookbinding, rpt. of com. on, 113-4;
com. on, 242.
Bookbuying, rpt. of com. on, 114-25.
Books and reading. "The friendly book" (Walton), 224-9;
"How to discourage reading" (Pearson), 230-6.
Bostwick, Andrew L., presents paper on relations between the municipal library and legislators, 382.
Bostwick, Arthur E., represents A. L. A. at North Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa meetings, 101;
chrm. com. on administration, 241;
"The quality of fiction," 253-4;
"Administration of a catalog dep't," 266-7;
"Volume" of children's work in the U. S., 287-91.
Bowerman, G. F., mem. com. on administration, 241.
Bowker, R. R., member of Council, 236;
mem. com. on international relations, 242;
discussion, 384.
Brett, George P., letter from, 86.
Bronson, W. C., letter from, 86.
Brown, C. H., mem. travel com., 242.
Brown, D. C., "State-wide influence of the state library," 202-6;
mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.
Brown, Zaidee, leads discussion, 364.
Browne, Francis Fisher, tribute to, 168.
Bruncken, Ernest, mem. public documents com., 241.
Bucknam, Edith P., sec'y of Catalog section, 275.
Budlong, Mrs. M. C., presents rpt. of com. on establishment of new commissions, 374-6.
Burnite, C., "Values in library work with children," 282-7.
Business branches. "What any library can do for the business interests of the town" (Ball), 336-9.
Business men, making the library useful to (Ranck), 210-4.
Business organizations, libraries in (Krause), 215-8.
Cable, George W., letter from, 86.
Carey, Miriam E., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.
Carlton, W. N. C., member of executive board, 238;
mem. com. on arrangements College and reference section, 319.
Carnegie, Andrew, letter from, 83.
Carpenter, George O., mem. com. on library training, 241.
Carr, Henry J., chrm. resolutions com. public doc. round table, 359, 362.
Carson, W. O., participates in discussion, 254.
Catalog cards, simplified forms of, 274-5.
Catalog dep't, administration of a, from a cataloger's point of view (Smith), 271-4.
Catalog dep't, administration of the, from a librarian's point of view (Hopper), 259-66;
same (Bostwick), 266-7.
Catalog dep't, relation of the, to other dept's (Winser), 268-70.
Cataloging, rpt. of com. on cost and method of, 239-41.
Cataloging, request for permanent com. on, 241.
Catalog section, proceedings, 259-75.
"Cataloging for department libraries" (Sears), 325-30.
Charging systems and methods, rpt. of com. on library administration, 128-31.
Charitable institutions. See Institutions.
Charter provisions, rpt. of com. on relations between the library and the municipality, 243-5.
Charter provisions, rpt. of League com. on, 376-7.
Child life, changing conditions of (Smith), 184-8;
how the library is meeting the (Andrus), 188-93.
Children, section on library work with, proceedings, 275-300.
Children, values in library work with (Hunt), 275-82;
ditto (Burnite), 282-7.
Children's work in the U. S., volume of (Bostwick), 287-91.
Churchill, Winston, letter from, 86-7.
"Civics room in a medium-sized town" (Kammerling), 339-42.
Clarke, Elizabeth P., discusses prison libraries, 368.
Classification, some practical considerations regarding, for libraries (Bliss), 309-15.
Classifiers, com. on code for, rpt. of, 238.
Claxton, P. P., letter from, 87-8.
Cleavinger, J. S., mem. com. on administration, 241.
Coit, Bertha, obituary, 102.
College and reference section, proceedings, 300-42.
College librarians, what c. l. can do for library schools (Rathbone), 319-20.
College library and research work (Fletcher), 321-5.
College library, art in the (Weitenkampf), 315-9.
College library, instruction in the use of a (Salmon), 301-9.
Constitution. See A. L. A. constitution.
"Co-operation of libraries with library schools" (Bacon), 347-50.
Co-ordination, com. on, 242.
Countryman, Gratia A., second vice-president of A. L. A., 236.
Cowing, Agnes, chrm. sect. on work with children. 300.
Crandall, F. A., "Proposing an executive gazette," 359-61.
Craver, H. W., member of executive board, 236.
Crowell, J. F., paper read by title, 385.
Cunningham, Jesse, rpt. as chrm. of com. on clippings, 384.
Curtis, Florence R., discusses prison libraries, 367.
Cutter, W. P., mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242;
discussion, 315.
Cutter, W. P., reads letters at symposium, 82.
Davis, Jesse B., Outline of work in vocational guidance (quoted) in paper by Ranck, 297-8.
Davis, Olin S., discusses library work with schools, 198;
discussion, 365.
Dawley, F. F., member finance com., 241.
Dayton public library, resolution of sympathy for, 300.
Defectives and dependents, book influences for (Robinson), 177-82.
Delfino, Mrs. E. N., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.
Department libraries, cataloging for (Sears), 325-30.
Doane, W. C., obituary, 102.
Dramatic taste, development of, 83-6.
Du Bois, W. E. B., letter from, 88.
Dudgeon, M. S., "Law that stands the test," 206-10;
mem. public documents com., 241;
chrm. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246.
Duff, Ida, acts as sec'y of sect. on work with children, 275.
Election of officers. See American Library Association.
Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L., re-elected member of publishing board, 237.
Ely, Mary, vice-chrm. of sect. on library work with children, 300.
