A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Aarlberg Pass, 333
Abderrahmen I., mosque of, 83
Acorns as food, 212
AcuÑa, HistoriÆ quoted, 301-2
Adozno, 332
Aecius, Sueve, 28-29
Africanus, Scipio, 13
Agricultural Syndicate of CoruÑa, 172;
need for knowledge, 179;
the Gallegan plough, 212-13;
carts, 213;
fields of Noya, 240-41
Aguiar, 2-3, 9-10, 178, 195;
on Gallegan dulness, 178
Aguilar y Torrea, Don Antonio, 270
Aimerico, 69
Alanes, 29
Alba River, 255
Alcala de Henares, 265 note
Aldrede, quoted, 54 note
Alexander III., Pope, 77
Alexander IV., Pope, 67
Alfonso I., 301
Alfonso II., el Casto, 62, 271
Alfonso VI., 94, 101, 279
Alfonso VII., 124, 195
Alfonso VIII., 317, 318
Alfonso X., el Sabio—
Cantigas of, 44-46, 52, 54-57, 205;
will of, 50
Alfonso of Portugal, 282
Alfred and Orosius, 30-33
Alhambra, the, 328
Allariz, church of, Santiago, 295;
mentioned by Ptolemy, 295-96
Almanzor, 42-43, 200
Alonso, Sr. Benito F., quoted, 26, 76, 290 and note
Altamira, castle of, 232-33
Alvarez, Jacome, 150
Alvarez, Sr. Eugenie, 293
Ambia, family of, 296
Ambrose, St., 39
America, South—
Immigration into, 174-76, 247 and note;
herds of, 214;
rock-drawings, 274
Amiens Cathedral, 98 note, 109;
statues, 122
Amil, Villa-, 6, 7, 136
Anastasius the Librarian, quoted, 75-76
Ancares, Sierra de, 18
Ancient Britons, poetry of the, 185
Andalusia, 6;
socialism, 175, 184;
education, 178;
mule-breeding, 180;
students of, 192
Anderson, Jos., 68
Andrade, family of, 314
Andrade, FernÁn PerÉz de, Sarcophagus, 312
Andrew, Bishop, 226
Angeles, Juan de, 293
Ansurio, Bishop, Sarcophagus, 337
Antealtares, convent of, 104
Antela, lake of, 20
Antelo, Andreo, 103
Antiquarians of Scotland Society, 68, 274-75
Antoninus, 223, 290
Apacius, 219
Aquada, 321
Aquasantas, 296
Aquitaine, trouvadores of, 55
Arabs in Galicia, 301
Aragon, architecture of, 81
Arbo, 286
Arcade, 269
Arcadius, 15, 31
Arch, the horseshoe, 82-84, 331;
circular, 84-85
ArchÆological monuments of Galicia, 42
ArchÆological Museum, Santiago, 205
ArchÆological Society of Orense, 26;
of Pontevedra, 262, 274
Architecture of Galicia, 78-93
Mudejar, 80-81, 331;
Byzantine, 82;
Spanish—the horseshoe arch, 82-84, 331;
the circular arch, 84-85;
two streams of influence, 86-87;
the Capital—sculptured capitals, 126-135;
favourite subjects, 126;
plain, of English cathedrals, 126-27;
foliage, 127-28;
scalloped, 131;
Corbels, 238;
the rectangular apse, 284;
Gallegan-Gothic, 303;
Arellano, Ramirez de, 302
Arenas, the Crucifix of, 290
Arezzo, 6;
MSS of Etheria, 36
Argalo, 243
Development, 153;
emigration to, 174-75
Arianism in Galicia, 29, 84, 86, 294, 303
Armijo, Marquis de la Viga de, 268
Arosa, 219
Arosa, Ria de, 17, 254, 255
Arraduca, 295
Art, lay schools of thirteenth century, 129-30
Arteago, SeÑor, collection, 208
Artisans, corporations of, 81
Asclepiades, 10
Asia, Central, mud-ovens of, 241
Astorga, 294
Asturias, 17;
horses, 214;
bears, 215;
trade, 344
Atatiar, 349
Ataulf, 86
Augustines, the, 72
Augustus, S., 15, 31-32
Augustus, towers of, Padron, 230
Autun Cathedral, 114
Avalos, Gaspar, 255
Avitus I. and II., 39
Ayerbe, Marquesa de, her book, 271-272
Ayerbe, Marquis de, 271 note
Ayras, Juan, 53 note
Babus, the, 6
Bacchiarius, monk, 39
Balearic Isles, 170, 216
Ball, Robert, 207
Church of Santa Comba, 329-32;
village, 332-33;
Roman baths, 353
Barbeito, Juan de, 256
Barca, Hamilcar, 13
Barcelona, 169-70, 192
Barrows, 6
Bartlett, Mr., 157 note
Barveron, Mount, 339-40
Basque language in Galicia, 4, 242 and note
Basques, the, 192
