One of the features differentiating the pneumonic process in influenza from the usual types of inflammation of the lung, is diffuseness (90). In the early cases especially, or in cases which terminate fatally at an early period, both lungs are often involved, and, on histological examination, only a small portion of the pulmonary parenchyma is found unaffected. The exudate, largely acellular, presents serum as its most conspicuous feature. The picture is one of a patchy pneumonia with intermediary areas of what might be called edema, although fibrin is often demonstrable in the coagulated, albuminous material. So little attention has been paid to earlier stages of the usual types of pneumonia, for example lobar, that it is impossible to say whether or not diffuse involvement of the pulmonary parenchyma initiates the process which later becomes localized in one or more lobes. The initial edema of influenzal pneumonia is the expression of a widespread irritation. If the injury has not extended deeply, the edema may disappear within a relatively short time, and exfoliated lining cells fill the alveoli; those remaining in their normal position are frequently in process of division (Fig. XLVII). It is conceivable—and the view has already been announced—that this edema is a disseminating factor and perhaps responsible for the diffuseness of the pneumonic process which may follow. If the fluid is simply a serous exudate, it may play no essential rÔle in the severe acute symptoms manifested by these patients, for it has been shown, both in the experimental lesions induced by pulmonary irritating gases and by pulmonary irrigation through which extensive artificial edema of the lungs may be attained, that the presence of fluid in the lung in itself is not harmful (161). Another striking feature of the inflammatory process in this disease is the extensive hemorrhagic exudate expressed clinically in the fresh, red blood of the abundant sputum. In the tissues the blood is always fairly well preserved. It may be scattered diffusely through the cellular exudate (Fig. XXIV) or so abundantly that the area resembles an infarct (Fig. XXV). These hemorrhagic foci, which vary considerably in size, are found not only in the cases that terminate fatally within a few days, but may occur at any time during the acute manifestation of the disease. They are an exaggerated form of red hepatization and it is difficult to see how such red foci could ever change to areas of grey pneumonia. It is a widely accepted statement, in textbooks of Pathology at least, that the stage of red hepatization in pneumonia follows the period of engorgement and precedes the grey form. This interpretation is open to question concerning the lesions that are encountered in influenza, as well as in those that are seen after gas inhalation. Unquestionably, in the stage of engorgement the lung has a red appearance, enhanced by the acellular, serofibrinous exudate in the alveoli through which the greatly congested vessels are seen. At this stage, the lung has a translucency on gross examination, which is not the case when the cellular content of the alveoli is increased. This picture is not the one spoken of most commonly as red hepatization; for, although it appears as a relatively red lung in the gross, difficulty is encountered in its histological correlation, for the exudate is composed, not of red cells, but largely of serum and fibrin. The red color may persist even when numerous polymorphonuclear leucocytes and desquamated alveolar wall cells are within the alveoli, the walls of which are markedly engorged. Later, as the circulation in the pneumonic zone is impaired, the alveolar exudate determines the tone of the gross color, and a considerable number of red blood cells may be overshadowed by the larger percentage of white ones. FIG. XLII. AUTOPSY NO. 133. IS A MUCH LATER STAGE OF THE PROCESS SHOWN IN FIGURE XXXI. ASSOCIATED WITH THE ENCAPSULATED BRONCHIOLAR AND PERIBRONCHIOLAR ABSCESS, THERE IS A DIFFUSE ORGANIZATION OF THE EXUDATE IN THE SURROUNDING ALVEOLI. FIG. XLIII. THE ALVEOLAR WALLS ARE THIN AND THE EXUDATE OF RED BLOOD CELLS AND DESQUAMATED EPITHELIUM IS IN PART HYALINIZED. The absence of cellular elements in the alveolar exudate is frequently observed in influenzal pneumonia (Figs. XXI, XXII, XXIII). This picture has been reproduced experimentally in animals which have been rendered aplastic with benzol, especially with reference to their myeloid elements (160). Pneumonia produced by intratracheal insufflation is more rapidly fatal in aplastic animals, and it is conceivable that the absence of cellular reaction is an explanation for the lack of resistance demonstrated by the high mortality of influenzal pneumonia. Frequently the fibrinoserous mass scattered diffusely throughout