Transcriber's Notes.
George Hastings McNair
The following corrections have been made in the text:
‘recignize’ replaced with ‘recognize’
(able to recognize each)
‘differenece’ replaced with ‘difference’
(the difference in meaning)
‘non-contotative’ replaced with ‘non-connotative’
(can be non-connotative.)
‘digerentiÆ’ replaced with ‘differentiÆ’
(by means of its differentiÆ.)
‘comfined’ replaced with ‘confined’
(knowledge is confined to)
‘nagtive’ replaced with ‘negative’
(one premise be negative)
‘affirmavite’ replaced with ‘affirmative’
(and a particular affirmative)
Printer error: lost end of point (3) and duplicated part of point (4)
‘agruments’ replaced with ‘arguments’
‘analagous’ replaced with ‘analogous’
(custom analogous to giving)
‘(4)’ missing from text
((4) “The man is guilty)
‘abitrary’ replaced with ‘arbitrary’
(words as arbitrary signs)
‘fallicies’ replaced with ‘fallacies’
(and fallacies of converse)
‘sirname’ replaced with ‘surname’
(have the same surname,)
‘generalziation’ replaced with ‘generalization’
(perfectly induced generalization,)
‘uncontradiced’ replaced with ‘uncontradicted’
incomplete but uncontradicted
‘prenomenon’ replaced with ‘phenomenon’
(entirely with the phenomenon.)
‘vivdly’ replaced with ‘vividly’
(what is only vividly internal)