

Any impression upon the mind tends to manifest itself in some form of expression. Impression which arouses thought tends to expression in the form of symbols. Thought and symbol go hand in hand. Expression, taking the form of word-symbols, constitutes a word-language.

It is commonly supposed that language is serviceable mainly in communicating one’s thoughts to others, but language does service in another way which is quite as important. It tends to clarify and make definite all thought. Without a word-language thinking would lack continuity; would be vague, loose, illogical. The right use of a word-language, therefore, is a necessary adjunct to logical thought. The basic element of a word-language is the logical term.


A notion has been referred to as any product of the knowing mind. When we express these notions in words such expressions may be called logical terms.

Definition. A logical term is a word or a group of words denoting a definite notion. Illustrations: Honesty, Chicago, tree, walking, the man who was ill, beautiful roses. This is a list of logical terms, because each word or group of words denotes a notion of some kind. It is now evident that any subject or predicate with its modifiers constitutes a logical term. In the proposition, “The beautiful red house on the hill, owned by Mr.Jones, has burned,” the term used as the subject consists of eleven words. The reader must not confuse logical terms with grammatical parts of speech. “Of” is a preposition but not a logical term, as no definite notion is indicated.


There are some words which, when used alone, denote definite notions, such as man, tree, dog, justice. On the other hand there are other words which, when used alone, do not stand for a definite notion, such as up, beautifully, a, and.

Words like those in the first list are called categorematic words, while those in the second list illustrate syncategorematic words.


A categorematic word is one which forms a logical term unaided by other words. A syncategorematic word is one which must be used with other words to form a logical term.

Any word or group of words which can be used as either subject or predicate of a proposition is a logical term. If the one word in question can be used as either subject or predicate of a proposition then it must be a categorematic word. If it is impossible to use the one word as either subject or predicate of a proposition then this is a sure indication that such a word is syncategorematic. For example, there is no sense in the expressions, “_And_ is honest,” “_Of_ is not true”; hence _and_ and _of_ are syncategorematic.

We may conclude from this that nouns, descriptive adjectives and verbs may be categorematic words, while adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions are syncategorematic words.


A singular term is a term which denotes one object or one attribute.

Proper nouns, when they stand for individuals, are singular terms, such as John Adams, Mississippi River, Socrates. Some proper names stand for a class of objects, as the Caesars, the Mephistopheles, the Napoleons. But when thus used they lose their character as proper names. Such names, therefore, are general terms, not singular.

Common nouns may be made singular by some modifying word, as the first man, the pole star, the highest good, my pet dog, etc.

Certain attributes which imply a oneness or a distinct individuality are singular, such as absolute justice, birds-egg blue, perfect happiness, etc.

Some claim that terms like water, air, salt, etc., are singular, as they stand for one thing. This, however, cannot be if such terms admit the possibility of classification as: hard water, soft water, mineral water.


A general term is one which denotes an indefinite number of objects or attributes.

Class-names are general terms, such as men, chair, tree, army, nation. Words like redness, sweetness, justice, are probably general in that they denote a combination of qualities or may be subdivided into kinds.

The way the term is employed in the proposition should determine its singular or general nature.


A collective term is a general term which indicates an indefinite number of objects as one whole. Such words as class, crowd, army, forest, nation, are collective.

A distributive term is a general term which indicates an indefinite number of objects as a whole, and also may be used to refer to each one of the group separately. Such as man, pupil, tree, book.

It is easy to distinguish collective from distributive terms when we attempt to use them in the designation of individuals. Pointing to a body of troops, one may remark, “There is the regiment.” But when pointing to one man in the regiment, he could hardly say, “There is the regiment.” “Regiment” is therefore collective because it may be used with reference to the whole body of troops but cannot be used in connection with any individual of that body. On the other hand in the sentence, “Man is mortal,” “man” refers to the whole family of men. It also indicates any one of them. As, “This man, John Doe, is mortal.” Thus “man” is distributive. The distributive term, therefore, can be used in a two-fold sense; namely, to denote the whole or to denote each.

