
*Prefixed to a name indicates participation in post-conference trip in the Adirondacks.

**Prefixed to a name indicates that the person went directly from the Catskills to Lake Placid.

†Indicates went as far as Eagle Bay only.

Abbreviations: F., Free; P., Public; L., Library; ln., Librarian; asst., Assistant; trus., Trustee; ref., Reference; catlgr., Cataloger; Br., Branch; sch., School.

Abbott, Alvaretta P., ln. P. L., Atlantic City, N. J.

Abbott, Mabel L., asst. Wellesley Coll. L., Wellesley, Mass.

Acker, Margaret, ln. P. L., Ossining, N. Y.

Ackerly, Belle, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Adams, Benjamin, chief circ. dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Adams, Leta E., head catlgr. P. L., Rochester, N. Y.

**Ahern, Mary E., editor "Public Libraries," Chicago, Ill.

Allen, Dr. Wm. H., director Bureau Municipal Research, New York City.

Allin, Eugenia, organizer Ill. L. Ext. Com., Decatur, Ill.

Anderson, Adah M., asst. ln. Humboldt Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Anderson, E. H., director P. L., New York City.

Anderson, Mrs. E. H., N. Y. City.

Anderson, John R., bookseller, New York City.

Andrew, Mrs. Kate D., ln. Steele Memorial L., Elmira, N. Y.

*Andrews, C. W., ln. The John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Andrus, Gertrude E., supt. child. dept. P. L., Seattle, Wash.

Annis, Mrs. Newton, Detroit, Mich.

Appleton, Helena D., secretary P. L., East Orange, N. J.

Armstrong, Mary E., asst. catlgr. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Arnold, Lillian B., ln. Carnegie Stout P. L., Dubuque, Ia.

Askew, Sarah B., organizer N. J. P. L. Com., Trenton, N. J.

Avery, John M., ref. ln. State L., Montpelier, Vt.

Ayer, T. P., supervisor of binding Columbia Univ. L., New York City.

Babbitt, Grace E., ref. ln. P. L., Washington, D. C.

Bacon, Corinne, ln. Drexel Inst. L., and dir. L. Sch., Philadelphia, Pa.

Baer, Harriet I., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Bailey, A. L., ln. Wilmington Inst. F. L., Wilmington, Del.

Bailey, C. H., Buffalo, N. Y.

Bailey, L. J., ln. P. L., Gary, Ind.

Bailey, T. D., Library Bureau, N. Y. City.

Bailey, Mrs. T. D., N. Y. City.

Baker, Julia A., ln. Austin Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Baldwin, Bessie L., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Baldwin, Clara F., sec'y Minn. P. L. Com., St. Paul, Minn.

Baldwin, E. L., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Baldwin, Emma V., sec'y to ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Ball, Fanny D., ln. Central High Sch. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Ball, Sarah B., ln. Business Br., F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Banks, Mary, ln. P. Service L. of N. J., Newark, N. J.

Barber, Clara V., asst. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Barickman, Mrs. Rena M., ln. P. L., Joliet, Ill.

Barker, E. Elizabeth, ln. Y. M. A. L., Albany, N. Y.

Barker, Tommie D., head ref. dept. Carnegie L., Atlanta, Ga.

Bartlett, S. R., ln. Lockwood, Green & Co., Boston, Mass.

**Bascom, Elva L., Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Bastin, Dorothy, asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Bates, Helen C., chief order dept. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Bayer, Bertha, 2558 Fulton St., Toledo, O.

Becker, Emily F., ln. P. L., Catskill, N. Y.

Belden, C. F. D., ln. State L., Boston, Mass.

Belding, Mrs. Ellinor F., child. ln. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Bell, Bernice, head child. dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Bell, Madelene M., senior asst. child. dept. F. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Bell, Mary B., Louisville, Ky.

Benham, Mrs. Margaret E., asst. ln. P. L., Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Bennett, C. W., Bigelow Binder Co., N. Y. City.

Bennett, Mrs. M. M., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Betteridge, Grace L., head Trav. L. Sect. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Bigelow, F. B., ln. N. Y. Society L., N. Y. City.

Bishop, W. W., supt. of Reading Room, L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Blackford, Benjamin, supt. of supplies P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Blackwelder, Paul, asst. ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Blair, Mellicent F., asst. catlgr. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Blake, Mrs. Elveretta S., Lagrange, Me.

Blakely, Bertha E., ln. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., So. Hadley, Mass.

Blanchard, Alice, Montpelier, Vt.

Bliss, H. E., ln. Coll. of City of New York, N. Y. City.

Bliss, L. E., Jr. stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Blumberg, Theresa, br. ln. Tremont Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

*Blunt, Florence T., asst. P. L., Haverhill, Mass.

Bogle, Sarah C. N., director Training Sch. for Child. Lns., Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Booth, Mary J., ln. Eastern Ill. State Normal Sch., Charleston, Ill.

Borden, Fanny, ref. ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Bostwick, A. E., ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Bostwick, A. L., municipal ref. ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Bowen, Mrs. Enrica H., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Bowerman, George F., ln. P. L., Washington, D. C.

Bowker, R. R., editor "Library Journal," N. Y. City.

Bowker, Mrs. R. R., Glendale, Stockbridge, Mass.

Bowman, Ethel M., Plainfield, N. J.

Bowman, Florence M., ln. P. L., Plainfield, N. J.

Bowne, Carolyn A., asst. ln. P. L., Perth Amboy, N. J.

Brainerd, Jessie F., ln. P. L., New Rochelle, N. Y.

Bredin, Edith, asst. ln. Hiram Kelly Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Brett, Clara A., asst. ln. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Brewitt, Mrs. Theodora R., ln. State Normal Sch. L., Lewiston, Idaho.

Brigham, Gwendolyn, asst. A. L. A. Headquarters Office, Chicago, Ill.

Brigham, Herbert O., ln. R. I. State L., Providence, R. I.

Brigham, Johnson, ln. State L., Des Moines, Ia.

Brigham, Mrs. Johnson, Des Moines, Ia.

Brigham, Miss, Des Moines, Ia.

Britton, Jasmine, child. ln. P. L., Spokane, Wash.

**Brooks, Maud D., ln. P. L., Olean, N. Y.

†Brown, Charles H., asst. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, Mrs. C. H., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, D. C., ln. State L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Brown, Gwendolen, br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, Helen Dawes, 48 Elm St., Montclair, N. J.

Brown, Walter L., ln. P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Brown, Zaidee M., agent F. P. L. Com., Boston, Mass.

Browning, Eliza G., ln. P. L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Bruncken, Ernest, asst. reg. of copyrights L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Brundage, Nellie M., child. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bucher, Mrs. Paul (Ethel A. Sherwood), order asst. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Bucknam, Edith P., chief cat. dept. P. L., Jamaica, L. I.