Baths, Roman, 331, 353;
medicinal, 353-55
Bayona, 255, 278;
Colegiata, 284;
the Assembly held, 292
BazÁn, Emilia Pardo, 188 note, 357 and note
Bearny, Viscount de, 266
Bedoza, lectures, 193
Bellini, Mariano, 272
Benedict XIV., 284
Bentrazes, Palazio de, 325-26
Berceo, Gonzalo de, 44
Bergidensis, 34
Berigel, Archbishop, 235
Berlin, 278;
Ethnographical Museum, 273
BermÚdez, Cean, 138
Bermudo III., 195
Bernard, Archbishop, tomb, 149-50
Bernard, John H., 36 and note
Bernardo, 98
Berni, 98 note
Besada, SeÑor, 18
Churches of, 88 note, 310-12;
history, 308-9;
the Fiesta de Caneiros, 309;
Bravio, 310;
Nuestia SeÑora del Caneiro, 310;
ancient caverns, 311;
church of Santiago, 311-12;
San Francisco, 312
Bibalatarin, 83
Bibilis, the, 22
Bibles, manuscript, 195
Bilbao, 218
Biscay, Bay of, 17, 153-54;
lampreys, 219
Blanco, Sr. Romero, 247
Boabdil, 205
BÆtica, 15
Boissier, quoted, 40
Bokhara, synagogues of, 265
Bologna University, 90
Boneval, Bernal de, 53 note
Boniface VIII., 54
Borrow, George, 75;
translation of the Bible, 4;
on Sir John Moore, 157;
quoted, 176;
in Padron, 222;
on the Franciscan convent, Lugo, 306
Bosworth, Joseph, translation of Orosius, 30-31
Botafumeiro, 72-75
Boulders, rocking, 7
Bourgogne, sculptured foliage, 129
Braga, 1, 31, 39, 294, 296;
Church Council, 226, 301;
cathedral, 291
Braga, Theophilo, 3 and note 2, 55
Brambach, W., 44
Bravio, 310
Brest, 154
Bretons, 8
Bridge of Pines, Granada, 83-85
Bridget, St., 69
Briga, the Celtic word, 152
Brigantium, 14
British Museum, 68
Brunelleschi, 90, 91
Brutus, Decimus, “Callaicus,” 8;
in Spain, 13-14, 20-21
Buckle, 78, 79
Buenos Ayres, 153
Bull-fights, 170, 252
Burgas, Las, 293
Burgos, 171, 266;
Cathedral, 93;
the Crucifix, 290
Byzantine Art, 81;
frescoes, 123
Cabbage, the, 348-49
Cabe, the, 334-35
Cadiz, 13;
Tower of Hercules, 162;
emigration, 177
CÆsar, Julius, in Spain, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14-15;
in Britain, 32-33
CÆsar’s Bridge, 228
Cairuan Grand Mosque, 233
Colegiata de Iria, 226
Colegiata de Santa Maria Vigo, 278
Colegio de Santa Cruz, Toledo, 138
Colegio de San JerÓnimo, 200
Columbus, La Gallega, 22
Combarro, 265-67
Compostela, Pedro de, 47
Compostela, Santiago de. See Santiago.
Congress, Catholic, at Munich, 43;
Eucharistic, at Lugo, 306
Conjo, Church of, 62
Conques Cathedral, 96
Constantine, 81
Constantinople, 81-82
Consul, Francisco, 346
Contractus, Hermanus, 44, 45
Cordova, 5;
Grand Mosque, 43, 83, 85-86;
bronze work, 106
Corn-rent, Ramiro’s, 98-99
Cornide, Sr. Joseph, 11, 217, 219, 220
Cornwall, cup-marks, 274
Brigantia, 1, 14, 152, 191;
province of, 152;
Tower of Hercules, 154, 161-63;
harbour, 154-55, 171;
glass-covered verandahs, 155-56;
gardens of San Carlos and tomb of Moore, 156-58;
Campo Santo, 161-162;
Francis Drake, 163-64;
Church of St. George, 164;
fishing industry of, 164-66;
the making of ice, 165-166;
chocolate factories, 166;
the poor of, 166-69;
the “Little Sisters of Charity,” 167-69;
tobacco factories, 169;
streets, 170;
social life, 170;
the Assembly, 170-71;
churches, etc., of, 171;
waterworks, 177;
bulls of, 214;
commercial importance, 277
Costina, Mount, 245
Credrie, 207
Cremation, 7
Crimea, vine-growing in, 264
Cristal, the name, 326
Cro-Magnon, 5
Trade with Spain, 166, 170;
Gallegans in, 183;
and Rosalia Castro, 187
Cubillas, the, 83, 85
Cuelos, Juan de los, 258
Cueva de los Letreros, 5
Cueva, Juan MuÑoz de la, 290
Cup-markings, 273-75
Customs in Galicia—
The Mantilla, 199;
water-carrying, 202;
a wedding, 202-3;
carnivals, 203;
