
The following list is intended to serve both as a brief bibliography of important collections of mediÆval documents and as an explanation of the references. In the case of the more important collections and works a brief comment is added. Many titles are omitted where the reference in the text is clear and the work is not of general importance.


  • M. G. Monumenta GermaniÆ Historica; SS., LL., DD., refer to the divisions Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, according to which the work is arranged; folio, 4to, refer to the two forms of the collection.
  • Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum; chronicles reprinted in 8vo from M. G. SS.
  • JaffÉ, Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum; 6 vols.
  • BÖhmer, Fontes rerum Germanicarum; 4 vols.
  • BÖhmer-Ficker-Winkelmann, Regesta. Summaries of imperial documents with indications of the places where they are to be found.
  • Bouquet Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. French collection of mediÆval sources, in 23 vols.
  • Documents inÉdits sur l’histoire de France.
  • Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores; collection of chronicles relating chiefly to the history of Italy in the Middle Age, in 28 vols.
  • Rolls series, Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores, or chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls.
  • Rymer, Foedera; English public documents, 20 vols.


  • Migne, Patrologia; Cursus completus patrologiÆ.... Series Latina; acts and writings of the fathers and popes, 221 vols.
  • Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio.
  • Hefele, Conciliengeschichte; quotes or cites in translation many decrees of councils; 9 vols.
  • Baronius, Annales ecclesiastici; collection of chronicles relating to the history of the Roman Catholic church, published in 1598.
  • Raynaldus, Annales; continuation of Baronius.
  • Watterich, Pontificum Romanorum vitÆ; lives of the popes, 9th to 13th centuries.
  • Bullarium Romanum; collection of papal bulls, 450–1550 A.D.
  • Corpus juris canonici; collection of decrees of councils and popes, forming the body of the canon or church law.
  • Liber diurnus; collection of forms of papal documents, letters, grants, bulls, etc., to serve as models for the papal secretaries.
  • Duchesne, Liber pontificalis.


  • Die Chroniken der deutschen StÄdte vom 14. bis ins 16. Jahrh.; 22 vols.
  • Huilliard-BrÉholles, Historica diplomatica Friderici secundi; 12 vols.
  • Doeberl, Monumenta GermaniÆ Selecta; selected documents referring to the history of Germany, vols. 3–5, 1037–1250 A.D.
  • Altmann und Bernheim, AusgewÄhlte Urkunden; selected documents referring to the history of Germany in the Middle Age.
  • Breslau, Diplomata Centum; a collection of one hundred documents illustrating mediÆval diplomatics.


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