the lung is rich in bacteria. In the absence of cells of the polymorphonuclear series, the bacterial development seems to be unrestricted. The aplastic exudate is associated The hyalinization of the epithelium lining the ducti alveolares (47, 48) also merits special attention (Figs. V, XV, XVI). This process may extend through the wall of the duct and is often seen in the alveolar walls throughout the involved lung. The entire alveolar wall may be homogeneous in appearance, but, occasionally, the thrombus alone, which has formed in its vessels (41), presents this change (Fig. XVII). The alveolar as well as the bronchiolar wall is thickened by a homogeneous material in which cell-body and exudate cannot be differentiated. This acute necrosis, as has been mentioned, is encountered in gas poisoning but is unusual in other known types of respiratory infection. Doubtless, it is a precursor to the more destructive lesions commonly found in later stages of the disease—abscesses which extend through the bronchiolar walls (Fig. XXXI), necrotizing areas of pneumonia in which huge clumps of bacteria are found (Fig. XXXII), and true gangrene (Figs. XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV). The destruction of the alveolar wall in the early stages of the disease plays a causal rÔle in the production of subcutaneous emphysema (Figs. XVIII and XIX). This important phase of the histological change in influenzal pneumonia has received but little attention and, with one or two exceptions, is not mentioned in the literature (8, 162). In the interpretation of this necrotization, the only helpful analogy is offered by the acute respiratory lesions following the inhalation of poisonous gases. With the aid of vital stains, it has been demonstrated that chlorine quickly initiates necrosis due to the direct action of the gas. Since necrosis also occurs with phosgene,—in the decomposition of which hydrochloric acid is probably liberated,—there is presumptive evidence that the halogen is responsible for the process. Studies are now in progress to determine the relation of the acid-producing properties of the different strains of organisms to the type and fate of the pneumonic exudate. The similarity between the acute lesions of influenzal pneumonia and those following the inhalation of poisonous gases led to the prediction, in the early studies, that if the process were not terminated by death, the bronchiolar and alveolar changes would not result in a restoration of the tissue to normal, but in an organization which would in its turn bring about mechanical changes in the pulmonary tissue. This prediction has been fulfilled; obliterating bronchiolitis (Figs. XI and XLVIII), bronchiectasis (Figs. L and XII), and organizing pneumonia (47, 92, 156, 162) (Figs. XXXIX, XL, XLI, XLIV, XLV) have been encountered despite the fact that the time interval for fatalities from extraneous or subsidiary causes has been short. FIG. XLIV. THE ALVEOLAR WALLS ARE IN PART OBLITERATED. THE ALVEOLAR EXUDATE IS ORGANIZED BUT THE FIBROUS TISSUE STRANDS ARE SPREAD APART BY EDEMA. FIG. XLV. AUTOPSY NO. 163. ORGANIZATION OF THE ALVEOLAR EXUDATE AFTER THE SUBSIDENCE OF THE ACUTE PROCESS. COMPARE FIGURE XLIV. Comparison with certain processes in other portions of the body suggest the nature of this stimulus to organization in pneumonia. For example, it is well known that epithelial necrosis of the liver that results from chloroform is followed by a restitution of the organ to normal. On the other hand, if the liver necrosis is produced by a chemical agent plus a bacterial one, the destructive lesion not only involves the liver cell, but extends to the framework of the organ and terminates in a cirrhosis. Unquestionably, the difference between the reaction after the chemical alone and that after chemical plus bacterial injury is a more extensive destruction in the latter case resulting in a stimulation of all the elements of the organ, including liver cell, connective tissue, and blood vessel. The connective tissue and vascular elements have a greater capacity to regenerate than has the liver cell; consequently, granulations form which impede the less active reparative process of the hepatic cell. If this comparison be applied to the pulmonary changes in influenza and after the inhalation of poisonous gases, it will be seen that in both processes the initial damage is extensive, as has been indicated in the discussion of necrotization. Where the lesion is superficial, tracheal, bronchial, and alveolar epithelia rapidly regenerate and restore the injured surface. Where, however, the lesions are more extensive, alveolar and bronchiolar exudates are transformed into granulation tissue, even though the epithelium may manifest unusual activity in its attempt to repair a denuded area. |