- Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.
- Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant form was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.
- Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.
- Mid-paragraph illustrations have been moved between paragraphs and some illustrations have been moved closer to the text that references them. The List of Illustrations pagination was changed accordingly.
- Footnotes were moved to the end of chapters.
- Errors uncorrected:
- p. xi: "... inspired poem on next page,...." (on [the] next page.)
- p. 70: "... and lived together ever after his marriage...." ([for]ever.)
- p. 86: "Mount Regnier, Christians have dubbed it...." (Mount [Rainier],)
- p.168: Quiemuth and 177: Queimuth.
- p. 202: "... the origin of this name with be a mystery." ([will] be a mystery)
- p. 299: "The wagon weighed 1,430 pounds, is a wooden axle...." ([has] a wooden axle)