Budlong, Mrs. Minnie C., sec'y N. D. P. L. Com., Bismarck, N. D.

Burnett, Marguerite, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Burnham, Adele, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Burnite, Caroline, director child. work P. L., Cleveland, O.

Burns, Anna, ln. in charge central circulation P. L., N. Y. City.

Burritt, E. I., N. Y. City.

Burwell, Ethel I., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Butler, H. L., American Law L., N. Y. City.

Butler, Mrs. H. L., 7 Glenada Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Cady, Lora, Sag Harbor, L. I.

Camp, David N., pres. and chairman L. Com., New Britain Inst., New Britain, Conn.

Campbell, Mrs. Jennie, asst. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Cargill, J. V., asst. ln. P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Cargill, Mrs. J. V., Milwaukee, Wis.

Carlton, W. N. C., ln. Newberry L., Chicago, Ill.

Carr, Henry J., ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Carr, Mrs. Henry J., Scranton, Pa.

Carroll, May I., asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Carson, W. O., ln. P. L., London, Ont.

Carter, Julia, ln. child. br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Carter, S. J., ref. ln. P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Caswell, Edward A., N. Y. City.

Chamberlain, C. A., Edison Electric Co. L., Boston, Mass.

Chamberlayne, Ellen F., asst. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Chamberlin, Edith J., Bradford, Vt.

Chase, Jessie C., supt. Br. Libs. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Chase, Kate B., br. ln. Cornell Square Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Chase, Mrs. Mildred H., br. ln. F. L., Newton, Mass.

Cheney, Lucy, ln. F. L., Rutland, Vt.

Chivers, Cedric, bookbinder, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Christiansen, Bolette, Kongsvinger, Norway.

Christman, Jennie L., catlgr. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Christopher, Katharine M., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Clark, Elizabeth V., ln. Carnegie F. L., Connellsville, Pa.

Clark, Mrs. George E., Skaneateles, N. Y.

Clark, Mabel, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Clark, S. M., asst. Richards L., Warrensburg, N. Y.

Clarke, Edith E., instr. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Clarke, Elizabeth P., ln. Seymour L., Auburn, N. Y.

Clatworthy, Linda M., ln. P. L. and Museum, Dayton, O.

Clement, Edith M., asst. Trav. L., N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Cloud, Josephine P., supt. of circ. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Coe, Mrs. Frances R., reviser of catalog, P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Colcord, Mabel, ln. Bureau of Entomology, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

Colcord, Maude B., ln. Loring Reading Room, Plymouth, Mass.

Colson, F. D., law ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Congdon, Mrs. William M. (Anne W.), L. visitor and director of Trav. Libs., Providence, R. I.

Cook, O. S., trus. F. P. L., New Bedford, Mass.

Cooper, Isabella M., instr. Simmons Coll. L. Sch., Boston, Mass.

Copeland, Lora A., asst. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Corliss, Mary, asst. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Cornew, Elsie M., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Cornew, Mrs. H. K., Trenton, N. J.

Coughlin, Joseph D., Hampton, Va.

Cowley, Amy, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Cowper, Virginia S., L. Dept. John Wanamaker, N. Y. City.

Crain, Lucy B., supt. of child. work P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Crandle, Inez, ln. Dimmick Mem. L., Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Craver, H. W., ln. Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Craver, Mrs. H. W., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Crissey, Jane H., asst. P. L., Troy, N. Y.

Crosby, Caroline R., Milford, N. H.

Cunningham, Jesse, ln. Mo. Sch. of Mines, Rolla, Mo.

Curtis, Florence R., instr. Univ. of Ill. L. Sch., Urbana, Ill.

Custer, Florence B., Philadelphia, Pa.

Cutter, William P., ln. Engineering Societies L., N. Y. City.

Cutter, Mrs. William P., N. Y. City.

Dame, Katharine, catlgr. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Daniells, W. N., stud., Madison, Wis.

Darby, M. Claire, ln. Accountancy Ref. L., Ernst & Ernst, Cleveland, O.

Darrow, Helen W., asst. ln. Skidmore Sch., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

Dauchy, C. A., asst. ln. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Davis, Georgia S., statistician P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Davis, Mary G., child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Davis, Mary L., ln. P. L., Troy, N. Y.

Davis, O. S., ln. P. L., Laconia, N. H.

Davis, Mrs. O. S., Laconia, N. H.

Dayton, Hazel I., asst. Osterhout F. L., Wilkes-BarrÉ, Pa.

Dean, Florence M., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dean, Mathew, 1180 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dean, Mrs. Mathew, 1180 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Decker, Cora M., asst. ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Decker, C. V. A., Kingston, N. Y.

Dice, J. H., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Dick, Margaret S., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Dickerson, L. L., ln. Grinnell Coll. L., Grinnell, Ia.

*Dickey, Helene L., ln. Chicago Teachers' Coll. L., Chicago, Ill.

Dickinson, Asa Don, editorial dept. Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, N. Y.

Dickinson, Mrs. A. D., Garden City, N. Y.

Diephuis, Albert, P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Dilks, A. Irene, Bureau of Municipal Research, Dayton, O.

Dingman, Annie P., Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Dixon, Vera M., ln. Applied Science L., Columbia Univ., N. Y. City.

Donnelly, June R., teacher L. Economy Washington Irving High Sch., N. Y. City.

Doren, Electra C, R. F. D. 13, Dayton, O.

Dougan, Alice M., asst. catalog dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

*Dougherty, Anna R., chief art dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

*Dougherty, H. T., ln. Sayles P. L., Pawtucket, R. I.

*Dougherty, Mrs. H. T., Pawtucket, R. I.

Drake, Jeannette M., ln. P. L., Sioux City, Ia.

Drake, Ruth B., asst. catlgr. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Draper, Anne E., ln. Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C.

Draper, Miriam S., ln. Child. Museum L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Du Bois, Isabel, br. ln. P. L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Du Bois, Mrs. Lanetta E., New Paltz, N. Y.

**Dudgeon, M. S., sec'y Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Duff, Ida J., child. ln. Bushwick Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Duncan, Anne S., Port Huron, Mich.

Dutcher, Marion F., catlgr. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Dwyer, Winifred G., asst. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Earhart, Frances E., ln. P. L., Duluth, Minn.

Eastman, Edith L., asst. ln. Wesleyan Univ. L., Middletown, Conn.

Eastman, Linda A., vice-ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Eastman, William R., Albany, N. Y.

Eastwood, Mary E., asst. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Eaton, Alice L., ln. Norman Williams P. L., Woodstock, Vt.