It must be noted that, viewed from a different standpoint, some collective terms become distributive in nature. As for example in the proposition, “The army of the world is composed of able bodied men,” army is used with reference to all armies. While it may be used to designate some particular army, as The American army.

Collective terms have been classified as general terms. It must be borne in mind, however, that such may be made singular by some modifying word. For example, people is a general term, but American people is a singular term in that it refers to one people, being thus limited by the word American.


A concrete term is a term which denotes a thing; e.g., this man, that tree, John Doe, denote in each case a thing. Man and tree, denote many things. All are concrete.

An abstract term is a term which denotes an attribute of a thing; e.g., whiteness, patience, squareness, are abstract terms.

Such words as red, honest, just, are concrete; while redness, honesty, justice, are abstract.

On first thought it might be inferred that “red” is the name of an attribute just as much as “redness.” This is a mistaken thought, however, as when we use the word red we mean red something—an object which is red in color, not the color itself. For example, in saying the house is red, we refer to the thing that is red, not to the color redness.

Descriptive adjectives, because they describe things, are concrete. They do not alone name qualities of things, hence they are not abstract.


A connotative term is one which denotes a subject and at the same time implies an attribute. (Asubject is anything which possesses attributes.)

All concrete general terms are connotative because they denote subjects and at the same time stand for certain attributes; e.g., “man” denotes many subjects; in fact, it stands for all the men in the world; it also implies rationality, the power of speech, power of locomotion, etc. “Triangle” stands for all plane figures of three sides; it likewise stands for the qualities, three-sided, three-cornered, etc. Both “man” and “triangle” are connotative.

A non-connotative term is one which denotes a subject only, or implies an attribute only. Such words as Boston, Columbus, The Elizabeth White, denote a subject only. “Blueness,” “justice,” “width,” imply an attribute only. All these terms are non-connotative. The words blue, just, wide, are connotative. “Blue,” for example, denotes all blue things, as the blue sky, the blue sea; at the same time “blue” implies that something possesses the quality, blueness.

Generally speaking, proper and abstract nouns are non-connotative; though such proper nouns as Mount Washington, Mississippi River, are, no doubt, connotative, as they denote an object and imply at least one attribute. In the case of Mount Washington an object is surely denoted, and the attribute mountainous is implied. Any proper noun which conveys definite information is connotative. It may be claimed that all proper nouns give information. For example, to many Boston indicates not only an object, but the qualities common to a city. In reply it may be said that “Boston” might indicate a boat, or a dog, or almost any individual object.


A positive term is one which signifies the possession of certain attributes; e.g., metal, man, teacher, happy, honest.

A negative term is one which signifies the absence of certain attributes; e.g., inorganic, unhappy, non-metallic.

Terms which have the prefix not, non, un, in, dis, etc., or the affix less, are usually considered negative. The fact that there are some exceptions to this must not be overlooked. For example, unloosed, invaluable, are positive terms.

In theory every positive term has its corresponding negative; as pure, impure; organic, inorganic; metal, non-metal; good, not-good.

In some instances the language does not supply the word with the negative prefix because no need of it has been felt. The only way to express the negative of such words as good, table, etc., is to prefix “not” or “non.”

(See page 38).

Positive terms with their negatives have contradictory meanings and therefore are referred to as contradictory terms. For example, honest and not-honest, metallic and non-metallic, perfect and imperfect, are contradictory terms. Such terms are mutually destructive. When we assert the truth of one we also imply the falsity of the other. If, for example, we assert that Abraham Lincoln was honest, we carry with this assertion the implication that Lincoln was not not-honest, or that any statement to the effect that he was not honest is false.

Contradictory terms, when used in a sentence, illustrate the law of excluded middle, as in the statements: “John’s recitation is either perfect or imperfect.” “This teacher is either just or not-just.” There is no middle ground in such propositions.

When contradictory terms are used in classification the whole is divided into but two classes; e.g.:

honest not-honest
agreeable not-agreeable
metallic non-metallic
perfect imperfect
pure impure
organic inorganic

All the men in the world are either honest or not-honest. All the substances in existence are either organic or inorganic, etc.

