
Abolition, laws; societies; opposition to; Compromise Bill; issue of Civil War. Acadia, extent of; struggle for. Act, of 1870; of 1873; of 1875. Adams. Adams, Alvin. Adams, Charles F. Adams, John, defends soldiers; Declaration of Independence; negotiates treaty; vice president; president. Adams, John Quincy, opposes European colonization; presidential nominee; president; opposed to slavery. Adams, John Q., vice-pres. nominee. Adams, Samuel. Adams Express Company. "Adams men". "Administration men". Alabama. Alabama, admitted; secedes; readmitted. Alabama claims. Alaska, boundaries; purchased. Albany, Dutch at; colonial congress at. Alexandria. Algonquins. Alien and Sedition laws. Allegheny River, French on. Allen, Ethan. Allison amendment. Amendments to Constitution, ten; twelfth; proposed thirteenth; thirteenth; fourteenth; fifteenth. America, discovery of; naming of. American Antislavery Society. American Fur Trading Company. American party. American Republican party; disappears. Amherst. Amnesty, proclamation issued; political issue. Anaesthesia discovered. Anderson, Robert. AndrÉ, Major John. Annapolis, Md., founded; riot at; trade convention at. Annapolis, Port Royal called. Annual message. Anti-Chinese movement. Anti-Federalists. Anti-Nebraska men. Antietam, battle of. Antimasonic party. Antislavery movement. Appomattox Courthouse. Arbitration, policy; between England and Venezuela. Argall, Governor. Argus. Arizona, territory; silver interests. Arkansas, becomes territory; admitted; secedes; Confederates in; reconstruction; readmitted. Army of the Cumberland; disbanded. Army of the Potomac, peninsular campaign; at Gettysburg; in Wilderness campaign; disbanded. Army of Tennessee. Army of Virginia. Arnold, Benedict, attacks Quebec; at Saratoga; treason of; in British service. Articles of Confederation. Ashburton, Lord. Assumption of state debts. Astor, John Jacob. Astoria founded. Atchison settled. Atlanta burned. Atlantic cable. Auburn settled. Aurania settled. Austin, Moses. Austin, Stephen.


Bahama Islands.
Baltimore, founded;
in colonial times;
Congress at;
route to the West;
convention at;
insurgents in;
labor congress in.
Baltimore, Lord,
Banks, United States, see National Bank;
state, see State Banks.
Banks, N. P., presidential nominee, in
Civil War,
Bannock City founded,
Barry, John,
Barron, Commander,
Baton Rouge, captured,
Spaniards claim,
"Battle above the Clouds,"
Bean, William,
Bear State republic,
Beauregard, General,
Bell, John,
Belpre settled,
Bemis Heights, battle of,
Bennington, battle of,
Benton, Thomas II., senator,
Bents Fort,
Berkeley, Lord,
Berlin Decree,
Bidwell, John,
Bienville, CÉloron de,
Big Bottom massacre,
Bills of credit,
Biloxi settled,
Birney, James Gillespie, presidential nominee,
Black, James,
Black Rock burned,
Bladensburg, battle of,
Blaine, James G.,
Blair, Francis P.,
Bland-Allison Silver Bill,
Blockade, of 1814,
Blockade runners,
Blue Lodges,
Bonded debt, of 1866,
of 1894,
Bonds, United States,
Bonhomme Richard,
Bonneville, Captain,
Boom towns,
Boone, Daniel,
Boonesboro settled,
Booth, John Wilkes, assassinates Lincoln,
Border states secede,
Boston, founded,
in colonial times,
tea party,
Port Bill,
occupied by British,
in 1790,
Boston Neck,
Boston Sentinel,
Boundary, of United States in 1783,
in 1815,
of Alaska,
of Texas,
map showing territorial growth of United States,
Braddock, Edward,
Bradford, William,
Brandywine, battle of,
Brazil discovered,
Breckinridge, John C., vice president,
presidential candidate,
Breeds Hill, battle of,
Brewster, William,
British, see English.
British Columbia, boundary of,
British Guiana,
Brown, B. Gratz,
Brown, Jacob,
Brown, John,
Brown, Robert,
Bryan, William J.,
Buchanan, James, president,
attitude toward seceded states,
Buckner, General Simon B.,
Buell, General,
Buena Vista, battle of,
Buffalo burned,
Bull Run, battles of,
Bunker Hill, battle of,
Bunker Hill Monument,
Burgoyne, John,
Burke P. B.,
Burlingame, Anson,
Burnside, General,
Burr, Aaron,
Business depression of '93,
Butler, A. P.,
Butler, Benjamin F.,
Butler, William O.,
Butterfield overland stage.


