
Author of “The Way of an Eagle,” “The Rocks of ValprÉ,” “The Keeper of the Door,” “Bars of Iron,” “The Hundredth Chance,” etc.

12o. Color Frontispiece. $1.50 net. By mail, $1.65

Surely Miss Dell has never written anything more deserving of the title “best seller” than this absorbing story, which takes an elemental grip on the reader to an amazing degree.

The flirtation of a young girl, released for a brief time from the harsh restraint of an unlovely home, develops until it assumes overmastering proportions, and she is barely saved from herself by the steadfast loyalty, unspoken love, and great moral courage of the physically weak brother of her handsome, impulsive, and philandering lover. The scene is largely laid in Switzerland, and the ravishing beauty of that lovely land is painted with admirable skill.

G. P. Putnam’s Sons

New York London


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