

Absolute Terms, 56.

Abstract Terms, 51.

Accent, Fallacy of, 330.

Accident, 81;

Fallacy of, 334.

Affirmative Proposition, 127.

Agreement, Method of, 387.

All—not, Some, Few, Logical Significance of, 133.

Ambiguous Middle, 328.

Amphibology, 329.

Analogy, 368.

Analysis, Definition of, 97;

As a Method, 97;

Induction by, 373.

Analytic Propositions, 138;

Method, 97.

Antecedent, 289.

Apprehension and Thinking, 24.

Arguments, Irregular, 258;

Testing of Categorical, 263;

Incomplete, 247;

General Exercises, 481;

Mistakes of Students in Connection with, 281;

Hypothetical, 288;

Disjunctive, 302;

Dilemmatic, 308.

Argumentum ad populum, 338;

ad hominem, 338;

ad ignorantiam, 338;

ad baculum, 338;

ad verecundiam, 339.

Aristotle’s Dictum, 208.

Art, Definition of, 96.

Auxiliary Elements of Induction, 418.


Bain Quoted, 12.

Ballentine Quoted, 359.

Barbara, Celarent, etc., 234.

Begging the Question, 341.

Bibliography, 492.

Bowen Quoted, 12.

Briefer Course, Outline of, 493.


Canons of Syllogism, 209;

of Four Figures, 226.

Categorematic Words, 48.

Categorical Arguments, 263;

Tested, 263;

General Exercises, 481.

Categorical Propositions Defined, 121;

Four Elements, 122;

Four Kinds, 126;

Classification of, 128.

Cause, Fallacy of False, 340.

Chance, Rationalization of, 468.

Child, Thinking of, 20.

Circulus in Probando, 343.

Classification Compared with Division, 112;

Kinds, 113;

Rules of, 114;

Use, 114.

Co-extensive Propositions, 142.

Collective Terms, 50.

Comparison, Stages in Thinking, 25.

Complete Method, Three Elements, 97.

Composition, Fallacy of, 331.

Concept, Definition of, 17;

a Thought Product, 21.

Concomitant Variations, 402.

Concrete Terms, 51.

Connotative Terms, Two-fold Function of, 62;

Definition of, 52;

a List of, 65.

Conquest the Desideratum, 447.

Consequent, 289;

Fallacy of False, 339.

Contradiction, Law of, 35.

Contradictory Terms, 53;

Propositions, 167.

Contrary Propositions, 165.

Contraversion, 181;

Fallacies of, 327.

Converse Accident, Fallacy of, 335.

Conversion, 176;

by Limitation, 178;

Simply, 179;

Fallacies of, 327.

Copula, 123.

Creighton Quoted, 4, 387, 485.


Deduction, Defined, 96;

as a Method, 97;

Special Function of, 438.

Definition, Importance of, 77;

the Predicables, 77;

Nature of, 82;

Definition of, 83;

Compared with Division, 84;

Kinds of, 85;

When Serviceable, 87;

Rules of, 88;

Terms which Cannot be Defined, 93;

of Common Educational Terms, 94.

Denomination, Stages in Thought, 26.

Denotation and Connotation of Terms, 66.

Descriptive Definition, 86.

Development, Definition of, 94.

Dichotomy, 110.

Difference, Method of, 393.

Differentia, 80.

Dilemma, 308.

Discoverer’s Method, 440.

Disjunctive Arguments, 302;

Rules of, 303;

Logical Disjunction, 303;

Reduction of, 307.

Distribution of Subject and Predicate of Propositions, 145;

Schemes for Remembering, 148.

Division, Definition of Logical, 105;

As Partition, 107;

Compared with Definition, 84;

Distinguished from Enumeration, 106;

Rules of, 108;

Compared with Classification, 112;

Use of, 114;

Fallacy of, 332.

Dressler Quoted, 12.


Education, Defined, 94;

Compared with Instruction, 95.

Educational Terms Defined, 94.

Elements of the Logical Proposition, 123.

Elliptical Propositions, 129.

Enthymeme, 247.

Epicheirema, 249.

Episyllogism, 250.

Epithets, Question Begging, 343.

Essential Attributes of Definition, 88.

Etymological Definition, 85.

Euler’s Diagrams, 141.

Evolution and the Thinking Mind, 19.

Examination Questions, 486.

Exceptive Propositions, 135.

Excluded Middle, Law of, 39.

Exclusive Propositions, 136.

Exercises, Testing Arguments, 481.

Experiment as an Element in Induction, 419.

Extension and Intension of Terms, Defined, 63;

Compared, 63;

Used in Comparison, 65;

Other Forms of Expression for, 66;

Law of Variation in, 66.


Fact, Defined, 96.