Cabinet, first, Cable, Atlantic, Cabots, Cabral, Calhoun, John C., in War Congress, vice president, favors nullification, on slavery, on Compromise Bill, death of, California, FrÉmont in, independent, slavery in, gold discoveries, applies for admission, settled and admitted, Pacific Railroad to, Calverts, Cambridge settled, Camden, battle of, Canada, ceded to British, boundary of, fisheries, Canals, Canonchet, Canso attacked, Cape Ann colony, Cape Breton, Cape Cod named, Cape Fear River settlements, Captains of industry. Caribbean Islands. Carleton, Sir Guy. Carolinas, settled; see North and South Carolina. Carpetbaggers. Carson, Kit. Carteret, Sir George. Cartier, Jacques. Cass, Lewis. Castine massacre. Castle Pinckney. Catholics in Maryland. Cayuga Indians. Cedar Creek, battle of. Cedar Mountain, battle of. CÉloron de Bienville. Census, first; of 1810; of 1870; of 1900. Central Pacific Railroad. Cerro Gordo, battle of. Certificates, national. Chadds Ford, battle of. Chambers, B. J. Chambersburg burned. Champlain. Chancellorsville, battle of. Chapultepec, battle of. Charles I., grants Maryland; persecutes Puritans; beheaded. Charles II., grants Connecticut; grants Carolina; grants Pennsylvania. Charleston, founded; attacked; in colonial times; opposes tea tax; captured; nominating convention. Charleston harbor. Charlestown, settled. Charlestown Neck. Charter colonies. Charters, of 1606; of 1609; of 1629. Chase, Salmon P. Chattanooga, battle of. Cherokee Indians. Cherry Creek. Cherry Valley massacre. Chesapeake. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Chester. Chicago, Republican conventions; in 1832; in 1840; labor congress; convention of '69; fire; meat packing; Bimetallic League. Chickahominy River. Chickamauga, battle of. Chickasaw Indians. China, disorder in. Chinese Exclusion acts. Chinese immigration. Chippewa, battle of. Choctaw Indians. Church of New England. Churubusco, battle of. Cincinnati, in 1802; in 1810; convention of 1872; labor congress; convention of 1876. Circuit courts. Civil Rights Bill. Civil service reform. Civil War; cost of; results of. Clark, General George Rogers. Clark, William. Clay, Henry, speaker; presidential nominee; secretary of state; Compromise Tariff; Infant School; Compromise Bill; death of. Clermont. Cleveland, population in 1840. Cleveland, Stephen Grover, president. Clinton, George. Clinton, Governor De Witt. Clinton, Sir Henry, campaigns. Cobb, Howell. Cochrane, General John. Cockburn, Admiral. Cohoes founded. Coin at a premium. Coinage of gold and silver. Cold Harbor, battle of. Colfax, Schuyler. Collins steamship line. Colonial, life; forms of government. Colonies, Spanish; English; Dutch; Swedish. Colorado, acquired; a territory; admitted; silver interests. Colt. Columbia Centinel. Columbia River discovered. Columbus, Christopher. Columbus, Ky., evacuated. Columbus, O., population in 1840; conventions. Commerce, in colonial times; about 1810; destroyers; See also Trade. Committee of Safety. Compromise, Missouri; tariff; of 1850; of Crittenden. Compromises in Constitution. Comptroller of the Currency. Concord, battle of. Confederate cruisers. Confederate States, formed; during civil war; capital of; end of; military supplies of; debts and losses of; congress dissolved. Congress. Congress, under Articles of Confederation, and see Continental Congress; reconstruction plan of; gives land grants; acts of 1862 and 1863. Congress, National Labor. Connecticut, settled; in colonial times; Reserve. Conscription, Confederate. Constellation. Constitution. Constitution of U.S., amendments to, see Amendments. Printed in Appendix, Constitutional Union party, Continental army, Continental Congress, Continental debt, Continental money, Contract labor, Contraction policy, Contreras, battle of, Conway cabal, Cooper, Peter, Corinth, battle of, Cornwallis, Lord, Coronado, Corporations, rise of, opposition to, Cortereal, Cortes, Cotton gin, Cotton industry, Cotton-seed oil, Council Bluffs, Mormons at, Council for New England, Coureurs de bois, Court of Admiralty, Courts of U.S. established, Cowpens, battle of, Cranfill, J.B., Crawford, William H., Credit Strengthening Act, Creek Indians, Crittenden's Compromise, Croghan, Major, Crown Point, founded, English at, Cuba, Culpeper Courthouse, Cumberland, Cumberland Road, Cunard steamship line, Currency, U.S., Curtis, Gen. S.R., Customs Commissioners.