a village festival, 230;
animals in dwelling-houses, 241-42;
wrestling, 243;
excursions or Romerias, 248;
Holy Week ceremonies, 235, 249-51;
use of umbrellas, 269;
funerals, 307;
use of mica, 326
Cypress tree, the, 325
Dalmatius, Bishop of Compostela, 97
Dante, 76
Daroca, 81
de VoguË, 185
Denmark, rock-writings of, 274
Dias, Pastor, 188 note
Didron, 108, 109 and note;
on iconography, 122
Diomedes, King, 278
Dionisius, monk, MS. of, 122
Diurno, the, of Ferdinand I., 194-95
Dogson, Prof. of Oxford, 242
Dolmens, 6, 246, 247;
on coast of Noya, 232
Dominguez, Fernando, 313
Dominicans, 227
Dorchester Church, Oxfordshire, 115
Drake, Sir Francis, 163-64, 201
Drowning, prevalence in Spain, 169
Dublin Museum, torques, 207, 353
Duero, 15
Durando, Guillermo, 46
Eadmer, 47
Easter Sunday markets, 251
Ecuador, population, 176
Education in Galicia, 177-78;
Institutos, 197
Edward I., 76
Egas, Enrique, 138-39
Einsiedeln, 67
El Monteiro, 296
Elizabeth, Queen, 201, 266
Emigration from Galicia, causes, 172-77;
Ford on, 177;
evils of, 178-79;
home-sickness of the emigrant, 183
Pilgrims to Santiago from, 76;
and Padron, 222-23;
English at Vigo, 277;
English enterprise in Galicia, 315-16
English cathedrals, plain capitals, 126-127, 131
Enrique II., 76
Enrique III., 260
Enriquez, Manuel Curros, 326
Eo, the, 22, 299
Epiphanius, S., 28
Eremita de San Miguel, 328-29, 332
Escos, 340
Escurial Collection, 3;
library, 47
Emigration, 117;
mule-breeding, 180;
pigs, 212
Estudio Viejo, the, 192
Etheria, story of, 33-38
Etruscan terra-cottas, 5-6
Eucalyptus, the, 345
Eucharistic Congress at Lugo, 306
Eugenius IV., 283
Eulogius, S., 28
Euphemia, Santa, 290-91
Eusebius of CÆsarea, 29
Evans, discoveries, 5
Fabius, Quintus, 13
Faciundo, San, 325
Factories, need for, in Galicia, 180
Failde, his book on Galicia, 178-81;
on Rosalia Castro, 184, 187;
on the Gallegan character, 185
Famiano, San, 317
Fegueroa, Marquis of, 52
FeijoÓ, cited, 50-51, 296
Ferdinand I., 194
Ferdinand II., 279
Ferdinand III., 177, 263
Ferdinand VI., 315
Ferdinand and Isabella, foundation of the Hospital Real, 136-37
Ferdinand of Leon, 282
Fernandez, Froila, 271
Fernando, King, 73
FÉrotin, Father Marius, 36, 37, 38
FÉrotin, M. Macias, 195
Ferrandez, Sr. Anton, 5
Ferreiro, JosÉ, 251
Ferreiro, Lopez, 24, 95 note, 96, 173
Ferrer, Mauro Castella, 68-69, 223
Ferrara, Ricobaldo de, 46
Ferro, Miguel, 71
Ferrol harbour, 22;
oysters, 219;
fortifications, 314-15;
arsenal, 315-16
Fiesta de Caneiros, 309
Figueroa, Emmanuel BonaventurÆ, 196
Figueroa, Marquis of, quoted, 187
Filgueira, 287
Finisterre, Cape, 14, 17, 217, 245
Fish of Galicia—
Sardine industry, 217-18;
anchovy, 218;
salted cod, 218;
lamprey, 219, 335;
turbot, 219;
oysters, 219-220;
scallops, 220;
cod, 220;
salmon, 220;
mullet, 220-21;
trout, 221
Fishermen’s League of Pontevedra, 255-256
Fita cited, 223
Flacila, 15
Flamenco, Pedro, 103
Flax-growing, 345-46
Florence, Duomo, 91
Florez, cited, 8-9, 163
Fonseca, Archbishop, 69, 106, 192, 193, 225;
will of, 195;
portrait, 196
Fonseca, Medical College, 193
Ford, 192;
on emigration, 177
Forum Limicorum, the, 26-27
France, 229;
pilgrims from, 71-72;
French troops at Tuy, 280
Frances, St., 69
Francis I., 91
Francis of Assisi, St., 55, 305
Franciscan monastery, Pontevedra, 262
Frari, Church of the, Venice, 305
Freira, 287
French language, 54-55
Fruime, 45
Froila, Sarcophagus of, 304, 329
Fructuoso, 195
Fructuosus, St., 39, 40 and note—42
Fruime, Cura de, 188
Fuencaliente, 5
Gaibor, J., 293
Gaita, the, 294
Galaico-Portuguese language, 55
