Pins No. 14. Cast on 119 stitches, knit 2 plain rows with the coloured wool, join the white, and knit 2 plain rows. Next row:—Make a stitch, seam 2 stitches together, make a stitch, seam 2 together, and so on; knit another plain row of white, knit 2 plain rows of coloured, then join the white. This finishes the border round the top of the cap. First row:—Knit 4 plain stitches, make a stitch, knit 3 stitches together, make a stitch, knit 4 plain stitches, make a stitch, knit 3 stitches together, make a stitch, knit 4 plain stitches, and so on to the end of the row. Second row:—Seamed. Third row:—Knit the same as the first, and continue with these 2 rows alternately for 10 rows, then slip off 28 stitches on to another needle, then knit the remaining stitches backwards and forwards for 16 rows, increasing 1 stitch at the beginning of each of the last 8 rows, join the coloured wool and knit 2 plain rows, then 2 rows of white. Next row:—Make a stitch, seam 2 together, make a stitch, seam 2 together, and so on; knit 1 plain row of white, then take up the 28 stitches at the back, and the stitches on each side, knit 2 plain rows of coloured all round, and cast off the stitches. Then run a ribbon, of the same colour as the wool, through the holes of the border round the back and front of the cap. |