Dakota Territory, formed, population of, Dallas, George Mifflin, Dalton, battle of, Daniel, William, Davenport, John, Davie, William K., Davis, David, Davis, Jefferson, president of Confederacy, capture of, Dayton, William L., De Soto, Deane, Silas, Dearborn's expedition, Debt, national, after the Revolutionary War, in 1790, in 1801, in 1835, new national, during Civil War, in 1866, in 1887, in 1894, Declaration of Independence, in Vermont, See Appendix, Declaration of Rights, DeKalb, Delaware, claims in, sold to Penn, in colonial times, slavery in, Delaware, Lord, 32. Delaware Indians, 68, 72. Delegates, territorial, 162, 351 n. 2. Democratic party, Democratic Republicans, Denver, settled, convention at, Department of Labor established, Detroit, settled surrender of, Dewey, Commodore, Dingley Tariff, Dinwiddie, Governor Robert, Direct tax, District courts, District of Columbia, slavery in, Dixon, Jeremiah, Dole, president of Hawaiian Republic, Donelson, Andrew Jackson, Donelson, John, Dorchester settled, Dorchester Heights captured, Douglas, Stephen A., Nebraska Bill, debates with Lincoln, elected senator, presidential nominee, Dover riot, Dow, Neal, Drake, Drake, Sir Francis, Draper, Dr. John W., Dred Scott decision, Duane, William J., Duluth founded, Duquesne, Marquis, Durham massacre, Dutch, possessions, settlements, Dutch West India Company.


Earle, Thomas,
Early, Jubal,
East India Company,
East Indies, trade with,
Eastern Colonies, occupations, etc.,
Eastport captured,
Edmunds Law,
Electoral college,
Electoral commission,
Elizabeth, Queen,
Elizabeth City captured,
Ellmaker, Amos,
Ellsworth, Oliver,
Emancipation, agitation;
cost of.
Embargo laws.
Emigration, western.
Endicott, John.
English, possessions;
relations with France;
relations with Indians;
government of colonies;
attitude to colonies;
war with colonies;
at war with French;
disputed right of trade;
favor South American republics;
favor South;
Venezuelan boundary question.
English, William H.
English fur companies.
Era of Good Feeling.
Ericsson, Captain John.
Ericsson, Leif.
Erie Canal.
Erie Indians.
Europe, claims in America;
attitude during Civil War.
Evans, Oliver.
Everett, Edward.
Exeter massacre.
Explorations, European;
Express, pony.
Express companies formed.