Galba, 13
History, 1-16;
the term “Galicia,” 8-9;
boundaries, 17;
configuration, 18;
climate, 18-19;
vegetation, 19-20;
rivers, 20-22;
harbours, 22;
gardens, 22-23;
first golden age of Galicia, 24-38;
her second golden age, 49-59;
language, 50-59, 187-88;
architecture, 78-93;
taxation, 173, 179;
education, 177-178;
cattle-breeding, 179-80;
mule-breeding, 180;
absence of factories in, 180;
morals, 181;
usury, 181;
trovadors of, 188;
coinage, 206;
minerals, 233, 353-55;
monasteries, 317-42;
trees, fruit, and flowers, 343-51;
livestock, see that title;
fish of, see that title
Gallegan arms, 22
Gallegan, the—
Home-sickness, 253;
bravery, 356;
stupidity, 356-57
Gallegos, the, 8-9
Gamurrini, M., discovery of, 36-38
Gandara, springs, 355
Garcia, Abbot, 317
Garcia, King, 287
Gautier, LÉon, 56
Gelmirez, Archbishop, 54, 106, 149, 199, 280;
book of
public@vhost@g@html@files@52538@52538-h@52538-h-2.htm.html#page_032" class="pginternal">32
Jerusalem, the journey to, 24-25
Jesuit College, Monforte, 297-98
Jesuits, the, 22
Jet images of Compostela, 66-68
Jewish burial ground, 295
Jews in Spain, 268, 295
John X., Pope, 65
John of Gaunt, 76
John, St., 28
Joseph Bonaparte, 292
Joyce, Book of Leinster, 207
Juan Arias, Archbishop, 66
Juan, Bishop of Seville, 54
Juan de Briena, 69
Juan de Granada, 205
Juan de Lares, 295
Juan II., 69
Juana, Donna, 260
Jubainville, cited, 5, 8, 10 note
Julius VI., Pope,
Junquera de Ambia, 296
Justinian, Emperor, 82
Justino, 10
Kashab hill, Tangier, 118
Keller, Dr. Fernando, 67
Kent, 33
“King of Galicia,” title of, 1
Kirkcudbrightshire, cup-markings of, 274-75
Kirker Museum, Rome, 68
KÖnig Fredrick August, the, 153
La Virgen de la Esclavitude, 225-26
La Virgen del Cristal, 326
Labrada, 346
Lago, SeÑor Manuel, of Lugo, 281
Laino, reed hats of, 350
Lambert, Father A., of Lemberg, 38
Lamperez, quoted, 92-93, 98, 236
Lancaster, Duke of, 295
Land question in Galicia, 175
Landino, 194
Landoso, 20
Language of Galicia, 50-59, 187-88
Las Burgas, Orense, 288-89
Las Sarmientas, 266
Latin language, the, 53-55
Le Play, cited, 181
League of Fishermen, Pontevedra, 255-56
Lemos, Courts of, 297, 298, 302
Leo X., Pope, 75, 267, 283
Leo the Isaurian, 82
Leon, 17, 312
Leon, Sir Cabeza, 205, 357
Leonora, wife of Edward I., 76
Leovigild, 16
Lerez, the, 255, 264-65
Libredon, 61
Ligurians, the, 5
Lima Cathedral, 265
Lima of Peru, the, 21
Lima, Ponte de, 26
Limace or Lunace, 207-8
Limia River, the, 13, 20-21
Limia, town of, 25-26
Limicos, city of, 26
Lincoln Cathedral, 98 note, 280
Linen trade of Galicia, 345-46
“Little Sisters of Charity,” 167-69
Livestock of Galicia—
Pigs, 210-12;
poultry, 212;
oxen, 212-14;
horses and mules, 214 and note, 15;
goats and deer, 215;
wolves and bears, 215;
hares and rabbits, 215-16;
owls, bats, muskrats, 216;
wild cats, 216-17;
birds, 217
Lodoselo, 26, 27
Logo Cathedral, 293
Lope de Vega, 178
Lopez, Bishop Juan, 259 note
Lopez de Mendoza, Archbishop, 236
Lorenzo, Bishop of Orense, 289
Los Trangueiros, 255
Louis VII., 69
Louis XI., 102
Louth, county of, 300
Louvre collection of coins, 207
Lucullus, 13
Lugo, 1, 21, 22;
wolves of, 215;
pheasants, 217;
councils, 226, 301;
walls, 300;
history, 300-1;
convent of San Francisco, frescoes, 305;
cloisters, 305-6;
Roman remains, 306;
the Eucharistic Congress, 306;
market day, 307;
flax-growing, 345;
sulphur springs, 354;
Roman baths, 353
Lugo Cathedral—
PÓrtico, 282;
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 301-3;
style, 303-4;
sarcophagus of Froila, 304;