Ehle, Mary E., ln. Potter Br. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Elder, Vera, asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Elliot, Mrs. Portia W., Albany, N. Y.

Ellis, Ruth M., catlgr. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Elston, Catharine, ln. Univ. of Pittsburgh L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Engle, Emma R., chief child. dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Entler, Marguerite H., asst. L. Assn., Portland, Ore.

Evans, Adelaide F., head catlgr. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Evans, Alice G., ln. F. P. L., Decatur, Ill.

Evans, G. H., ln. P. L., Woburn, Mass.

Evans, Margaret H., child. ln. P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Everhart, Ethel, child. ln. P. L. Br., N. Y. City.

Ewing, Ariel M., Philadelphia, Pa.

Fairbanks, Ellen A., Woodstock, Vt.

Farquhar, Alice M., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Farr, Mary P., L. organizer, Philadelphia, Pa.

Farrell, Winnifred, ln. Merrick P. L., Brookfield, Mass.

Farrington, Chas. E., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Fauteux, Aegidius, ln. Bibliotheque St. Sulpice, Montreal, Canada.

*Faxon, F. W., mgr. L. dept. Boston Book Co., Boston, Mass.

*Faxon, Mrs. F. W., Boston, Mass.

*Faxon, Mrs. Marcus, 86 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.

Feazel, E. A., ln. Law L. Assn., Cleveland, O.

Feipel, L. N., catlgr. U. S. Naval Academy L., Annapolis, Md.

Feipel, Mrs. L. N., Annapolis, Md.

Field, O. J., chief clk. Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C.

Field, Pearl I., supervisor of special deposits P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Finney, Byron A., ref. ln. Univ. of Mich. L., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Finney, Mrs. B. A., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Fisher, Mary C., Ossining, N. Y.

Fisk, Mary V., ln. Toledo Law Assn., Toledo, O.

Fison, H. W., ln. P. L., Malden, Mass.

Flagg, C. A., ln. P. L., Bangor, Me.

Fletcher, Fanny B., trus. Fletcher Mem. L. of Ludlow, Proctorsville, Vt.

Flexner, Jennie M., head of circulation dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Foote, Elizabeth L., br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Ford, Eva M., asst. sec'y A. L. A., Chicago, Ill.

Fossler, Anna, supervisor serial dept. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Foye, Charlotte H., senior asst. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Francis, Gertrude, East Orange, N. J.

Franke, Helena C, ln. F. P. L., Bound Brook, N. J.

Freeman, Abigail A., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Freeman, Alice M., Boston, Mass.

Freeman, Marilla W., ln. Goodwyn Inst. L., Memphis, Tenn.

Freidus, Abraham S., chief Jewish division P. L., N. Y. City.

Frost, Elizabeth R., ref. ln. Silas Bronson L., Waterbury, Conn.

Frost, Sarah L., ln. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.

Fuller, G. W., ln. P. L., Spokane, Wash.

Fuller, H. de W., asst. editor N. Y. "Nation," N. Y. City.

Fuller, Mrs. H. D., N. Y. City.

Fullerton, Caroline Q., ref. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Fulton, Edith, br. ln. F. P. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Gamble, William Burt, chief. Tech. Div. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Gardner, Anna M. D., Troy, N. Y.

Gardner, Mrs. I. J., N. Troy, N. Y.

Garland, Caroline H., ln. P. L., Dover, N. H.

Garvin, Ethel, custodian special libs., P. L., Providence, R. I.

Gaston, Ethelwyn, Newark, N. J.

Gates, Edith M.. senior asst. F. P. L.. Worcester, Mass.

Gates, Marguerite L., F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Gault, Bertha H., catlgr. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., South Hadley, Mass.

Gaylord, H. J., bookseller, Syracuse. N. Y.

Gaylord, Mrs. H. J., Syracuse, N. Y.

Geddes, Helen C, head catlgr. Bryn Mawr Coll. L., Bryn Mawr, Pa.

George, C. A., ln. F. P. L., Elizabeth, N. J.

George, Mrs. C. A., Elizabeth, N. J.

George, Miss, Elizabeth, N. J.

Gerber, May M., child. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Gerould, J. T., ln. Univ. of Minn. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Gibbs, Charlotte M., Wareham, Mass.

Gibbs, Laura R., catalog reviser Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Gilkey, Malina A., asst. catalog div. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Glenn, M. R., ln. American Bankers' Assn., N. Y. City.

Godard, G. S., ln. Conn. State L., Hartford, Conn.

Goddard, W. D., ln. Naval War Coll. L., Newport, R. I.

Goding, Sarah E., 1st asst. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Goeks, H. M., ln. Mott Haven Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Goeppinger, Eva C, asst. P. L., So. Norwalk, Conn.

Goldberg, Bessie, head catlgr. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Gooch, Harriet B., instructor Pratt Inst., Sch. of L. Science, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Goodell, Frederick, asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Goodrich, N. L., ln. Dartmouth Coll. L., Hanover, N. H.

Goodwin, J. E., ln. Univ. of Texas, Austin, Tex.

Gould, C. H., ln. McGill Univ. L., Montreal, Canada.

Goulding, P. S., catalog ln. Univ. of Ill. L., Urbana, Ill.

Goulding, Mrs. P. S., Urbana, Ill.

Grabau, Mrs. Mary Antin, Scarsdale, N. Y.

Graf, W. H., N. Y. City.

Grant, Agnes M., asst. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Grasty, Katharine G., ln. Eastern High Sch. L., Baltimore, Md.

Graves, Eva W., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Gray, Elizabeth P., Washington, D. C.

Gray, Florence B., asst. leg. ref. dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Green, C. R., ln. Mass. Agricultural Coll. L.. Amherst, Mass.

Green, Janet M., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Green, Lola M. B., catlgr. legal dept. Am. Tel. & Tel. Accounting L., N. Y. City.

Greene, L. E., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Gunter, Lillian, ln. P. L., Gainesville, Tex.

Guntermann, Bertha, 1st asst. order and accession dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Gwyn, Julia R., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hackett, Ann, asst. Carnegie-Stout L., Dubuque, Ia.

Hackett, Irene A., ln. F. P. L., Englewood, N. J.

Hadley, Anna, ln. Gilbert Sch. L., Winsted, Conn.

Hafner, Alfred, bookseller, N. Y. City.

Hagey, E. Joanna, ln. P. L., Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Hagey, Mrs. E. M., Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Haines, Mabel R., ln. F. P. L., Summit, N. J.

Hall, Drew B., ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Hall, Mrs. D. B., Somerville, Mass.

Hall, Mary E., ln. Girls' High Sch., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Halliday, Sara L., N. Y. City.

