THE KLONDIKE VENTURE. After the failure of the hop business, I undertook a venture to the mines of the north. This resulted in a real live adventure of exciting experience. I had lived in the old Oregon country forty-four years and had never seen a mine. Mining had no attraction for me, any more than corner lots in new, embryo cities. I did not understand the value of either, and left both severely alone. But when my accumulations had all been swallowed up, the land I had previously owned gone into other hands, and, in fact, my occupation gone, I concluded to take a chance in a mining country; matters could not well be much worse, and probably could be made better, and so in the spring of 1898 I made my first trip over the Chilcoot Pass, and then down the Yukon River to Dawson in a flatboat, and ran the famous White Horse Rapids with my load of vegetables for the Klondike miners. One may read of the Chilcoot Pass the most graphic descriptions written, and yet when he is up against the experience of crossing, he will find the difficulties more formidable than his wildest fancy or expectation had pictured. I started in with fifteen tons of freight, and got through with nine. On one stretch of 2,000 feet I paid forty dollars a ton freight, and I knew of others paying Frequently every step would be full, while crowds jostled each other at the foot of the ascent to get into the single file, each man carrying from one hundred (it was said) to two hundred pounds pack on his back. Nevertheless, after all sorts of experiences, I arrived in Dawson, with nine tons of my outfit, sold my fresh potatoes at $36.00 a bushel and other things in like proportionate prices and in two weeks started up the river, homeward bound, with two hundred ounces of Klondike gold in my belt. But four round trips in two years satisfied me that I did not want any more of like experience. Then was when my mind would run on this last venture, the monument expedition, while writing the Reminiscences, As I have said, the trips to the Klondike became real adventures. Fortunately detained for a couple of days, I escaped the avalanche that buried fifty-two people in the snow, and passed by the morgue the second day after the catastrophe on my way to the summit, and doubtless over the bodies of many unknown dead, imbedded so deeply in the snow that it was utterly impossible to recover them. The Klondike Team. I received a good ducking in my first passage through the White Horse Rapids, and vowed I would not go through there again, but I did, the very next trip that same year, and came out of it dry; then when going down the thirty-mile THE DREAM OF THE STAR. [A song of the Oregon Trail. Dedicated to Ezra Meeker, Pioneer.] I A song for the men who blazed the way! With hearts that would not quail; They made brave quest of the wild Northwest, They cut the Oregon trail. Back of them beckoned their kith and kin And all that they held their own; Front of them spread the wilderness dread, And ever the vast unknown. But ever they kept their forward course! And never they thought to lag, For over them flew the Red, White and Blue And the dream of a star for the flag! II A cheer for the men who cut the trail! With souls as firm as steel And fiery as wrath they hewed the path For the coming Commonweal. And close on the heels of the pioneers The eager throng closed in And followed the road to a far abode. An Empire new to win. And so they wrought at the end of the trail, As ever must brave men do, Till out of the dark there gleamed a spark, And the dream of the star came true. III A toast to the men who made the road! And a health to the men who dwell In the great new land by the heroes planned, Who have builded it wide and well! The temple stands where the pine tree stood, And dim is the ancient trail, But many and wide are the roads that guide And staunch are the ships that sail! For the land is a grand and goodly land, And its fruitful fields are tilled By the sons who see on the flag of the free The dream of the star fulfilled! ROBERTUS LOVE. FOOTNOTE:The Oregon Trail Monument Expedition. |