Fair Oaks, battle of. Fairbanks. Farewell Address of President Washington. Farmers' Alliance. Farragut, Admiral. Federal Hall. Federal money. Federalist party, Ferdinand, King, aids Columbus. Field, Cyrus W. Field, James G. Fifteenth Amendment. "Fifty-four forty or fight". Fillmore, Millard, vice president; president; presidential nominee. Financial, distress of '37; condition after Civil War; policy, Grant's; questions after '88. First Continental Congress. Fiscal Bank of United States. Fiscal Corporation. Fishery question. Fitch, John. Five Nations, or Iroquois Indians. Flag, national; American naval. Flamborough Head, 148. Florida. Florida, discovered; a British possession; East and West; a Spanish possession; purchased; a territory; admitted; secedes; readmitted. Foote, Flag Officer. Force Act, of; Jackson's; of 1871. Foreign labor. Foreigners, see Immigration. Fort Assumption built. Fort Boise. Fort Chartres built. Fort CrÈvecoeur built. Fort Cumberland. Fort Donelson captured. Fort Duquesne built; captured. Fort Edward. Fort Erie captured. Fort Fisher captured. Fort Frontenac captured. Fort Hall founded. Fort Henry captured. Fort Le Boeuf built Fort Leavenworth. Fort Lee attacked. Fort Loyal massacre. Fort McAllister captured. Fort McHenry bombarded. Fort Macon captured. Fort Meigs, battle of. Fort Monroe. Fort Morgan. Fort Moultrie. Fort Nassau built. Fort Natchitoches. Fort Necessity built. Fort Orange built. Fort Pillow captured. Fort Pitt. Fort Rosalie founded. Fort St. Louis built. Fort Stanwix besieged. Fort Stephenson, battle of. Fort Sumter; battles of. Fort Ticonderoga. Fort Tombeckbee built. Fort Toulouse founded. Fort Venango built. Fort Washington captured. "Forty-niners". Fourteenth Amendment. Fractional currency. Franchise right; interference with. Franklin, Benjamin, during the French War; experiments; Declaration of Independence; ambassador to France. Franklin, state of. Fray Marcos. Fredericksburg, in colonial times; battle of. Free coinage, of gold and silver; of silver. Free-soil party; joins Republicans. Freedmen, treatment after war; vote. Freedmen's Bureau Bill. Frelinghuysen, Theodore. FrÉmont, John C., in California; presidential nominee; in Shenandoah valley. French, possessions; explorations; relations with Indians; relations with English; and Indian War; abandon America; acknowledge our independence; republic established; war with English; trouble with United States; during Civil War; in Mexico. French Directory. Frenchtown, battle of. Fries's Rebellion. Frobisher, Sir Martin. Frolic. Frontenac, Count. Frontier life. Frye, Joshua. Fugitive-slave laws. Fulton, Robert. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. Funding of national debt. Fusion tickets.


Gadsden, James. Gadsden Purchase. "Gag Rule". Gage, General Thomas. Gaines Mill, battle of. Gallatin, Albert. Gallipolis settled. GallissoniÈre, Marquis de la. Gama, Vasco da. Garfield, James, president; death of. Garrison, William Lloyd. Gates, General Horatio. Gates, Sir Thomas. Genet. Geneva awards. George II, grants charter. Georgia, settled; in colonial times; annexed territory; conquered; cedes land to Congress; secedes; Sherman's march through; again in the Union; Germantown, battle of. Gerry, Elbridge. Gerrymander. Gettysburg, battle of. Gettysburg Address, Lincoln's. Gila River. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. Goffe, William. Gold, discovered in California; at Pikes Peak; in Northwestern States; payments suspended; sole legal tender; standard. Gold Democrats. Gold reserve. Goldsboro. Goodyear. Gorges, Sir Ferdinando. Gosnold. Gourgues. Government, colonial; under Articles of Confederation; of territories; control of railroads, etc. Grant, General U. S., in Civil War; relations with Johnson; president; third term proposed. Gray, Captain. Great American Desert. Great Britain, see English. Great Lakes explored. Great Salt Lake. Great Western. Greeley, Horace. Green Mountain Boys. Greenback party. Greenbacks. Greene, Nathanael. Grenville, Prime Minister. Groesbeck, W. S. Groton massacre. Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of. GuerriÈre. Guilford founded. Guilford Courthouse, battle of. Guinther. Guthrie.


Hail, Columbia! written.
Hale, John P.
Hale, Nathan.
Halleck, General Henry.
Hamilton, Alexander.
Hamlin, Hannibal.
Hampton Roads, peace conference at;
Confederate cruiser sunk in;
Monitor and Merrimac.
Hancock, General Winfield.
Hand loom.
Hand mill.
Hand press.
Hard cider campaign.
Hard times of '73;
of '93.
Harnden, W. F.
Harpers Ferry.
Harrisburg convention.
Harrison, Benjamin, president.
Harrison, William Henry, in War of 1812;
delegate in Congress;
at Tippecanoe;
presidential candidate;
death of.
Harrisons Landing.
Harrodsburg settled.
Hartford settled.
Hatteras Inlet.
Haverhill massacre.
Hawaiian annexation.
Hayes, Rutherford B., president.
Hayne, Governor.
Helena founded.
Hendricks, Thomas A.
Henry, Patrick.
Highways of trade.
Hispaniola colonized.
Hobart, Garret A.
Hoe octuple press,.
Holly Springs.
Holy Alliance.
Home manufactures defended.
Homestead Law.
Hood, General J.B.
Hooker, General.
Hooker, Thomas.
Hopkinson, Joseph.
House of Burgesses.
House of Commons.
House of Lords.
House of Representatives, formed,
elects president
Houston. Samuel.
Howe, Elias.
Howe, General William.
Hudson, Henry.
Hudson Bay Company.
Hull's surrender.
Hunt, Walter.
Huron Indians.
Hutchinson, Anne.