Fallacies, of Deductive Reasoning, 322;

Paralogism and Sophism, 322;

Division of, 323;

of Immediate Inference, 326;

in Form, 194, 199;

Hypothetical, 291;

Disjunctive, 303;

of Language, 328;

in Thought, 334.

False Cause, 340.

False Consequent, Fallacy of, 339.

Figure of Speech, Fallacy of, 333.

Figures of Syllogism, 218;

Special Canons of, 226;

Perfect and Imperfect, 235;

Reduction, 235;

Relative Value of, 239.

Formal Fallacies, 197, 324.

Four Terms, Fallacy of, 329.

Fowler Quoted, 4, 360.

Fundamentum Divisionis, 108.


General Exercises in Testing Arguments, 481.

General Terms, 49.

Genus and Species, 78.

Grammatical Subject and Predicate, 125.

Grammatical Sentences, 131.


Hamilton Quoted, 4, 12, 131.

Hibben Quoted, 4, 441.

Huxley Quoted, 473.

Hypothetical Arguments, 288;

Kinds, 290;

Rules and Fallacies, 291;

Reduced to Categorical, 293;

Illustrative Exercise in Testing, 297;

General Exercises, 484.

Hypothesis, Defined, 96, 425;

and Theory, 427;

Requirements of, 427;

Uses of, 429.


Identity, Law of, 32;

Absolute, 33;

Complete and Incomplete, 33;

Relative, 34.

Illicit Major and Minor, 199;

Illustration of, 215.

Image, Definition of, 17.

Immediate Inference, 159;

by Obversion, 170;

by Opposition, 161;

by Conversion, 176;

by Contraversion, 181;

Epitome of Four Processes, 182;

by Inversion, 183;

Fallacies of, 326.

Imperfect Induction, 361.

Indefinite Propositions, 129.

Individual Proposition, Nature of, 132;

in Opposition, 168.

Induction, Defined, 96;

as a Method, 97;

Reasoning, 355;

and the Hazard, 356;

the Three Forms of, 365;

Perfect, 375;

Special Function of, 438.

Inference, Definition of, 18;

a Thought Product, 24;

Immediate, 159;

Mediate, 192.

Infima Species, 79.

Instruction Defined, 95.

Intension of Terms, 63.

Integration, a Stage in Thought, 26.

Inversion, 183.

Inverted Proposition, 137.

Irregular Arguments, 258.

Irrelevant Conclusion, 337.


Jevons Quoted, 4, 25, 387, 468.

Joint Method of Agreement and Difference, 397.

Judgment, Definition of, 17;

a Thought Product, 22;

Most Fundamental Element in Thinking, 23.


Keynes Quoted, 481, 485.

Kinds of Definitions, 85.

Knowing, by Intuition and by Thinking, 2;

Knowing and Thinking Compared, 10;

by Intuition, 11;

Habitual, 11.

Knowledge, Defined, 95;

Intuitive, 11.


Language and Thought Inseparable, 47.

Law of Variation in Extension and Intension, Stated, 66;

Two Important Facts in, 69;

Diagrammatically Illustrated, 70, 71.

Laws of Sufficient Reason, 40;

of Universal Causation, 361;

of Uniformity of Nature, 362.

Laws of Thought, 32;

Unity of, 40;

Schematic Statement of, 43.

Learning, Defined, 95.

Logic, Defined, 3;

Authentic Definitions of, 4;

Grammar of Thought, 3;

Science of Sciences, 3;

the Value of to the Student, 5;

Related to Other Subjects, 1;

Specific Scope, 2.

Logic in the Class Room, 437.

Logic and Life, 463.

Logic of Success, 475.

Logical Definition, 85, 88.

Logical Disjunction, 303.

Logical Subject and Predicate, 125.


Major Term, 196.

Material Fallacies, 323, 324, 325, 328.

Mediate Inference, 192;

the Syllogism, 192;

Rules of Syllogism, 193.

Method Defined, 96;

Inductive and Deductive, 97;

Complete, 97.

Method-Whole Defined, 96.

Middle Term, 192, 193, 196.

Mill Quoted, 5, 359, 361, 387, 393, 397, 402, 406.

Mill’s Experimental Methods, 386.

Miller Quoted, 12.

Mind, the Unity of, 1;

Knowing and Thinking Compared, 10.

Minor Term, 196.

Mnemonic Lines, 234.

Modal Proposition, 139.

Modus Ponendo Tollens, etc., 302.

Moods of Syllogism, 221;

Testing Validity of, 223.

Motivation as Related to Spirit of Discovery, 449.


Negative Proposition, 127.

Negative Terms, 53.

Nego-positive Terms, 55.

Non-connotative Terms, 52.

Non Sequitur, Fallacy of, 339.

Not, Bisects the World, 36;

Two Uses of, 36.

Notion, Definition, 14;

Individual, 14;

General, 14;

Distinguished from Knowledge, 15;

Distinguished from Idea, 16;

Psychological Terms Involved in, 16.