the “Virgin with the Large Eyes,” 304-5
Luna, Rodrigo de, 226
Lusitania, 8, 13, 14
Lydian coins, 206
Macaulay, 276
Macdonald, Dr., 206
Machado, JosÉ, 194
Macias, Dr. Marcelo, 21, 25
Macias el Enamorado, 52;
poems of, 57-59, 182;
birthplace, 230
Macineira, Sr., 7
M’Kinley, Colonel, 268
AthenÆum, 5;
ArchÆological Museum, 5, 208, 263;
Royal Library, 63;
fish for, 165, 166;
smoking habit in, 169;
invasion of 1706, 170-71;
the university, 192, 197;
“St. Francis,” by Greco, 297-98;
Archives of Natural History, 321
Magellan, Straits of, 265
Magnol Pedro, 343
Maldonado, Cardinal, 103
Mamoas of Galicia, 6-7
Man, Island of, rock-writings, 274
Mandeo river, the, 308, 309
Mandeville, Sir John, 55
Mareantes, 255-56
Maria Francisca de Isla y Lozada, 357
Maria of Savoy, Queen, 93
Mariana, 1
Marin, 255, 263-64, 267
Marinho, Pero Annes, 53 note
Marino, Bishop Vasco Perez, 289, 290
MariÑo, Gonzalo, 227
Markham, Sir Clements, 265
Martial, cited, 8
Martin, Anton, fountain of, 93
Martin, Dumiensis, 16
Martin of Tours, St., 294
Martinez de la Meta, Francisco, 346
MartiniÈre, General, 280
The PÓrtico de Gloria, 109, 110, 289, 313;
representation of himself, 118;
his art, 120-21;
birthplace, 123-24;
pension, 125;
the Palace of Gelmirez, 132;
Chapel of St. Joseph, 133;
style, 228
Matilda, wife of Henry I., 70
Maunday Thursday customs, 249-50
Mauregato, King, 309
Maurus, St., 193
Maxwell on Moore, quoted, 158-59
Mazaredo, General, 157 note
Medicinal waters, 353-54
Medulio, Monte, 21
Mela, cited, 9
Mela, Pomponius, 232
Melida, JosÉ Ramon, cited, 5 note, 6, 7
Mella y Cea, Sr. Ricardo, 172-73
Merida, museum of, 83
Merleanus, Asclepeades, 255
Merlemond, Oliver de, 131-32
MÉrtola, 83
Metal-work, Roman, 205
Mezonzo, St. Pedro de, 42-43
Mica, use of, 326
Michael Angelo, 91;
cupola of, 75
Midacritus, 12
MiÑan, spring of, 21
MindaÑo, skulls from, 197
Minerals of Galicia, 233;
gold, 353;
medicinal springs, 353-54;
gneiss, etc., 354
MiÑez, Airas, 53
Minguez, Diego, 246
MiÑo, the, 14, 21-22, 220, 234, 276, 278, 279, 286-88, 299, 300, 353
Miro, King, 16, 226
Molina, Francisco, 137, 162-63;
his list of pilgrims, 70
Molinos, the, 279
Monasteries of Galicia—
Schools of culture, 24-25;
origin of, 41;
influence on architecture and learning, 88-90;
principal, 317-42
Mondariz, baths of, 355
MondoÑedo, Cathedral of, 70, 307
Money-changers of Santiago, 68-69
Monforte, 293—
Jesuit College, 297-98;
convent of Santa Clara, 298-99;
poplars of, 345
Monroy, Archbishop, 149
Montalembert, quoted, 33, 41, 79, 86
Monte, Arnaldo de, 63-64
Monte Barbanzos, 240, 244
Monte San Gregorio, legends of, 227
Monteil, Ademar de, 44, 45
Montenegro, Domingo A. L., 104
Monterrey, Count of, 353
Monterrey Torre del Homenaje, 296
Montes, Lorenzo, lectures, 193
Montferrand, Pierre de, 53 note
Moore, Sir John—
Tomb in CoruÑa, 154, 156-58;
Maxwell, quoted, 158-59;
Wellington on, 159;
“The Burial of Sir John Moore,” 159-60
Moors, the—
Invasion of Galicia, 2, 3, 42;
influence on Spanish architecture, 80-81, 83, 86-87;
traces of, in Galicia, 83, 88 and note, 303, 309, 328;
the Mussalman arch, 84-85;
relief work of, 87;
customs, 118, 170
Morales, Ambrosio, 2-3, 178
Morocco, immigration, 176
MorriÑa, 183, 253
Mos, Marquis de, library, 218
Mosaics, Roman, 205
Moure, Francisco, 293, 298, 304
Mudejar architecture, 80-81
Mule-breeding, 180, 214-15
MuÑez, Don Pedro, 192
Munices, 208
MuÑio, Bishop of MondoÑedo, 63, 149
Murguia, 192, 193
Murillo, “San Antonio,” 270
Muros, port of, 245-46
Muros, Diego de, 136, 212
Pecte Burdelo, 309
Pecten veneris.