It will also be seen from this list that the contradictory of the positive form is not always indicated by using the prefix. Honest and dishonest, or agreeable and disagreeable, are not contradictory terms. In the case of agreeable and disagreeable, there seems to be the middle ground of absolute indifference. For example: the music of the orchestra is agreeable while the humming of the enthusiast back of me is decidedly disagreeable; but as to the noise upon the street, it is neither agreeable nor disagreeable as long practice has made me indifferent to it.

When there is any doubt as to the terms being contradictory, the safest plan is to prefix “not” or “non” to the positive form.

Terms which oppose each other but do not contradict are said to be opposite or contrary terms. The following list illustrate opposite terms:

hot cold
cool warm
less greater
wise foolish
bitter sweet
soft hard
tall short
agreeable disagreeable

All these terms admit of a medium. In the case of hot or cold, for example, a substance need not necessarily be either. It may be warm or cool.

Terms seem to be contradictory when it is a matter of quality, but opposite when it is a question of quantity or degree.


A privative term is one which is positive in form but negative in meaning. Such words as blind, deaf, dumb, dead, maimed, orphaned, are privative terms, in that there is no negative prefix or suffix and yet they denote the absence of certain qualities. “Blind,” for example, is positive in form, but denotes absence of sight.

A nego-positive term is one which is negative in form but positive in meaning. Such terms as invaluable, unloosed, immoral, indwell, are nego-positive because, though they have negative prefixes, yet they possess a certain positive meaning. “Invaluable,” for instance, does not mean not-valuable, but very valuable.


An absolute term is one whose meaning becomes intelligible without reference to other terms. Automobile, water, tree, house, book, are absolute terms. Any of them may be made clear to a child or a foreigner without special reference to other terms. For example, the child will recognize from certain common marks the automobile every time he sees it. The marks of tree, house, flower, are apparent to every one.

A relative term is one which derives its meaning from its relation to some other term. Parent, teacher, shepherd, monarch, eldest, cause, commander, are relative terms. For example, in explaining the meaning of “parent” to a foreigner, reference must be made to “child.” The pairs of terms thus associated are spoken of as correlatives. Parent and child, teacher and pupil, shepherd and flock, monarch and subject, eldest and youngest, cause and effect, commander and army, are correlative terms. Either one of each pair is the correlate to the other, and every relative term needs its correlate to make its meaning clear. To say that a relative term denotes an object which cannot be thought of without reference to some other object, is confusing, as it is quite impossible to think of any object without calling to mind some other object or notion. Fire calls to mind water; tree suggests shade, etc.



(1) Meaning of term.

(2) Categorematic and syncategorematic words.

(3) Kinds of terms.

Singular terms.

General terms.

(a) Collective terms.

(b) Distributive terms.

Concrete and abstract terms.

Connotative and non-connotative terms.

Positive and negative terms.

Contradictory and opposite terms.

Privative and nego-positive terms.

Absolute and relative terms.


A logical term is a word or group of words denoting a definite notion.

A singular term is a term which denotes one object or one attribute.

A general term is a term which denotes an indefinite number of objects or attributes.

General terms are collective or distributive.

A collective term is a general term which indicates an indefinite number of objects considered as one whole.

A distributive term is a general term which indicates an indefinite number of objects as a whole and also may be used to refer to each one of the group separately.

A concrete term is a term which denotes a thing.

An abstract term is a term which denotes the attribute of a thing.

A connotative term is one which denotes a subject and at the same time implies an attribute.

A non-connotative term is one which denotes a subject only or implies an attribute only.

A positive term is one which signifies the possession of certain attributes.

A negative term is one which signifies the absence of certain attributes.

In theory every positive term has its negative. As related to each other positive and negative terms are said to be contradictory. If one denotes a true notion then the other denotes a false notion.

Some terms oppose each other but do not flatly contradict. As related to each other such terms are said to be opposite.

A privative term is one which is positive in form but negative in meaning.