Halpert, Freda, asst. Carnegie L., Duquesne, Pa.

Halsey, Francis W., N. Y. City.

Halsey, Levantia, Umadilla, N. Y.

Hammond, Marie A., catlgr. Miami Univ. L., Oxford, O.

Handy, D. N., ln. Insurance L. Assn. of Boston, Boston, Mass.

Handy, Mrs. D. N., Boston, Mass.

Hardy, A. Marie, N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Hardy, Mary T., asst. ref. dept. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Hardy, Sue, N. Y. City.

Haring, Freda, Richland L. Co., Quakertown, Pa.

Harris, Miss F. S., Roxborough L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Harrison, J. L., ln. Forbes L., Northampton, Mass.

Harron, Mrs. Julia S., P. L., Cleveland, O.

Harrsen, Meta P., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Hartwell, Mary A., catlgr. Pub. Doc. Office, Washington, D. C.

Hastings, C. H., chief of card section L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Hatfield, Addie E., prin. and ln. State Normal Sch., Oneonta, N. Y.

Haupt, Lura P., br. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hawkins, Eleanor E., head catlgr. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Hawkins, Enid M., ln. Stevens Inst. of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.

Hawkins, Jean, instructor N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Hawkins, Mrs. W. M., Buffalo, N. Y.

Hawks, Emma B., asst. ln. Dept. of Agriculture L., Washington, D. C.

Hawley, Josephine, asst. ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Hayes, Edith P., P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Hayes, Ethel M., acting ln. Tufts Coll. L., Tufts College, Mass.

Haynes, Emily M., ln. Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, Mass.

*Haynes, Frances E., asst. ln. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., So. Hadley, Mass.

Haynes, Susan L., ln. Joshua Hyde P. L., Sturbridge, Mass.

Hazeltine, Mary E., preceptor Univ. of L. Sch., Madison, Wis.

Hedrick, Ellen A., catalog reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Heitkamp, Aline A., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hemans, Ida M., ln. N. Y. State Normal Sch. L., Geneseo, N. Y.

Hendrick, Ellen A., New Haven, Conn.

Hennessy, Edith M., Hotel Belmont, N. Y. City.

Herber, Elizabeth R., chief child. and bindery depts. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Herman, Mary L., sec'y Town Room, Boston, Mass.

Hewitt, L. E., ln. Law Assn. of Philadelphia, Pa.

Hicks, F. C., asst. ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Hicks, Mary L., asst. ln. P. L., Evansville, Ind.

Hiersemann, A., bookseller and publisher, KÖnigstr. 29, Leipzig, Germany.

Higgins, Alice G., child. ln. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

**Hill, Frank P., ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hill, Galen W., ln. Millicent L., Fairhaven, Mass.

Hill, Helen, ln. William Penn High Sch. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Hinsdale, Louise G., ln. F. P. L., East Orange, N. J.

Hiss, Sophie K., head catlgr. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hitchler, Theresa, supt. catalog dept. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hobart, Frances, ln. Bixby Mem. F. L., Vergennes, Vt.

Hodges, N. D. C., ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Hoff, Mary C., Stamford, Conn.

Hoff, Susan H., Stamford, Conn.

Holliday, Sara L., Lederle Laboratories, 39 W. 38th St., N. Y. City.

Holmes, Dagmar O., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Holmes, W. C., asst. tech. ln. Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Hopkins, Jessica, ln. P. L., Paducah, Ky.

Hopkins, Julia A., instructor Pratt Inst., Sch. of L. Science, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hopkins, Ruth G., child. ln. P. L. Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hopper, F. F., ln. P. L., Tacoma, Wash.

Horne, Lulu, ln. City L., Lincoln, Neb.

**Horton, Mabel P., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hosmer, Helen R., ln. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.

Hough, R. B., author and publisher, Lowville, N. Y.

*Howe, Harriet E., head catlgr. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Hubbard, Mrs. Georgia M., head Hist. R. and Binding, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Hubbell, Jane P., ln. P. L., Rockford, Ill.

Hughes, H. L., ln. F. P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Hulburd, Anna A., asst. Univ. of Ill. L., Urbana, Ill.

Hull, Fanny, br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hunt, Clara W., supt. child. dept. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hunt, Marietta L., asst. ln. L. Assn., Portland, Ore.

Huntting, H. R., bookseller, Springfield, Mass.

Huston, Caroline B., director of Haines Falls F. L., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Hutchenrider, Rose, 1st asst. Waco P. L., Waco, Tex.

Hutchinson, Mary D., br. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hutchinson, Susan A., ln. Museum L., Brooklyn Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hyde, Sara G., reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Ibbotson, J. D., Jr., ln. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Imhoff, Ono M., ln. National Progressive League, N. Y. City.

Ingalls, Florence L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Jameson, Mary E., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

*Jast, L. Stanley, honorary sec'y L. Assn. of Great Britain and ln. Croydon P. Libs., London, Eng.

Jeffers, LeRoy, asst. ln. and chief book order dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Jennings, J. T., ln. P. L., Seattle, Wash.

Jessup, Maud M., P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Joeckel, Carleton B., supt. circulation dept. Cal. Univ. L., Berkeley, Cal.

Johnson, Florence A., ln. Town Room, Boston, Mass.

Johnson, Josephine M., asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Johnson, Sally W., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

Johnston, R. H., ln. Bureau of Railway Economics L., Washington, D. C.

Johnston, W. Dawson, ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Johnstone, Ursula K., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Jones, E. Kathleen, ln. McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass.

Jones, Gardner M., ln. P. L., Salem, Mass.

Jones, Marion E., asst. Harlem Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Jones, Mary L., ln. Bryn Mawr Coll. L., Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Jones, Mildred K., asst. Utica P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Jordan, Alice M., custodian child. dept. P. L., Boston, Mass.

Josephson, A. G. S., catlgr. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Josselyn, L. W., ln. P. L., Jacksonville, Fla.

Kammerling, Edith, asst. in charge civics dept. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Keator, Alfred D., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Kelley, Grace, asst. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Kellogg, Mrs. R. C., trus. Richards L., Warrensburg, N. Y.

Kelso, Tessa L., Baker & Taylor Co., N. Y. City.

Kendall, Alice G., "Library Journal," N. Y. City.

Keogh, Andrew, ref. ln. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Kerr, W. H., ln. State Normal Sch. L., Emporia, Kan.

Kessel, Martha C., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Kiennicutt, Mrs., Worcester, Mass.

Kikelhan, R., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Kilbourne, F. W., editor of Publications, P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Kilbourne, Mrs. F. W., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Kimball, Florence B., catlgr. Sayles P. L., Pawtucket, R. I.