Philip II., 69, 201, 315, 353
Philip V., 325
Phoenicians, the—
Phoenician colonies in Galicia, 11;
trade, 11-12, 222;
and the Tower of Hercules, 162, 163;
coins, 206;
Phoenician remains, rock-drawings, 274
Picard, Fulbert de, 64
Pico Sacro, 224-25
Pigeon, the, 217
Pilgrimages, early, 33;
to Galicia, 42;
to Santiago, 60-77;
to La Virgen de la Esclavitude, 225-26
Pines, profit from, 344-45
Pinto, FerÑao Mendes, 55
Pisa Cathedral, 96;
tower, 145, 147
Pita, Maria, story of, 164
Pitt, 314-15
Pius VII., Pope, 292
Pius VIII., Pope, 141
Placentia, Castro, 272
Placidia, Empress, 29, 36
Plateresco style, 91, 92-93
Pliny, 214, 216, 232, 278
Poets, Gallegan, 49-59, 185-89;
Irish, 51 and note;
Murguia’s list of Gallegan, 53 note;
ProvenÇal, 188
Poictiers Cathedral, 97
Polo, Marco, 55
Ponte-Pinos, 83-84, 85
Pontevedra, 1, 18;
early colonies of the province, 10, 11;
Ria de, 17;
harbour, 22;
rabbits, 216;
position, 254-55;
history, 255;
trade, 255;
Santa Maria la Grande, 256;
Santo Domingo, 259-60;
grammar school, 260-61;
the open air archÆological museum, 260-62;
church of the Franciscan monastery, 262;
historical documents of, 263;
gardens, 263;
other museums, 263;
drives—Marin, 263-64;
by the Lerez, 264-65;
Combarro, 265-67;
the Castello de Mos, 268-71;
convent of Santa Clara, 265;
house of Sarmiento, 265-66;
Ria de Pontevedra, 267;
San Juan de Poyo, 267;
Capilla, de la Peregrina, 268;
Jewish quarter, 268;
Castillo de Mos, 268-73;
chapel of La Virgen de la Peneda, 271;
rock-drawings, 273-75;
wines of, 348
PopiÉlovo, Nicolas, 227
PÓrtico de Gloria—
Sculpture, 107;
triple archway, 107-110;
figure of Christ, 110-11;
the four evangelists, 111;
the four-and-twenty elders, 111;
the prophets, 112-13;
symbolism of the statuary, 113-14;
the Tree of Jesse, 114-15;
statue of St. James, 115-17;
Moses, 117;
the pillars, 117-19;
Mateo, 118;
capitals, 119-20;
the statues, 120-23;
colouring, 123;
capitals, 127-32
Portosino, 244-45
Portugal, language, 50-51, 187;
taxes 180;
frontier, 284-85
PosÉ, Enrique Labarta, a “bull fight,” 252
Potato, the, 346
Pottery, Roman, 205
Pousa, 287
Prado, sculptor, 199
Primitivo, San, 325
Prince of the Asturias, title, 1
Priscillian, heresy of, 15, 29, 31, 301
Provence, language of, 189
Prudentius, poet, 39-40
Prudhon, 173
Ptolemy, 11
Puente de Alonso III., 240-42
Puente de San Payo, 268
Puente de Triana, 263
Puente del Burgo, 255
Puente Internacional, 279
Puente Mayor, 288
Puentedeume, 309, 314
Pyrenees, the, 17-18
Quadrado, 84
“Queen Isabella,” style of architecture, 91
Quevado y Quintano, Pedro, 292
Quintana de los Muertos, 104
Raimundo de Monforte, 303
Ramiro, his corn-rent, 98-99
Ravenna, the Ravenate, 223
Recared, 16, 84, 87
Recesvinto, King, 84, 332
Redondela, 269, 276
Refuge, churches of, 200
Renaissance, architects of the, 90-93;
the Spanish, 92-93
Rennert, 57 and note
Repoll, faÇade, 109
Retablo, seventeenth century, 263
Rey, Luis Cradaso, 251
Rheims Cathedral, 109, 122
Rianjo, 201
Rias bajas, the, 17
Ribadavia, 287, 295;
vines of, 279, 348
Ribas, Sr. Francisco, 218
Ribera, Pedro, 93
Rios, Amador de los, 54
Rios, Marquis de Monfero, 264
Ripoll, 64
Ripon, monastic church, 89
Roads in Galicia—
The St. James’s road, 60;
special, for pilgrims, 62, 65;
bad condition of, 177;
plan of a Roman road, 294
Robles, Sr., 2 note 1
Rocas, the church, 340-42
Rocha de Padron, 223
Rock-drawings, 273-75
Rodil, JosÉ Ramon, 195
Rodrigo, Archbishop, 16
