Honeycomb Cuffs.


No. 12 pins. Cast on 68 stitches, slip a stitch with the wool forward, knit 2 together, bring the wool forward, slip 1, knit 2 together, bring the wool forward, slip 1, knit 2 together, bring the wool forward, slip 1, knit 2 together.

Continue in this manner with white wool till 22 rows are done.

Join the coloured wool and knit 2 rows.

Third row:—Slip the second stitch over the first and knit it, knit the first, slip the fourth stitch over the third and knit it, knit the third; continue in this manner till the row is completed.

Knit a plain row.

Repeat the open row, with a plain row between each, till 6 open rows are done; then repeat the 22 rows of the close knitting, as at first, and cast off.



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