Kimball, W. C., chairman N. J. P. L. Com. and trus. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

Kimball, Mrs. W. C., Passaic, N. J.

King, Elizabeth McB., catlgr. legal dept. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., N. Y. City.

King, Ellen, br. ln. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Kingsbury, N. C., vice-pres. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., N. Y. City.

Kinney, Grace E., card section L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Klingelsmith, Mrs. Margaret C., ln. Biddle Law L., Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.

Knodel, Emma, ln. Guiteau P. L., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.

Knowles, Leah M., P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Koehl, Stephen, Tablet and Ticket Co., Woodhaven, L. I.

Kostomlatsky, Zulema, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Krause, Louise B., ln. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Krouse, Edna L., ln. F. P. L., Scottdale, Pa.

Lange, Alma G., child. ln. Withers P. L., Bloomington, Ill.

Lansing, Pauline D., order clerk P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Lapp, J. A., director Ind. Legislative Bu., Indianapolis, Ind.

Laskey, Julia, Washington, D. C.

Latham, Calhoun, ln. and supt. P. L. Bridgeport, Conn.

Latimer, Louise P., supervisor of work with Schs., P. L., Washington, D. C.

La Tourette, Alexandrine, ln. Carnegie P. L., Iron Mountain, Mich.

Lauder, E. Louise, asst. catlgr. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Leach, Howard S., asst. to ln. Princeton Univ. L., Princeton, N. J.

Lease, Evelyn S., ln. Kellogg-Hubbard L., Montpelier, Vt.

Leavitt, Miss M. V., charge ref. gifts P. L., N. Y. City.

Lee, G. W., ln. Stone & Webster, Boston, Mass.

Leeper, Rosa M., ln. P. L., Dallas, Tex.

Legler, Henry E., ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Legler, Mrs. Henry E., Chicago, Ill.

Lemcke, Ernst, pub. and bookseller, N. Y. City.

Leonard, Grace F., ln. Providence Athenaeum, Providence, R. I.

Leonard, Mary, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Leonard, Miriam L., 1st. asst. catlgr. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Lesch, R., Detroit Pub. Co., 15 W. 38th St., N. Y. City.

Lester, C. B., leg. ref. ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Lewinson, Leah, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Lewis, Cecilia, child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Lewis, W. P., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Libby, Marie C., Summit, N. J.

Lichtenstein, Walter, ln. Northwestern Univ. L., Evanston, Ill.

Lien, E. J., ln. State L., St. Paul, Minn.

Light, Matilda M., Dayton, O.

Lindgren, Elin, Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Lindholm, Marie F., asst. ln. P. Ser. Com. L., N. Y. City.

Linton, Gussie W., asst. ln., Johnstown, Pa.

Little, George T., ln. Bowdoin Coll. L., Brunswick, Me.

Lockwood, M. E., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Loring, Nano G., asst. ln. Coburn F. L., Owego, N. Y.

Lowenstein, Nina H., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

McAneny, George, pres. Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City.

McAlarney, Kathrine H., asst. child. dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

McCambridge, Maria M., br. ln., Youngstown, O.

McCarty, Harriet D., ln. P. L., Sewickley, Pa.

McClelland, A. F., Passaic, N. J.

McClelland, Maude, ln. Girls' High Sch., Passaic, N. J.

McCombs, Charles F., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

McCormick, Ada M., indus. and civics dept. P. L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

McDonagh, M. P., trus. P. L., London, Ont.

MacDonell, Mrs. A. F., ln. P. L., Bay City, Mich.

McDonell, Mrs., Bay City, Mich.

McGuiness, C. L., N. Y. City.

McKibben, Mrs. Florence, ln. P. L., Mt. Pleasant, Ia.

McKnight, Elizabeth B., ln. Barringer High Sch. Br. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

McNeil, Laila A., catlgr. P. L., Brookline, Mass.

McVety, Margaret A., chief of Lending Dept. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Madden, J. H., ln. American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn.

Malone, Marcella, br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., N. Y. City.

Maltby, Mrs. Adelaide B., br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

*Mann, B. Pickman, bibliographer, Washington, D. C.

*Mann, Mrs. B. P., Washington, D. C.

Mann, Laura, ln. Central High Sch. L., Washington, D. C.

Marion, G. E., ln. Arthur D. Little, Inc., L., Boston, Mass.

Markowitz, Augusta, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Martel, Charles, chief catalog div. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Martin, Lena, ln. P. L., Gadsden, Ala.

Martwick, Mr., mgr. Tablet & Ticket Co., N. Y. City.

Marx, H. F., ln. P. L., Easton, Pa.

Massee, May, editor A. L. A. Booklist, Chicago, Ill.

Massey, Orpha Z., ln. Retail Credit Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Masters, Lydia W., asst. F. P. L., Watertown, Mass.

Masterson, F. Adele, ln. L. and Hist. Soc., Goshen, N. Y.

Matthews, Etta L., ln. Jacob Tome Inst. L., Port Deposit, Md.

Matthews, Harriet L., ln. P. L., Lynn, Mass.

Matthews, Nan, ward principal, Chestertown, Md.

Maurice, Nathalie A., ln. Madison Square Church House L., N. Y. City.

Mayo, Lillian L., 1st asst. South Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Medlicott, Mary, ref. ln. City L., Springfield, Mass.

Mendlowitch, Pauline, filer P. L., N. Y. City.

Merrill, Julia W., chief br. ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Mettee, A. H., ln. L. Co. of Baltimore Bar, Baltimore, Md.

Milam, C. H., sec'y and state organizer P. L. Com. of Ind., Indianapolis, Ind.

Miller, Clara, ln. McClymonds P. L., Massillon, O.

Miller, Louise V., ln. F. L., Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.

Miller, Ruth T., child ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Miller, Mrs. Warwick, br. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Mix, Faith, asst. Br. Dept. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Monrad, Anna M., reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Montgomery, Thomas L., ln. State L., Harrisburg, Pa.

Montgomery, Mrs. T. L., Harrisburg, Pa.

Moore, Annie C., supervisor Child. Rooms, P. L., N. Y. City.

Morgan, Margaret, br. ln. P. L., Providence, R. I.

Morley, Linda H., br. ln. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

**Morris, Louise R., F. P. L., Summit, N. J.

Morrison, Bird, br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Morrow, J. F., Chicago, Ill.

Morse, Anna L., ln. Reuben McMillan F. L., Youngstown, O.

Morton, F. N., ln. United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Morton, Mary E., catlgr. P. L., London, Ont.

*Moulton, J. G., ln. P. L., Haverhill, Mass.

Mudge, Isadore G., ref. ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Mueser, Emilie, N. Y. City.

Mulford, Anna, trus. John Jermain L., Sag Harbor, N. Y.