Rodriquez, Juan, 230
Rodriquez, Luis, vocabulary, 251
Rodriquez, Ventura, 104
Rojo, Simon, 324
Roman Remains in Galicia—
The Roman arch, 81-82, 85;
coins, etc., 205-6, 223;
inscriptions, 223, 243-44, 306;
castros and tumuli, 232-33;
bridge, 233;
milestones, 255, 260-61, 296;
fortifications, 286;
mosaics, 293;
stones, 293-94;
Roman baths, 300, 331, 353
Romana, Marquis of, 157 note
Romance dialect, the, 53-54
Rome, government of Spain, 13;
sacking of, 32
Roncevalles, monastery of, 65
Rosendo, San, 325;
relics at Celanova, 327-29
Rotberto, 98
Rouen Cathedral, windows, 115
Roulin, M., on the PÓrtico de Gloria, 109-10
Rozmilal, Baron de, pilgrimage, 66
Rush-gathering, 350
Russia, poets of, 185;
the pigeon, 217
Saavedra, 357
Sahagun, 159
St. John’s, Ephesus, 70
St. Paul’s, London, 91
St. Peter’s, Rome, pilgrims, 70;
style, 91;
statuary, 123
St. Petronius of Bologna, Cathedral, 96
St. Sophia, Constantinople, 82
St. Vincent de Paul, nuns of, 142
Salas, the, 20
Salisbury Cathedral, 96, 284
Sallust, 9
Salvatierra, 22, 286
Salve Regina, the, 43;
authorship, 42-47
Sampedro, SeÑor Casto, 257, 258, 262, 266 note, 268
San Anton, fort of, 171
San Antonio de Herbon, Convento de, 227
San BartolomÉ, 261
San BartolomÉ Cathedral, Tuy, 280-81
San Benito, church of, Santiago, 199
San Clement, Rome, plaited designs, 128
San Cosmo, 251
San Esteban, monastery of, ruins, 22, 333, 335-36, 338-39;
sarcophagi, 336-37;
cloisters, 337;
conventual church, 337-38;
position, 339
San Felix de Solovio, Santiago, 200
San Francisco, Betanzos, 312
San Francisco, Lugo, 305, 313
San Francisco monastery, Santiago, 209 note
San Juan de BaÑos, Palencia, 84, 331-332
San Juan de Poyo, 265, 267
San Justo de los Tojosutos, 234
San Justo River, 248
San Lorenzo, Santiago, 209 note
San Marco, Leon, 65
San Mamed, 248
San Martin de Nieble, 83
San Martin, hermitage, 267
San Martin, MondoÑedo, 307
San Martin, Noya, 236-39
San Martin, Pinario, 195, 200, 209 note
San Martin, Tiobre, 310
San Miguel de Celanova, 330
San Payo, convent of, 104, 203-4
San Pedro de Rocas, 340-42
San Pedro del Mezquita, church of, 296
San Roman, Toledo, 81
San Roman de Hornija (Valladolid) 84
San Rosendo, family of, 294
San Sebastian del Pico Sacro, 225
San Sernin of Toulouse, comparison with Santiago, 95-97, 132
San Simon, Hospital of, 277
San Vincente del Pino, Monforte, 297
Sanchez, 132, 135, 192-93, 195
Sandez, Fernandez, 43
Santa Clara, convent, 21, 208, 234-35, 353
Silvestre, Gregorio, 57
Silvia of Acquitaine, 36
Sinai, Mount, 35, 37
Sirmondo, Jesuit, 30
Sivelo, Barros, 2 note 1, 4 and note, 7, 10
Slav pilgrims to Santiago, 7
Sobrado, monastery of, 77, 220
Socialism, in Galicia and Andalusia, 175, 184
Sodom, 37
Solesme, 267
Sotomayor, Diego de, tomb, 270
Sotomayor, Payo Gomez de, 260
Sotomayor, Suero Gomez de, 260
Sotomayor family, 271-72, 281;
house in Pontevedra, 268;
genealogical tree, 271
Soult, Marshal, 158
South Kensington, cast of the PÓrtico de Gloria, 123
Southey, at Redondela, 276
Origin of Spanish language, 49;
Spanish characteristics, 153;
emigration, 175, 176;
natural laziness, 176-77;
government of, 177;
education, 177-78;
universities of, 192-193;
pigs of, 212;
the Spanish onion, 349;
architecture. See under Architecture
Statuary of the Middle Ages, harmony of, 121 and note;
influence of the drama on, 122;
absence of, in Greek churches, 122
Stoke, Miss, quoted, 128
Stonehenge, 7
Strabo, cited, 6, 10
