Memoirs of the life and writings of the learned author
The preface
I. The disease of Job page 1
II. The leprosy 13
III. The disease of king Saul 28
IV. The disease of king Joram; Jehoram 34
V. The disease of king Ezekias; Hezekiah 36
VI. The disease of old age 38
VII. The disease of king Nebuchadnezzar 57
VIII. The paralysy, palsy 62
IX. Of demoniacs 73
X. Of lunatics 93
XI. The issue of blood in a woman 103
XII. Weakness of the back, with a rigidity of the spine back bone 104
XIII. The bloody sweat of Christ 106
XIV. The disease of Judas 108
XV. The disease of king Herod 113

???ta d?????ete t? ?a??? ?at??ete.
D. Paul. 1 Ep. ad Thessal. v. 21.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Books wrote by the late learned Dr. MEAD, and sold by J. Brindley, Bookseller, in New Bond Street.

English Pieces, viz.

I. A Mechanical Account of Poisons in several Essays, 4th Edition. Price 5s. 1747

II. A Discourse on the Plague, 9th Edit. Price 4s. 1744

III. —— on the Small Pox and Measles; to which is annexed, a Treatise on the same Disease by the celebrated Arab. Phys. Abubeker Rhazes. Price 4s.

IV. —— on the Scurvy; to which is annexed, An historical Account of a new Method for extracting the foul Air out of Ships, &c. with the Description and Draught of the Machines by which it is performed: In two Letters to a friend. By Samuel Sutton, the Inventor. Price 3s 6d 1749

V. —— on the Influence of the Sun and Moon upon human Bodies, and the Diseases thereby produced. 4s 1748

VI. Medical Precepts and Cautions. Price 5s. 1751

VII. A Commentary on the Diseases mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Price 4s. 1755

The above seven Discourses are all translated under the Author’s Inspection, by Dr. Stack, M.D.F.R.S.

Latin Pieces, viz.

VIII. De Variolis & Morbillis Liber, huic accessit Rhazes Medici inter Arabas celeberrimi, de iisdem Morbis Commentarius. Price 4s. 1747

IX. De Imperio Solis ac LunÆ in Corpora Humana, & Morbis inde Oriundis, Editio Altera, Auctior. & Emendatior. Price 4s. 1746

X. Medica Sacra; sive de Morbis Insignioribus qui in Bibliis memorantur Commentarius. Price 3s 6d 1749

XI. Monita & Precepta Medica. Price 4s 6d 1751

N.B. The above are to be had either in Sets, uniformly bound, or separate.


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