*Munroe, E., Cambridge, Mass.

Murray, Margaret E., ln. Filene Ref. L., Boston, Mass.

Muzzy, A. Florence, asst. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Myers, Frances E., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Nason, Sabra L., acting ln. P. L., Waterloo, Ia.

Nelson, Peter, asst. archivist, State L., Albany, N. Y.

Newberry, Marie A., ref. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Newhard, Mabel, ln. P. L., Virginia, Minn.

Newman, Frances, stud. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Newman, Magdalen R., catlgr. Nat'l Museum L., Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C.

Nissley, Mabel H., Leg. Ref. Bu., Harrisburg, Pa.

Nodek, Mathilda S., ln. Hebrew Inst. Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Nolan, Dr. E. J., ln. Academy of Nat. Sci. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Norman, Carl, mgr. Albert Bonnier's Pub. House, N. Y. City.

Norris, Loraine, br. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Norton, Dorothea G., child ln. P. L., Yonkers, N. Y.

Noyes, Charlotte G., ln. General Electric Co. L., Schenectady, N. Y.

Nunns, Annie A., sec'y to supt. State Hist. Soc., Madison, Wis.

O'Connor, Alice K., stud. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

*Ogden, E. Jane, asst. Art Dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Oko, A. S., ln. Hebrew Union Coll. L., Cincinnati, O.

Olcott, A. V. S., 38 W. 39th St., N. Y. City.

Oliphant, C. J., Longmans Green & Co., N. Y. City.

*Osborn, L. P., ln. Peabody Inst. L., Peabody, Mass.

*Osborn, Mrs. L. P., ln. Peabody Hist. Soc., Peabody, Mass.

Otter, Alice, Wayne, Pa.

Overton, Clara S., asst. child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Overton, Florence, ln. Yorkville Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Overton, Miss J. M., child. ln. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Page, Benjamin, Meriden, Conn.

Palmer, Mary B., ln. Carnegie L., Charlotte, N. C.

Palmer, Maud, Wareham, Mass.

Paltsits, V. H., chrm. P. Archives Com. of Am. Hist. Assn., N. Y. City.

Parker, Glen, Baker & Taylor Co., N. Y. City.

Parker, John, ln. Peabody Inst., Baltimore, Md.

Parsons, Mary P., N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Partch, Isa L., br. ln. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Patterson, Edith, ln. P. L., Bloomsburg, Pa.

Peacock, J. L., ln. Memorial & P. L., Westerly, R. I.

Pearson, Edmund L., "The Librarian," Boston Transcript, Newburyport, Mass.

Pearson, Mary K., child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Pendry, Eliza R., child. ln. Hiram Kelly Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Peoples, W. T., ln. Mercantile L., N. Y. City.

Peoples, Mrs. W. T., N. Y. City.

Perry, Everett R., ln. P. L., Los Angeles, Cal.

Perry, Mrs. E. R., Los Angeles, Cal.

**Peters, Mary G., ln. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Peterson, M. Leona, ln. P. Sch. L., Kane, Pa.

Phelan, J. F., chief of Branches, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Phelps, Anna R., L. organizer N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Phelps, Edith A., ln. Carnegie L., Oklahoma City, Okla.

Phillips, Mary E., ex-ln., Oneonta, N. Y.

Pidgeon, Marie K., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Pierce, Frances M., ln. Fletcher Mem. L., Ludlow, Vt.

Pinneo, Dotha S., ln. P. L., Norwalk, Conn.

Plummer, Mary W., prin. L. Sch., P. L., N. Y. City.

Poole, F. O., ln. Assoc. of the Bar L., N. Y. City.

Porter, W. T., trus. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Power, Effie L., supervisor child. work, P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Powers, W. H., ln. So. Dak. Agric. Coll. L., Brookings, S. D.

Pratt, Anne S., catlgr. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Pratt, Edna B., organizer N. J. P. L. Com., Trenton, N. J.

Preston, Nina K., ln. Hall-Fowler Mem. L., Ionia, Mich.

Prevost, Marie L., asst. ln. F. P. L., Elizabeth, N. J.

Price, F. H., asst. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Prince, H. C., ln. State L., Augusta, Me.

Pritchard, Martha C, organizer., Scarsdale, N. Y.

Proudfoot, Helen, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Prouty, Louise, ln. Lorain Br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Pugsley, Maud M., br. ln. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Putman, Herbert, ln. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Radford, Mary R., ln. F. P. L., Muskogee, Okla.

Ranck, S. H., ln. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Randel, Mrs. H. H., Tablet & Ticket Co., N. Y. City.

Raney, M. L., ln. Johns Hopkins Univ. L., Baltimore, Md.

Rankin, G. W., ln. P. L., Fall River, Mass.

Rathbone, Josephine A., vice-dir. Sch. of L. Sci., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Rawson, Fannie C., sec'y Ky. L. Com., Frankfort, Ky.

Ray, Frances K., Medical ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Redstone, E. N., Boston, Mass.

Reed, Amy L., ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Reeves, Frances E., Schenectady, N. Y.

Reich, Pauline, 1st asst. Br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Reid, Adelia, asst. ln. State L., Lansing, Mich.

Reinick, W. R., chief P. Doc. Dept., F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Reque, Anna C., classifier, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Reynolds, Margaret, ln. Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis.

Rhoades, Rachel, ref. ln. P. L., Superior, Wis.

Rhodes, Isabella K., asst. Ref. Dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Rice, P. N., asst. ref. ln. Ohio State Univ. L., Columbus, O.

Richards, Miss C., trus. Richards L., Warrensburgh, N. Y.

Richardson, E. C., ln. Princeton Univ. L., Princeton, N. J.

Richardson, Margaret, Waterloo, Ia.

Robbins, Mary E., ln. & chrm. L. faculty, Simmons Coll. L., Boston, Mass.

Roberts, Effie I., asst. ln. Carnegie L., Wabash, Ind.

Roberts, Mary H., asst. ref. ln. State L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Robinson, Helen F., dean's sec'y and head of R. R. Harvard Divinity Sch., Cambridge, Mass.

Robinson, Julia A., supervising ln. State Institutions of Ia., Des Moines, Ia.

Robinson, Rev. L. M., ln. Phila. Divinity Sch., Philadelphia, Pa.

**Robinson, Sylvia, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Rockwell, Anna G., ln. New Britain Inst., New Britain, Conn.

Roden, C. B., asst. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Rogers, Katharine B., head catlgr. F. P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Rogers, Mary E., New Britain, Conn.

Rolland, Anna P., ln. P. L., Dedham, Mass.

Root, Mrs. Mary E. S., child. ln. P. L., Providence, R. I.