Observation, 419;

Rules of, 420;

Errors of, 423.

Obversion, Definition of, 170;

Fallacies of, 326.

Opposite Terms, 53.

Opposition, Nature of, 161;

Scheme of, 163;

Square of, 164.

Outline of Briefer Course, 493.


Page Quoted, 453.

Particular Propositions, 126;

Affirmative, 143;

Negative, 144.

Partition, 107.

Partitive Propositions, 133.

Percept, Definition of, 17;

Related to Thought, 18.

Perfect Induction, 375.

Petitio Principii, 341.

Plurative Propositions, 132.

Polysyllogism, 250.

Porphyry, Tree of, 111.

Positive Terms, 53.

Predicables. Defined, 77;

Named, 78;

Illustrated, 82.

Predicate, Grammatical and Logical, 125;

Distribution of, 145.

Primary Laws of Thought, 32.

Privative Terms, 55.

Progressive Thought, 465.

Property, 81.

Propositions, Definition of Logical, 120.

Prosyllogism, 250.

Proximate Genus, 79.

Pure Proposition, 139.


Quantity Signs, 123.

Quantity and Quality of Propositions, 126.

Question and Answer, not a Method of Discovery, 457.

Question Begging Epithets, 343.

Question, Complex, 340.


Rationalization, of Chance, 468;

of Political and Business Sophistries, 470;

of the Spirit of Progress, 471;

of the Attitude toward Work, 474.

Reasoning, Defined, 24, 355;

Inductive, 355;

Deductive, 355.

Reduction of Figures, 235.

Relation between Subject and Predicate, 140.

Relative Terms, 56.

Residues, Method of, 406.

Right Thinking, 466.

Rules, of Logical Definition, 88;

of Logical Division, 108;

of Classification, 114;

of the Syllogism, 193;

of the Hypothetical Argument, 291;

of the Disjunctive, 303.

Russell Quoted, 481, 482.

Ryland Quoted, 481, 482.


Salisbury Quoted, 360.

Science, Defined, 95.

Sensation, Defined, 17;

Related to Thought, 18.

Simple Conversion, 179.

Simple Enumeration, 367.

Singular Terms, 49.

Socrates, 322.

Sorites, 251.

Species, 78.

Square of Opposition, 164.

Subaltern Propositions, 164.

Subcontrary Propositions, 164.

Subject, Logical, 123;

Grammatical and Logical Distinguished, 125;

Distribution of, 145.

Success, Logic of, 475.

Sufficient Reason, Law of, 40.

Summum Genus, 79.

Syllogism, a Product of Inference, 24;

Nature of, 192;

Rules of, 193;

Undistributed Middle, 199;

Illicit Major, 199;

Illicit Minor, 199;

Aristotle’s Dictum, 208;

Canons of, 209;

Mathematical Axioms of, 210;

Four Figures of, 218;

Moods of, 221;

Incomplete, 247.

Syncategorematic Words, 48.

Synthesis, Defined, 97;

as a Method, 97.

Synthetic Proposition, 138.


Teaching, Defined, 94;

Compared with Instruction and Education, 95.

Terms, Extension and Intension of, 63;

Used in Extension and Intension, 65;

which Cannot be Defined, 93;

Contradictory and Opposite, 38;

Logical, 47;

Singular and General, 49;

Collective and Distributive, 50;

Concrete and Abstract, 51;

Connotative and Non-connotative, 52;

Positive and Negative, 53;

Contradictory and Opposite, 53;

Privative and Nego-positive, 55;

Absolute and Relative, 56.

Theory Defined, 96.

Thinking, Definition of, 12;

Illustration of Process, 13;

Compared with Knowing, 10;

Compared with Intuition, 2;

the Process, 12;

Groups Many Into One, 18;

in the Sensation and Percept, 18;

Evolution and Thinking Mind, 19;

of the Child, 20;

of the Adult, 20;

and the Concept, 21;

and the Judgment, 22;

and Apprehension, 24;

Stages in, 25;

in the Inference, 24;

Laws of, 32;

Unity of Laws, 40;

Progressive, 465;

Right, Necessity of, 466;

Indifferent and Careless, 467.

Thought and Language, 47.

Thought is King, 437.

Traduction, 377.

Training, Definition of, 95.

Tree of Porphyry, 111.

Truistic Proposition, 139.

Truth Defined, 96.


Uberweg Quoted, 4.

Undistributed Middle, 199;

Illustration of, 214.

Uniformity of Nature, 362.

Universal Affirmative Proposition, 140.

Universal Causation, 361.

Universal Negative Proposition, 142.

Universal Propositions, 126.


Variations, Method of Concomitant, 402.


Watts Quoted, 4.

Weakened Conclusion, 224.

Whately Quoted, 4.

Word-signs of Categorical Propositions, 122.


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