GIRLS OF THE TRUE BLUE BY L. T. MEADE Author of “Miss Nonentity,” “The Odds and the Evens,” “Light o’ the Morning,” “The Girls of St. Wode’s,” etc. WITH TEN ILLUSTRATIONS BY PERCY TARRANT W. & R. CHAMBERS, Limited
LONDON AND EDINBURGH 1901 Edinburgh: Printed by W. & R. Chambers, Limited
CONTENTS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. “He is not horrid at all,” said Nan, very cross. Nan was perfectly satisfied to sit near the fire holding the kittens. “Cross!” he said to himself; “why, it is one of the dearest little faces in the world.” “Here is some paper,” said Nancy, “and here is a pencil. Write the words down, Augusta, and let me keep the paper.” Augusta nearly fell back as she read the words. “What are you doing by that drawer, Gussie!” “I have brought a bird for her—my own bird. May I go in and see her at once?” said Nancy. Augusta in terror was hiding behind a bush of laurustinus. “As to your shilling, miss, you can keep it, for I don’t want none of it.” “Let me fasten it round your neck, Nan, then I shall feel better.” GIRLS OF THE TRUE BLUE.