This treatise is an outgrowth of our class room work in logic. It has been published in the hope of removing some of the difficulties which handicap the average student. We trust that the language is simple and definite and that the illustrative exercises and diagrams may be helpful in making clear some of the more abstruse topics. If a speedy review for examination is necessary, it is recommended that the briefer course as outlined on page493 be followed and that the summaries closing each chapter be carefully read. Only the fundamentals of deductive and inductive logic have received attention. Moreover emphasis has been given to those phases which appear to commend themselves because of their practical value. Further than this we trust that the book may fulfill in some small way the larger mission of inspiring better thinking and, in consequence, of leading to a more serviceable citizenship. Surely as civilization advances it is with the expectation of giving greater significance to the assumption “that man is a rational animal.” I am indebted to a number of writers on logic, notably to Mill, Lotze, Keynes, Hibben, Fowler, Aikins, Hyslop, Creighton and Jevons. Iam likewise under obligation to For constructive criticism and definite encouragement Iowe a personal debt of gratitude to Prof.Charles Gray Shaw of NewYork University, to Prof.Frank D. Blodgett of the Oneonta Normal School and to Prin.A.C. MacLachlan of the Jamaica Training School for Teachers. G. H. McN. City Training School for Teachers, |