FIG. 1. Represents the Head of the Viper in its Natural Bigness, with the Mouth open, and Fangs Erected.
(a) Marks the Poisonous Fang.
(b) The Eye.
(c) The Hole of one Nostril.
(d) The Larynx.
(e) The Forked Tongue.
All the Other Figures relating to the Viper are drawn larger than the Life.
Fig. 7, & 8. Exhibit some Muscles, which serve for the Motion of the Jaws.
(a, Fig. 7.) Elevator MaxillÆ Inferioris.
(b) Depressor ejusdem.
(c) Depressor Dentis Venenosi.
(d) A Strong Ligament fastened by one Extremity to the Spinal Apophysis of the Second Vertebra of the Neck, and by the other to the end of the Elevator MaxillÆ Inferioris.
(a, Fig. 8.) A Muscle, which being fixt to the Extremity of both Jaws, serves to pull them backwards, and may be call’d Retractor.
(b) The Internal side of the Depressor Dentis Venenosi.
(c) Elevator Dentis Venenosi.
(d) The Extremity of the Lower Jaw.
(ee) Flexores Capitis.
(f) The Internal Part of the Skin covered with some Muscular Fibres.
Fig. 17. Shews the Head of the Scolopendra.
(a a) The Wounding Claws.
(b) The Mouth.
(c c) The Two First Feet.
Fig. 18. The Weapons of the Nhamdu in their Natural Bigness.