A nego-positive term is one which is negative in form but positive in meaning.

An absolute term is one whose meaning becomes intelligible without reference to other terms.

A relative term is one which derives its meaning from its relation to some other term.


(1a) The words in italics are categorematic.

(1)Honesty is the best policy.

(2)A wise teacher never scolds.

(3) “The woodcock has a long bill and eyes high up on the head.

NOTE—If there is any doubt as to such words as never, on, etc., being syncategorematic, attempt to use them as subject or predicate of a proposition; e.g., John is never.

(1b) Underscore the categorematic words in the following:

(1) “Socrates was the greatest teacher of pagan times.”

(2) “Play is nature’s way of teaching a child how to work.”

(3) “A man may be what he chooses if he is willing to pay the price.”

(2a) In the following, words enclosed in parentheses are logical terms:

(1) (“All men) are (mortal.”)

(2) (“The law of identity) is (one of the primary laws of thought.”)

(3) (“Judging) is (the process of conjoining and disjoining notions.”)

(2b) Indicate the logical terms in the sentences under 1b.

(3a) The logical characteristics of the term teacher are

(1) general term,

(2) distributive term,

(3) concrete term,

(4) connotative term,

(5) positive term,

(6) relative term.

(3b) The logical characteristics of other terms are as follows:

(1) Goodness—general, abstract, non-connotative, positive, abstract.

(2) Soft—general, concrete, non-connotative, positive, “hard” is its opposite, “not-soft” is its contradictory, absolute.

(3) Disagreeable—general, concrete, non-connotative, “agreeable” is its opposite, “not-disagreeable” is its contradictory, nego-positive, absolute.

(4) Aristotle—singular, concrete, non-connotative, positive, absolute.

(5) Class—general, collective, concrete, connotative, positive, relative.

(3c) Give the logical characteristics of the following terms: justice, Abraham Lincoln, tree, library, America, president, principle, sympathy, dumb, nation.


(1) What is the connection between logical thinking and language?

(2) Why is man a categorematic word?

(3) Why is beautifully syncategorematic?

(4) Distinguish between singular and general terms.

(5) Show how a collective term may be used in a distributive sense.

(6) Why are the words tree and book distributive?

(7) Distinguish between concrete and abstract terms.

(8) Define and illustrate a non-connotative term.

(9) Why are concrete general terms connotative?

(10) Distinguish between positive and privative terms.

(11) Why is not the word immoral negative?

(12) Give the opposite of “hot.” What is the contradictory of “hot”?

(13) Distinguish by definition and illustration between relative and absolute terms.

(14) What is the correlate of the word effect?


(1) Is it possible to think independent of language?

(2) May words be spoken or written without thought? Illustrate.

(3) Are categorematic words always logical terms?

(4) Must all the words of a logical term be categorematic?

(5) Are pronouns and auxiliary verbs categorematic?

(6) Indicate the logical connection between the terms of a proposition and the termini of a railroad.

(7) Show that attribute is a broader term than quality.

(8) Is the word Washington general or singular? Give reasons.

(9) Make the word dog a singular term.

(10) Give an illustration where the word class would not be collective.

(11) “All the members of the baseball team are star players.” How has the term star players been used, collectively or distributively?

(12) Why may the term New York City be connotative to a New Yorker and non-connotative to a Patagonian?

(13) So far as your present knowledge of the martyred president Abraham Lincoln is concerned, is the term Abraham Lincoln connotative or non-connotative?

(14) Are non-connotative terms always singular? Illustrate.

(15) Are singular terms always non-connotative?

(16) What is the difference in meaning between immoral and unmoral, disagreeable and not-agreeable?

(17) Why is immoral a nego-positive term while unmoral is negative?

(18) What is the contradictory of the opposite of wise?

(19) Show that there is some ground for believing all terms to be relative.

(20) Is army a relative term? If “army” were used so as to be distributive in nature would it then be general or collective?

(21) Why should the pronoun be ignored by the logician?

(22) Show the difference between thing and subject.

(23) Argue to the effect that no term can be non-connotative.


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