The British Museum Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, by Freeman O’Donoghue, F.S.A. (Lond. 1910, vol. ii, p. 459), gives a list of the Engraved Portraits of William Harvey, which has been enlarged by Mr. Sidney H. Badcock, who has made a special study of the Harvey Engravings. 1. | H.L. to R. in gown; oval frame with ornaments. Plate to Birch’s heads. Pub. Knapton, 1739, from the picture ‘in the collection of Dr. Mead’. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, J. Houbraken. | | Line, 14? x 8¾ in. | | One proof with artist’s name only; two lettered impressions. In the first edition the portrait has a very narrow margin. A few copies were published in parts with a wider margin. The plate was also published as a proof before letters, a proof with letters and a wide margin, and it was issued in both states on India paper. It was re-cut for the fourth edition of Birch published in 1813 with a margin of 2-2½ inches. | 2. | A copy of the last with the ornaments; reversed and a square frame added to enclose the whole picture. Pub. G. Kearsly, 1777. From the Copper-plate Magazine. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, T. Cook. | | Line, 5? x 4? in. | 3. | Another copy with the ornaments; reversed. Plate to Universal Magazine. Pub. J. Hinton. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, Anon. | | Line, 6¼ x 4 in. | 4. | Another copy to L., nearly full face; in Doctor’s gown and collar with the strings tied: in an oval frame resting on a pedestal lettered ‘William Harvey M.D.’ | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, T. Cook. | | Line, 5½ x 3? in. | 5. | Another copy, bust only to R.; oval, at head of an account of him. Plate to Biographical Magazine. Pub. Harrison & Co., 1795. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, P. Audinet. | | Line, 1? x 1½ in. | 6. | Another copy, bust only to L.; without background; four Latin lines below. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, Anon. | | Line. | 7. | Nearly W.L. to R. seated, in gown, hat in r. hand. From the picture at the College of Physicians of London. Frontispiece to his Opera Omnia, 1766. Corn. Jonson, pinxt. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, J. Hall. | | Line, 7? x 6? in. | 8. | Similar to the last but reversed. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, Anon. | | Line, 9¾ x 7 in. | 9. | Similar to the last; H.L. only to L.; oval frame. Unfinished plate as left at McArdell’s death. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, J. McArdell. | | Mezz., 11 x 9 in. | 10. | Similar to the last; H.L. to L. Collar, with tassels tied, and doctor’s gown. Pub. Laurie and Whittle, 1794. Van Dyck, pinxt. | | This appears to be the re-worked plate from which No. 9 was printed with the incorrect attribution to Van Dyck. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, J. McArdell. | | Mezz. 13 x 9 in. | 11. | Similar to last but to R. Proof before any inscription. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, (?). | | Mezz. 3? x 2½ in. | 12. | Similar, head only, R. Vignette 1878. Proof before any inscription. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, C. H. Jeens. | 13. | H.L. to L. in skull-cap. From picture belonging to the Royal Society. Plate in C. Knight’s Portrait Gallery, 1833. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, E. Scriven. | | Stipple, 5 x 4½ in. | | Also published by Wm. S. Orr, London. | 14. | Sculptured bust on pedestal to R. Frontispiece to English translation of his De Generatione Animalium, 1653 (Fagan, p. 41). | | Engraver, W. Faithorne. | | Line, 5 x 3¼ in. | 15. | Copy from the last. Circular medallion on pedestal supported by two allegorical figures with the title ‘Dr. Harvey’ and ‘page 553’ in top right-hand corner. (Reproduced as Plate XIII, p. 30.) | | Line, 6¾ x 4½ in. | 16. | Nearly W.L. to L., seated in an arm-chair, in gown, hat in right hand, with title ‘Gulielmus Harveius Doct. Professor regius Exercitationum Anatomicarum de Motu Cordis et sanguinis circulatione celeberrimus Auctor’. From the picture now in the National Portrait Gallery. | | Engraver, (W. Hollar (?)) or more probably by Gaywood. | | Etching, 7? x 6 in. | 17. | H.L. to L. in broad collar and skull-cap. Pub. J. W. Parker. | | Engraver, C. G. Lewis. | | Etching, 5¼ x 4? in. | 18. | W.L. to R., standing, holding tablet; vignette. Pub. 1815. (Fanciful.) | | Painter, G. B. Cipriani. | 19. | Copy of No. 12. Sculptured bust on pedestal to R. Frontispiece to William Harvey, by R. Willis, M.D., 1878. | | Photogravure, Goupil & Cie. | 20. | Similar to No. 10. Head only, to R. Frontispiece to Lives of Physicians, 1830. | | Painter, C. Janssen. Engraver, W. C. Edwards. | | Stipple, 3½ x 2? in. | 21. | H.L. to L., nearly full face, in doctor’s gown, with white collar and tassels. Lettered ‘William Harvey M.D.’ Pub. Arch. Fullerton & Co., Glasgow. Pub. in Cunningham’s Lives of Eminent Englishmen, 1835, and again in 1836. | | Engraver, S. Freeman. | | Line, 7 x 5 in. | 22. | Bust in an oval, to R. Doctor’s gown and collar with tassels and strings tied. Pub. Ed. Harding, 1801. | | Sc. Harding. | | Stipple, 10½ x 8½ in. | 23. | Vignette. Bust similar to No. 5, L. Pub. in Physiognomical Portraits. | | Painter, Bemmel. Holl., sculpt. | | Stipple, 2½ x 1¾ in. | 24. | Bust, R. Square collar and buttoned surtout. Lettered ‘Guillaume Harvey’. Painter, Vigneron. Engraver, Engelman. | | Litho. 11 x 8¼ in. | 25. | Bust, inscribed ‘William Harvey M.D.’ between two columns. It forms the upper half of the certificate given to pupils attending the Anatomical and Chirurgical lectures of Dr. William Hunter. The plate seems to have come into the possession afterwards of George Fordyce, M.D. (1736-1802), who used it for a similar purpose. | | Line, 11¼ x 8 in. | 26. | Nearly W.L. to L., seated, in gown, hat in left hand. From picture at Royal College of Physicians. Pub. in Pettigrew’s Portrait Gallery, 1840. It was also published separately in proof and as a proof before letters. | | Painter, C. Jansons (sic). Engraver, J. Thomson. | | Printed by McQueen. | | Steel engraving, 3½ x 3¾ in. | | Janssen’s picture reversed. | 27. | Reduced copy of No. 8. Frontispiece to William Harvey, by D’Arcy Power, 1897. | | Painter, Cornelius Jonson (sic). Engraver, Hall. | | Photo-sc., 3 x 3¼ in. | 28. | Three-quarter length to R., standing, in gown, left hand on diagram of arterial system; apparatus, shelves, and books in the background. | | Painter, (?). | | Process block, 6¼ x 5 in. | | Presented to members of the Historical Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, Nov. 1912. See also Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (Section of History), 1912, vi, p. 31, Pl. II. | 29. | Bust to L., in doctor’s gown. The base of the pedestal inscribed ‘Guil. Harvei illus.’ | | Etching, 2? x 2? in. | 30. | Bust to R. | | W. Read, sc. | | Engraving, 6¼ x 4? in. | 31. | Bust to L. The medal of the Edinburgh Hunterian Society with the lettering ‘In Gul. Harvei honorem MDCCLXXXII’. | | Etching, 2 x 1? in. | 32. | Bust to R., in doctor’s gown, with wide lace collar and strings untied. Pub. by C. Forster in the Literary Magazine and British Review, 1790. | | Painter, Bemmel, Sculpt., Blackberd. | | Line, 7 x 4½ in. | 33. | Bust to R. as in No. 32. Pub. by J. Robins, 1830. | | Painter, Bemmel. Engraver, J. Thomson. | | Stipple, 7½ x 4½ in. | 34. | Bust to L., nearly full face, in doctor’s gown with collar and strings tied, in an oval resting on a block which is lettered ‘William Harvey M.D.’ No name of painter or engraver. | | Line, 5? x 3? in. | 35. | Bust to L., surtout buttoned, plain linen collar, no tassels, skull-cap. Lettered ‘W. Harvey M.D.’ Pub. by C. Knight in Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. vii, 1846. | | Etching, 3½ x 2½ in. | 36. | ‘Harvey demonstrating to Charles Ist his theory of the Circulation of the Blood.’ From a painting by R. Hannah. Line engraving by H. Leman. Pub. Messrs. Lloyd Bros. & Co., 22 Ludgate Hill, 1851. (See the Lancet, 1851, i, p. 382.) Fanciful. | 37. | ‘Harvey with the two children of Charles 1st at the battle of Edgehill 1642.’ Fanciful. | | W. F. Yeames, R.A., pinxt. H. Dixon, photo. | | Frontispiece to Dr. John W. Ogle’s Harveian Oration for 1881. | 38. | Bust to L., surtout buttoned with plain white falling collar: no tassels: no skull-cap. From the portrait in the National Portrait Gallery. Pub. for G. Moreton, 42 Burgate Street, Canterbury, 1894. | | Photogravure, 5½ x 3¾ in. | | Portraits of Harvey are also reproduced in Clinical Sketches, Lond. 1895, vol. i, facing page 16; B. W. Richardson, Disciples of Æsculapius, 8vo, Lond. 1910, i. 13-19; A lithograph by Hart and Mapother, Louisville, Kentucky; Engraving, G. Johnson, pinxt, T. Coldwell (Lond.), 1799; Engraving, GÖttingen, T. C. Dieterich, 1789; Lithograph nach Hall von A. G. Eberhard; Engraving, Houbraken, pinxt., W. R. Jones, sc. | BUSTS | 1. | The monument in Hempstead Church near Saffron Walden in Essex. | 2. | Peter Scheemakers’ (1691-1770) bust at the Royal College of Physicians, London. Presented by Dr. Mead in 1739. It was copied from an original picture in the possession of Dr. Mead. | 3. | Coin in the British Museum. It was struck at Berlin in 1825 in honour of Blumenbach. | 4. | Coin by Rogat. | 5. | The medal of the Harveian Society of Edinburgh. | STATUES | Mr. Bruce Joy’s statue at Folkestone. Statue in the Museum at Oxford. |