Street, 85, 95 note, 96 note, 123, 132
Sueves, the, 15-16, 28 and note 29, 30, 49, 261, 301
Susana, Santa, 199
Swanston, Paul, 160
Sweden, 216
Tabor, Mount, 35
Tambre river, 22, 143, 231, 232, 240, 244
Tamerlane, court of, 260
Taxation in Gaul, 173, 179, 266-67
Telmo, San, 284
Templars, the, 265, 278, 296
Teodomiro, 226, 294
Teodomirus, Bishop, 62
Teresa, DoÑa, 279-80
Teruiel, 81
Teucer, 255
Theobald IV., 52
Theodoricus, 15, 16
Theodosius, Emperor, 4, 30
Theophilus, S., 28
Ticknor, George, 50
Tiobre, 310
Tobacco factories, Spanish, 169-70, 345
Toja, mineral springs, 354-55
Tojosutos, cloisters of, 305
Toledo, 1, 86;
cathedral, 93
Tomas, Irish bishop, 202
Tombstones, 82-83
TomÉ, Narciso, 93
Tomeza River, 255
Torquato, San, 327, 328, 330
Torquemada, Bishop, 284
Torques of gold, 206-9, 233
Torremuzquiez, Counts of, 325
Toulouse Cathedral, sculptures, 128
Toulouse Museum, 134, 208
Tower of Hercules, CoruÑa, 154, 161-63
Trajan, Emperor, 163, 219
Tramunda, Santa, sarcophagus, 267
Trava, the, 231, 239
Tree of Jesse in sculpture, 114-15
Trevino, Francisco, tomb, 69
Trigo, BartolamÉ, 256
Troncoso, springs, 355
Trovadores of Galicia, 52-59
Tumbo, island of, 267
Tumuli, 6-7
Turkestan, wardrobes in, 241
Turrafo, the, 22
Tuy, 1, 10, 22;
wolves of, 215;
lampreys, 219;
railways, 279;
wrestling matches, 279;
history, 279-80;
province, 280;
San BartolomÉ, 280-81;
Santo Domingo, 281-82;
drives, 284-85
Tuy Cathedral, 278, 280;
exterior portico, 282-83;
built for defence, 283, 286;
parchments, 283-84;
rectangular apse, 284;
cloister, 284
Tyrol, the Austrian, 264, 333
Uceda, Captain, 162
Ulla River, the, 222, 225, 227, 228, 299, 345
United States, trade with Britain, 180
Urraca, Queen, 116, 279-80, 349
Ursula, S., 299
Usury in Gaul, 181
ValenÇa, fortress of, 279, 280, 284, 285
Valencia, 346
Valerius, Abbot, 33-35, 37, 38
Valladares, Avelina, 184
Valparaiso, 175
Valute, Castro, 228
Vandals, 15, 29
Varela family, 240
Varela, Prof., 197
Valmar, Marquis of, 53
Varro, Marcus, 4
Vatican Library, 52, 55, 244
Vazquez, Arturo, 26
Velazquez, 11
Velazquez, Alonso, 202
Velez, Archbishop, 103
Venice, Doge’s palace, 148
Venta de BaÑos, 84
Verdugo, the, 268
Vespasian, 223
VÉzelay, church of, 97;
faÇade, 109;
the arcades, 128
Vianna de Castello, 20
Vieira. See Shell of St. James
Vienna Museum, 207
Harbour of, 11, 22, 153, 154, 318;
oysters, 219;
the road to, 276-77;
commercial position, 277;
houses, 278;
Colegiata de Santa Maria, 278;
English attack on, 348
Vigo, Ria de, 17, 276, 277, 278
Villagarcia, 149, 205, 245, 254
Villavieja, 277
Vine cultivation, 180, 224, 264, 268
Violante, Queen, 205
Viollet le Duc, 78 note, 129-30
Virgen de los Ojos, 304
Virgen del Pilar, 304
Visigoths, 83, 84;
churches of the, 86-87
Wales, 8
Wallingford, 33
Walter, minstrel, 53 note
Water supply of Santiago, 202
Wellington, Duke of, on Moore, 159;
and the Gallegans, 356
Westminster Abbey, capitals, 127;
memorial of Sir John Moore, 157
White Tower, London, 98 note;
capitals, 127
Wilfrid, St., 88
William X., 69
William de Rubruquis, 69-70
Winchester, 284;
capitals, 126-27;
transept, 135
Witiza, King, 1, 279, 295
Wolfe, Rev. Charles, 159
Woman in Galicia, 166, 178, 202, 234;
the women labourers, 249, 269, 355
Woodwork, stalactite, 194
Writings. See Inscriptions
Xeito, the, 218
Yanez de Noboa, Bishop, 294, 295
Yepes, 45
York Cathedral, 304
Zanelo, 65
Zepedano, 73, 149
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