Roper, Eleanor, br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., Flushing, N. Y.

Rosenthal, Herman, in charge Slavonic Div., P. L., N. Y. City.

Rowell, W. C., Eastern rep. H. W. Wilson Co., N. Y. City.

Royall, Rebecca, ln. Carnegie L., Cleburne, Tex.

Ruckteshler, N. Louise, ln. Guernsey Mem. L. & Follett Mem. Supreme Ct. Law L., Norwich, N. Y.

Rupp, Alice, N. Y. City.

Rush, C. E., ln. F. P. L., St. Joseph, Mo.

Rush, Mrs. C. E., St. Joseph, Mo.

Russell, Florence, ref. ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

Ryan, M. Lillian, asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Sackett, Josephine T., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sanborn, H. N., ln. Univ. Club, Chicago, Ill.

Sanborn, W. F., ln. P. L., Cadillac, Mich.

Sanborn, Mrs. W. F., Cadillac, Mich.

Sanderson, Edna M., registrar N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sargent, Abby L., ln. P. L., Medford, Mass.

Savage, Etta V., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sawyer, Mrs. Harriet P., chief Instruc. Dept. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Saxe, Mary P., ln. Westmount L., Montreal, Can.

Schaanning, Maja, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Schenk, F. W., law ln. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.

Schenk, Mrs. F. W., Chicago, Ill.

Scholefield, E. O. S., ln. Provincial L., Victoria, B. C.

Schooley, Altie, br. asst. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

Schwab, J. C., ln. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Sears, Minnie E., head catlgr., Minnesota Univ. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Secombe, Annabell C., ln. F. L., Milford, N. H.

See, Alice, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Settle, George T., ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Settle, Mrs. George T., Louisville, Ky.

Severance, H. O., ln. Univ. of Mo. L., Columbia, Mo.

Sewall, W. F., ln. P. L., Toledo, O.

Sewall, Mrs. W. F., Toledo, O.

Seward, W. F., ln. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Shaver, Mary M., classifier & catlgr. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Shearer, A. H., Newberry L., Chicago, Ill.

Shelly, Adah, ln. P. L., Sault St. Marie, Mich.

Sherwood, Grace, dir. Legis. Ref. Bu., State L., Providence, R. I.

Shivers, Anne O., ln. F. P. L., Perth Amboy, N. J.

Shoemaker, Katharine H., ln. Stephens Mem. L. of Manaynuk, Philadelphia, Pa.

Sibley, Jessie G., child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Sibley, Mrs. Mary J., acting ln. Syracuse Univ. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

Simpson, Frances, asst. dir. L. Sch., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

Slomann, P. F. V., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Small, A. J., law ln. Iowa State L., Des Moines, Ia.

Smith, Bessie Sargeant, supervisor Smaller Branches P. L., Cleveland, O.

Smith, Elizabeth, inst. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Smith, Elizabeth M., head Order Div. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Smith, Ellen G., ln. F. P. L., Walla Walla, Wash.

Smith, Faith E., dir. Training Class, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Smith, Florence S., br. ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Smith, Irene, asst. Open Shelf Room, P. L., Denver, Colo.

Smith, Laura, chief Catalog & Ref. Depts., P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Smith, Mary A., ln. P. L., La Crosse, Wis.

Smith, Mary A., ln. F. L., Madison, Wis.

Smith, Miriam G., New Rochelle, N. Y.

Sneed, Mrs. Percival, princ. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Snyder, Mary B., br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., L. I. City, N. Y.

Sornborger, Harriet B., ln. Bancroft Mem. L., Hopedale, Mass.

Spaulding, F. B., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Speck, Mrs. Laura, asst. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Sperry, Earl E., ln. & dir. L. Sch., Syracuse Univ. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

Spofford, Edith C., 340 W. 85th St., N. Y. City.

Spofford, Mrs. Edith F., ln. Bu. of Mines L., Washington, D. C.

Spofford, Mrs. Lucinda F., br. ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Stearns, Lutie E., chief Trav. L. Dept., Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Stebbins, H. L., asst. ln. Assoc. of the Bar L., N. Y. City.

Stebbins, Mary F., child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Stechert, F. C., pres. F. C. Stechert Co., Inc., booksellers, N. Y. City.

Stechert, Mrs. F. C., N. Y. City.

Steele, Edith McH., 1st. asst. Silas Bronson L., Waterbury, Conn.

Steele, Elizabeth K., ln. F. P. L., Lorain, O.

Steele, Ruby E., ln. P. L., Ansonia, Conn.

Steiner, Bernard C., ln. Enoch Pratt F. L., Baltimore, Md.

Stetson, Willis K., ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

Stevens, Edward F., ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., & dir. Sch. of L. Sci., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Stevens, Mrs. E. F., Brooklyn, N. Y.

*Stevenson, Luella M., 1st. asst. Carnegie F. L., Braddock, Pa.

Stewart, Edna S., Williamsport, Pa.

Stewart, Rose G., chief catlgr. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Stollberg, Luella E., child. ln. P. L., Toledo, O.

Stonehouse, M. E., asst. L., Y. M. A., Central L., Albany, N. Y.

Strohm, Adam, ln. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Strong, George F., ln. Adelbert Coll. L., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O.

Strong, Mason, 7 Wall St., N. Y. City.

Studwell, Florence, N. Y. City.

Sturgis, Sarah L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Subers, Helen D., L. organizer, Ashbourne, Pa.

Suter, Martha W., asst. in Book Selection & Annotation, N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Sutherland, Miss, Westmount L., Montreal, Can.

Sutherland, Elizabeth M., Internat. Joint Com., Ottawa, Canada.

Sutliff, Mary L., instr. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Swartout, Jessamine E., ln. Heermance Mem. L., Coxsackie, N. Y.

Tarr, Anna M., ln. F. P. L., Clinton, Ia.

Taylor, Grace A., sr. asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Taylor, W. B. A., chief Ref. Accessions Div., P. L., N. Y. City.

Taylor, Mrs. W. B. A., N. Y. City.

Templeton, Charlotte, sec'y Neb. P. L. Com., Lincoln, Neb.

Thain, Mabel A., ln. P. L., Oak Park, Ill.

Thayer, Maude, ln. State L., Springfield, Ill.

Thompson, Dorothy H., asst. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thompson, Grace, asst. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Thompson, Laura E., supt. of Branches P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thompson, Mary, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thomson, John, ln. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Thornton, Ella M., State L., Atlanta, Ga.

**Thwaites, R. G., supt. Wis. State His. Soc., Madison, Wis.

**Thwaites, Mrs. R. G., Madison, Wis.

Tiefenthaler, Leo, ln. Municipal Ref. Br., P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Tilton, Edward L., architect, N. Y. City.