Endowment funds, rpt. of trustees, 111-3.
Executive board. See A. L. A. Executive board.
"Executive gazette, proposing an" (Crandall), 359-61.
Exhibits, library school, 182-3.
Faxon, F. W., chrm. travel com., 242.
Federal and state relations, rpt. of com. on, 126;
com. on, 242.
Federal prisons, libraries in, 366-8.
Fiction, quality of,—symposium, 246-ff.
Field, O. J., second v.p., Am. Assn. of law lib., 364.
Field, Pearl I., reviews Tarbell "The business of being a woman," 236.
Finance, rpt. of com. on (Andrews), 104; com. on, 241.
Fitzgerald, J. F., letter from, 88-9.
Fletcher, R. S., "The college library and research work," 321-5.
Flexner, Jennie M., discusses libraries in jails, 373-4.
Foreigners, library work among (Antin, Maltby, Rush), 145-58.
Foreigners. See also Immigrants.
Freeman, Marilla W., "Scientific management, and the reference department as a bureau of information," 331-6.
"Friendly book" (Walton), 224-9.
Garland, Hamlin, letter from, 89.
Gillis, J. L., mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.
Godard, G. S., chrm. public documents com., 241;
presides Public documents round table, 352.
Goldthwaite, Lucile, mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.
Gooch, Harriet B., presides Catalog section, 259.
Goodrich, N. D., discussion, 309;
reads paper by Fletcher, 320.
Gould, C. H., chrm. com. on co-ordination, 242;
participates in fiction discussion, 256.
Grading, specialization and, in library schools (Plummer), 343-7.
Great Britain, present conditions and tendencies of library work in (Jast), 139-44.
Green, C. R., presides Agricultural lib. sect., 258.
Griffis, W. E., letter from, 89.
Hadley, Chalmers, mem. com. on library training, 241;
mem. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246.
Hall, G. Stanley, letter from, 89-90.
Hall, Mary E., addresses assn. on enlarging scope of library work in high schools, 197;
participates in general discussion on subject, 198-9.
Hartwell, Mary A., reads paper by Sup't of Doc., 352;
discussion, 358.
Hasse, Adelaide R., mem. public documents com., 241.
Hawks, Emma B., acts as sec'y Agricultural lib. sect., 258.
Henderson, C. R., letter from, 90.
Herrick, Robert, letter from, 90-1.
Hicks, F. C., presides College librarians round table, 319.
Hill, Frank P., letter from, regarding participation in Leipzig exposition, 238;
mem. com. on international relations, 242;
participates in fiction discussion, 255.
History, what can the library do to encourage the study of American?, 92-3.
Hobart, Frances, discusses work with schools, 199;
Publication committee, rpt. of, 378-9.
Publicity, rpt. of the com. on methods of, for library schools, 350.
Publishing Board. See A. L. A. Publishing Board.
Putnam, Herbert, presents minute on J. S. Billings, 169;
member of executive board, 236;
chrm. com. on international relations, 242;
mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.
"Quality of fiction"—symposium, 246-ff.
Questionnaires, 132-3.
Ranck, S. H., discusses proposed by-law to constitution, 168;
discusses questionnaires, 183-4;
"Making a library useful to business men," 210-4;
mem. public documents com., 241;
mem. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246;
mem. of Council, 246;
"The library's opportunities in vocational guidance," 296-9.
Rathbone, Josephine A., describes exhibit at Pratt Institute, 182-3;
reviews "The great analysis," 236;
"What college librarians can do for library schools," 319-20.
Reed, Amy L., acts as sec'y College and reference section, 300.
Reference librarians' round table, 330-42.
Reference work. "Scientific management, and the reference department as a bureau of information (Freeman)," 331-6.
Research work, college library and (Fletcher), 321-5.
Richardson, E. C., mem. com. on international relations, 242;
discussion, 309, 315.
Rider, Mrs. Gertrude T., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.
Robbins, Mary E., mem. of council, 246.
Robinson, Julia A., "Book influences for defectives and dependents." 177-82;
mem. com. on work with the blind, 242;
discusses prison libraries, 366-7.
Roden, C. B., reads letters at symposium, 82;
rpt. as treasurer, 103.
Root, A. S., chrm. com. on library training, 241.
Ropes, W. L., obituary, 102.
Rural communities, library work in. "The woman on the farm" (Stearns), 173-6.
Rural school library, possibilities of the (Wilson), 291-4.
Rush, Charles E., "The man in the yards," 154-8.
Salmon, Lucy M., "Instruction in the use of a college library," 301-9.
Sawyer, Laura M., chrm. com. on work with the blind, 242.
Schaffer, C. W., mem. exec. com. Am. Assn. of law lib., 364.
Schwab, J. C., mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.
Schenk, F. W., serves as sec'y Public documents round table, 352;
first v.p. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.
Scholefield, E. O. S., exec. com. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.
Schouler, James, letter from, 96-7.
Schools and libraries, co-operation between, 87-8;
as civic centers, 91-2.
Schools, library work with, 193-ff.
Schools. "Possibilities of the rural school library" (Wilson), 291-4.
Schools. "Work of a high school branch" (McClelland), 295-6.
Scientific management, and tTranscriber's Notes:
Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected.
Punctuation normalized.
Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed.
Assigned missing anchors for the second and third footnotes at the end of the table on p. 291.