Iberville. Idaho, a territory admitted silver interests. Idaho City founded. Illinois, a territory admitted. Immigration, Chinese, see Chinese; European Western, see Emigration. Impeachment of Johnson. Impressment of sailors. Income tax. Indented servants. Independence Chamber. Independence, Declaration of. Independence Hall. Independent National party. Independent Treasury law. Independents or Mugwumps. India rubber. Indian country. Indiana, a territory; admitted. Indiana Register. Indianapolis, population in 1840. Indians, alliance with French, traits of wars in French and Indian War during Revolution in 1790 in 1812, troubles with in Oregon territory sold. Industrial revolution Inflation Bill. Insurgente. Interest indents. Internal improvements, political issue. Internal revenue system. Interstate Commerce. Intolerable Acts. Inventions. "Invisible Empire,". Iowa, a territory admitted, 366. Ironclads. Iroquois Indians. Irwinsville. Isabella. Queen, aids Columbus. Island No. 10 captured. Isthmian Canal. Iuka, battle of.


Jackson, convention at battle of. Jackson, Dr. Jackson, General Andrew, at New Orleans, defeats Indians presidential nominee president, 301-811. Jackson, General T.J. "Jackson men," Jalapa, battle of. Jamaica discovered,. James I., creates Virginia Company; annuls charter. Jamestown settled. Java captured. Jay, John, treaty of Paris, ambassador to London. Jay Cooke and Co.'s failure. Jefferson, Thomas, writes Declaration of Independence secretary of state, Republican leader vice president, opposes Alien and Sedition laws president favors political proscription. Jerry. Jerseys, see New Jersey; retreat across. Johnson, Andrew, vice president president amnesty policy. Johnson, Herschel V. Johnson, R.M. Johnston, Gen. A.S. Johnston, Gen. Joseph E. Joliet. Louis. Jones, John Paul. Julian, George W. Jumonville.


Kanawha state. Kansas, struggle for slavery question in, admitted rapid growth Farmers' Alliance. Kansas City. Kansas-Nebraska Law. Kaskaskia settled. Kearny, Colonel Stephen. Kearsarge. Kendall, Amos. Kentucky, settled; resolutions; admitted; Confederates in; slavery in. Key, Francis S., writes Star-Spangled Banner. Kickapoo Indians. King George's War. King Philip's War. King William's War. King, Rufus. King, William R. Kings Mountain. Kirtland. Knights of Labor. Know-nothing party. Knox, General Henry. Ku Klux Klan.


La Salle, Robert de. Labor, in 1763; in 1790; questions in 1860; after Civil War; slave and free; foreign and convict; parties. Labor department established. Laconia. Lafayette, Marquis de. Lake Champlain, battle of. Lake Erie, battle of. Lancaster, Congress at. Land grants, free; to railroads; opposed. Land Mortgage scheme. Lane, Joseph. Lane, Ralph. Larimer, General. Laud, Archbishop. LaudonniÈre. Lawrence. Lawrence settled. Lawrence, Amos A. Lawrence, James. Leaven worth. Lecompton constitution. Lee, Charles. Lee, Richard Henry. Lee, Robert E., campaigns in Civil War; surrenders. Lenni Lenape Indians. Leopard. Letters of marque. Lewis, Meriwether. Lewiston founded. Lexington, 148. Lexington, battle of. Lexington, Ky. Liberal Republican party. Liberator. Liberty party. Limestone settled. Lincoln, Abraham, debates with Douglas, in Illinois senatorial contest; elected president; during Civil War; inauguration speech; Emancipation Proclamation; Gettysburg Address; peace conference with Stephens; reflected; assassinated. Lincoln, General. Line of Demarcation. Little Belt. Livingston, Robert R. Loan-office certificates. Log cabin campaign. Log cabins. Log of the Mayflower. Logan, John A. Logstown. London Company. Long, Dr. Long, Major; discovers Longs Peak. Long houses, Indian. Long Parliament. Lookout Mountain, battle of. Lords of Trade. Lottery, Congress. Louis XV. claims Ohio region. Louisburg, built; captured by English; restored to French. Louisiana, La Salle in; extent of; French in; struggle for; Spanish; purchased; admitted; boundary; secedes; reconstructs government; readmitted. Louisville, settled; labor congress at. Lovejoy, Elijah. Lowell founded. Lundy, Benjamin. Lundys Lane, battle of. Lyon, General.


