The sources of information which proved most useful to the writer are: The Annual Reports of the A.C.S., together with the files of its quarterly journal, the African Repository. Messages of Presidents of Liberia, and the Reports of Secretaries of The Archives of the Maryland State Colonization Society, preserved by the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore. * * * * * KENNEDY: Colonization Report. ALEXANDER: History of Colonization. 1845. GURLEY: Report on Condition of Liberia. 1850. CARL RITTER: BegrÜndung u. gegenwÄrtige ZustÄnde der Negerrepublik ANDERSON: Narrative of a Journey to Musardu. 1870. LATROBE: Maryland in Liberia. 1885. WAUWERMANS: LibÉria; Histoire de la Fondation d'un État nÈgre libre. 1885. SCHWARTZ: Einiges Über das interne Leben der Eingebornen Liberias. —Die Neger-Republik Liberia. Das Ausland. 1888. BLYDEN: Christianity, Islam, and the Negro Race. BÜTTIKOFER: Reisebilder aus Liberia. 1890. |