- Albertus Magnus, 65
- Alexander the Great, 23, 24
- Andronicus of Rhodes, 27
- "Animals, History of," by Aristotle, 27
- "Animals, On the Parts of," by Aristotle, 31
- Antipater, Governor of Macedonia, 25
- Apellicon, 27
- "Aphorisms" of Hippocrates, 12
- Aristotle, birth, 21;
- youth, 22;
- zoological researches, 24;
- charge against, 25;
- death, 26;
- history of the manuscripts of his works, 26;
- account of his biological writings, 27-44;
- his philosophy of nature teleological, 39
- Arundel, Earl of, 94
- Asclepiads, physical training among the, 4
- Asclepions, description of the, 4
- Aselli, 100
- Aubrey, 95, 97, 98, 102
- Bathurst, George, 95
- Blood, description of, by Aristotle, 31
- Blood, opinions before the time of Harvey as to the movements of the, 85, 86
- Bogarucci, 76
- Brain, description of the, by Aristotle, 33
- Browne, Sir Thomas, 65
- CÆsalpinus, 98
- Calcar, Jean, 71
- Callisthenes, 24
- Capillaries, discovery of the, 99
- "Corporis Humani Fabrica," 72
- Cuvier's exaggerated praise of Aristotle, 41
- "Dead image of God," the, 65
- "De Anatome," 66
- "De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis," 88-92
- "De usu Radicis ChinÆ," 73
- Disease, causes of, 7
- "Disease, The Sacred," 6
- Diseases, natural history of, 9
- Dissection of the human body, 10, 52
- "Divine old man," the, 3
- Don Carlos, cure of, 75
- Ductus venosus, observed by Vesalius, 79
- Ent, Dr., 96
- "Epigenesis" and "evolution" compared, 40, 102
- Erasistratus, 47, 58, 85
- Etienne's observation confirmed by Vesalius, 79
- Eustachius, discovery of the thoracic duct of the horse by, 100
- Fabricius of Aquapendente, 85, 92
- Fallopius, anatomical observations of, 77
- "Father of medicine," the,