CHAPTER I AN OLD-FASHIONED LITTLE PAIR. CHAPTER II. THE PEOPLE WHO GET MARRIED. CHAPTER III. A QUESTION AND AN ANSWER. CHAPTER VI. THE EVE OF THE WEDDING. CHAPTER VII. A WEDDING PRESENT. CHAPTER XII. HILDA'S ENGAGEMENT RING. CHAPTER XV. THREE IS TRUMPERY. CHAPTER XVI. A LITTLE GIRL AND A LITTLE CROSS. Transcriber's Note: The words "if only little Judy had stayed with me, I should", possibly repeated instead of the first words of the next sentence, have been reproduced as typeset. A Young Mutineer"WAS THE PERSON FICKLE, AND DID HE BREAK HIS PROMISE?" Frontispiece. "was the person fickle, and did he break his promise?" Frontispiece. A Young Mutineer BY author of "a girl in ten thousand," "a ring of rubies," "girls new and old," etc. NEW YORK TO October 23, 1893 |