Transcriber's Notes.

The following corrections have been made in the text:
? ‘recignize’ replaced with ‘recognize’
(able to recognize each)
? ‘differenece’ replaced with ‘difference’
(the difference in meaning)
? ‘non-contotative’ replaced with ‘non-connotative’
(can be non-connotative.)
? ‘digerentiÆ’ replaced with ‘differentiÆ’
(by means of its differentiÆ.)
? ‘comfined’ replaced with ‘confined’
(knowledge is confined to)
? ‘nagtive’ replaced with ‘negative’
(one premise be negative)
? ‘affirmavite’ replaced with ‘affirmative’
(and a particular affirmative)
? Printer error: lost end of point (3) and duplicated part of point (4)
? ‘agruments’ replaced with ‘arguments’
? ‘analagous’ replaced with ‘analogous’
(custom analogous to giving)
? ‘(4)’ missing from text
((4) “The man is guilty)
? ‘abitrary’ replaced with ‘arbitrary’
(words as arbitrary signs)
? ‘fallicies’ replaced with ‘fallacies’
(and fallacies of converse)
? ‘sirname’ replaced with ‘surname’
(have the same surname,)
? ‘generalziation’ replaced with ‘generalization’
(perfectly induced generalization,)
? ‘uncontradiced’ replaced with ‘uncontradicted’
(incomplete but uncontradicted)
? ‘prenomenon’ replaced with ‘phenomenon’
(entirely with the phenomenon.)
? ‘vivdly’ replaced with ‘vividly’
(what is only vividly internal)


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