For a Knitted Penwiper.


To be knit in 3 colours of German wool. No. 17 pins.

Cast on 20 stitches, bring the wool forward, slip 1 the reverse way, knit 2 together, bring the wool forward, slip 1 the reverse way, knit 2 together. Continue this to within 2 of the end, which knit plain.

Second row:—Knit 2, bring the wool forward, slip 1, knit 2 together. Continue this to within 3 of the end, which leave on the other pin, and return, doing the same pattern to the 2 at the end of the row, when the wool is to be twisted twice round the pin, and the 2 stitches knit together.

Fourth row:—Make a stitch, knit 1, seam 1, knit 1. Commence the pattern again, and continue it to within 6 of the end, which, as before, are to be left on the other needle. Return with the same pattern to within 4 of the other end, which are to be knit plain.

Sixth row:—Knit 4, knit the pattern to within 6 of the end. Return, as before, to within 4 of the edge, bring the wool twice round the needle, knit 2 together. Repeat this.

Eighth row:—Knit 1, seam 1, knit 2, seam 1, knit 1, knit the pattern to within 9 of the end. Return, as before, and knit the edge plain.

Tenth row:—Knit 6 plain, knit the pattern to within 12 of the end. Return to the edge, and bring the wool twice round the pin, and knit 2 together. Repeat this twice more.

Twelfth row:—Knit 1, seam 1, knit 2, seam 1, knit 2, seam 1, knit 1, bring the wool forward, slip 1, knit 2 together. Return and repeat this. Knit the edge plain. Cast off 8 stitches, leaving 2 for the edge as at the commencement. Knit the pattern to the end of the row.

One quarter is now finished.

Commence the next, the same as before, with another colour.

Four quarters of each colour make the round.

When finished, sew the two sides together, and make it up with a button in the centre.


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