Tobias, Ella F., asst. in charge Engineering L. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Tobitt, Edith, ln. P. L., Omaha, Neb.

Todd, Mary E., head of Periodical Dept., P. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

*Tolman, Mary M., Manchester, N. H.

Townsend, Eliza E., supt. of Br. Work, P. L., Spokane, Wash.

Townsend, Ruth H., br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., Far Rockaway, N. Y.

Towsley, Lena G., asst. child. ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Travers, Rebecca B., child. room, 58th St. Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Tripp, Geo. H., ln. P. L., New Bedford, Mass.

Tripp, Mrs. G. H., New Bedford, Mass.

Turvill, Helen, instr. Univ. of Wis. L. Sch., Madison, Wis.

Underhill, Adelaide, assoc. ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Underhill, Caroline M., ln. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Underhill, Ethel P., child. ln. F. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Utley, George B., sec'y American Library Assoc., Chicago, Ill.

Utley, Mrs. George B., Chicago, Ill.

Utterwick, Katharine A., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Vail, Alice I., stud. L. Sch. Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Vaile, Lucretia, stud. N. Y. S. L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Valentine, Amy, 1st. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Van Valkenburgh, Agnes, inst. L. Sch. P. L., N. Y. City.

Vasbinder, Lida C., Leg. Ref. Sec., State L., Albany, N. Y.

Voge, A. L., 1st asst. Card Sec. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Von Hohoff, Mrs. A. W., ln. Munic. Ref. L., N. Y. City.

Vrooman, Mrs. Kate B., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wadlin, Horace G., ln. P. L., Boston, Mass.

Wait, Marie F., ln. Peddie Inst., Hightstown, N. J.

Wait, Maud A., 1st. asst. Central Circ. Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Wales, Elizabeth B., sec'y Mo. L. Com., Jefferson City, Mo.

Walker, Catherine, stud. Carnegie L. Train. Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Walkley, R. L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Walter, Frank K., vice-dir. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Walton, Miss G. M., ln. State Nor. Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich.

Wandell, Caroline, instr. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Ward, Helen M., supt. of circulation, P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Ward, Ruth L., sr. asst. Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Warner, Cassandra, ref. ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Warner, Philip W., bookseller, Leary, Stuart & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Warren, Althea H., ln. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Waters, Alice G., ln. Essex Inst., Salem, Mass.

Waters, Caroline E., ln. College for Women, Cleveland, O.

Watson, W. R., chief Div. of Educ. Extension, N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Webb, K. Louise, asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Webb, Nelle F., catlgr. Withers P. L., Bloomington, Ill.

Weber, Mrs. Jessie P., ln. Ill. State Hist. Soc., Springfield, Ill.

Weitenkampf, Frank, chief Art Dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Wellman, H. C., ln. City L., Springfield, Mass.

Wells, Marion H., child. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wetzell, Bertha S., catlgr. L. Co. of Phila., Philadelphia, Pa.

Wheeler, H. L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Wheelock, Mary E., chief Binding Dept. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Whipple, Nellie M., asst. ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Whitaker, Amelia, stud. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Whitcomb, Adah F., ln. Hiram Kelley Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

White, Ella, child. ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

White, Gertrude F., child. ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

White, H. Elizabeth, ln. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

White, Mabel G., 1st. asst. br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Whiteman, Edna A., supervisor Story Telling, Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Whitmore, Frank H., ln. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Whitney, Esther, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Whittemore, Gertrude, ln. Narragansett L. Assoc., Peace Dale, R. I.

Whittemore, Grace M. (Mrs. Everard), ln. P. L., Hudson, Mass.

Wigley, Laura M., asst. Queens Borough P. L., L. I. City, N. Y.

Wilcox, B. C., 317 E. 18th St., N. Y. City.

Wilken, Harriet E., ln. F. L., Fayetteville, N. Y.

Willets, Lora A., asst. Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Williams, Carrie L., asst. F. L., Newton, Mass.

Williams, Jennie C., instr. Margaret Morrison Carnegie Sch., C. I. T., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Williams, Ora, asst. L. organizer P. L. Com., Indianapolis, Ind.

Williams, Sophie, asst. catlgr. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Williamson, Susan M., Elizabeth, N. J.

Willigerod, Alice, ln. P. L., Hazelton, Pa.

Willigerod, Mrs. Oscar, East Orange, N. J.

Wilsey, Della M., Pomona, Cal.

Wilson, H. G., sec'y P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Wilson, Mrs. H. G., Chicago, Ill.

*Wilson, H. W., pres. H. W. Wilson Co., publishers, Minneapolis, Minn.

*Wilson, Mrs. H. W., Minneapolis, Minn.

Wilson, Margaret S., asst. ln. Norwalk L., Norwalk, Conn.

Wilson, Martha, state supervisor of Sch. Lbs., St. Paul, Minn.

Wilson, Mrs. R. H., bookseller, N. Y. City.

Wing, C. F., New Bedford, Mass.

Wing, Mrs. C. F., New Bedford, Mass.

Winnett, W. H., trus. P. L., London, Ont.

Wire, Dr. G. E., deputy ln. Worcester Co. Law L. & dir. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Wolcott, J. D., ln. Bu. of Educ., Washington, D. C.

Wolter, Peter, mgr. L. Dept., A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Wood, Frances E., sr. asst. P. L. Br., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wood, Grace I., 1st. asst. Carnegie L., Cleburne, Tex.

Wood, Mary W., ln. Blackstone Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Woodard, Gertrude E., Law L. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Woodcock, Mabel E., purchase asst. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Wooding, C. L., ln. F. P. L., Bristol, Conn.

Wooding, Mrs. C. L., Bristol, Conn.

Woodruff, Eleanor B., ref. ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wootten, Katharine H., ln. and dir. L. Train. Sch. Carnegie L., Atlanta, Ga.

Wright, C. E., ln. Carnegie F. L., Duquesne, Pa.

Wright, Ethel C., Cleveland, O.

Wright, Purd B., ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Wright, Rebecca W., sec'y Bd. of L. Com., State House, Montpelier, Vt.

Wright, Ruth M., ln. State Nor. Sch., Tempe, Ariz.

Wyche, Benjamin, N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Wyer, James I., Jr., dir. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Wyer, Mrs. J. I., Jr., Albany, N. Y.

Wyer, William, Albany, N. Y.

Wynkoop, Asa, inspector P. Lib's, State L., Albany, N. Y.

Young, Gladys, stud. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Young, Mrs. Olive P., John Jermain L., Sag Harbor, N. Y.

Yust, William F., ln. P. L., Rochester, N. Y.

Zachert, Adeline B., direc. of child. work, P. L., Rochester, N. Y.


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