Nine stitches to a pattern. For the centre of a shawl I have done it in white, with a deep shaded border in feather stitch, in German wool, and the effect is extremely good. First row:—Seam 2, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 3, knit 2 together, make 1, and repeat. Second row:—Seam 7, and knit 2 alternately. Third row:—Seam 2, knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 1, and repeat. Fourth row:—Seam 7, and knit 2 alternately. Fifth row:—Seam 2, knit 2, make 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over, make 1, knit 2, and repeat. Sixth row:—Knit 2, and seam 7 alternately. |