McClellan, General George B., campaigns; presidential nominee. McCormick reaper. McDonough, Thomas. McDowell, General Irwin, campaigns. McKinley, William, president. McKinley Tariff Act. Macedonian. Macomb, General. Macon Bill. Madison, James, on the Constitution; Republican leader; favors Virginia Resolutions; president. Magellan. Mails, see Postal System. Maine, settled; part of Massachusetts Bay colony; admitted. Maine Law. Manassas Junction, battle of. Manhattan Island. Manila, battle of. Manufactures, in colonial times; about 1800; infant; in slave states; during Civil War; since Civil War. March to the Sea, Sherman's. Marcos, Fray. Marietta settled. Marion. Marquette. Marshall. Marshall, John. Martin, Luther. Mary, Queen, grants Massachusetts charter. Maryland, colonized; in colonial times. slavery in. Mason, Charles. Mason, James M. Mason, John. Mason and Dixon's Line. Massachusetts, Bay Company; religious intolerance in; Bay charter granted; in colonial times; opposes Stamp and Townshend Acts; Bill; cedes land to Congress. Matagorda Bay Matamoras, battle of Maximilian Mayflower Mayflower Compact Mayflower Log Maysville settled Meade, General Mechanical improvements Mechanicsville Memphis captured Mendoza Menendez Mercer Merrimac Mexico, becomes republic wars French in Miami Indians Michigan, a territory admitted Michilimackinac, trading post Middle Colonies, occupations, etc. Milan Decree Milford founded Military lands Mill Springs, battle of Mills, R. Q. Mills Tariff Bill Milwaukee, population in 1840 Minneapolis mills Minnesota Minnesota, slavery in a territory admitted Mint established Minute men Missionary Ridge, battle of Mississippi River, explored French forts built on right of navigation slavery west of campaign in Civil War Mississippi, a territory admitted secedes convention in opposed to Reconstruction Act again in the Union Missouri, admitted opposes Wilmot Proviso elects Kansas delegate slavery in Missouri Compromise Missouri River, gold discovered on Mobile, in colonial times captured Mobile Bay explored British in Mohawk Indians Mohegan Indians Molino del Rey, battle of Money, see Currency, Gold, and Silver. Monitor Monmouth, battle of Monroe, James, Republican leader treaty with England president Monroe Doctrine Montana, a territory admitted silver interests Montcalm, General Monterey, Cal., FrÉmont at Monterey, Mexico, battle of Montezuma Montgomery, Confederate capital Montgomery, Richard Montreal, attacked captured attacked in 1813 Moose Island captured Morgan, Daniel Morgan, William Mormons Morris, Robert Morris, Thomas Morristown, Washington at Morse, Samuel F.B. Morton, Dr. Morton, Levi P. Moultrie Mount Desert Island settled Mount Pleasant settled Mount Vernon. Washington's home Mugwumps Murfreesboro, battle of Murray, William Vans Muskhogee Indians Mutiny Act.


Nantucket Island captured
Napoleon, consul of France
issues decrees
seizes American vessels
loses power
Napoleon, Louis, in Mexico
Narragansett Indians
Nashville, settled
battle of
Nassau, blockade running
Natchez, in colonial times
claimed by Spaniards
National Agricultural Wheel
National Bank, First
loses charter
proposed Third
National banks
National Bimetallic League
National debt, see Debt.
National Democratic party
National Labor Congress
National Labor Reform party
National notes, see Bonds
National party
National Pike
National Prohibition Reform party
National Republican party, see Republican.
National Union party
Native American party
Naturalization law
Naumkeag settled
Nauvoo built
Naval warfare,
in Revolution
in French War
in War of 1812
in Civil War
Navigation Acts
Navy department
Nebraska Bill
struggle for
rapid growth
Proclamation of
territory and state
silver interests
New Albion
New Amsterdam,
becomes New York
New England,
early settlements
occupations in colonies
English victories in
New England Emigrant Aid Society
New France,
extent of
struggle for
New Hampshire,
in colonial times
New Haven,
in colonial times
riot at
New Jersey,
in colonial times
plan for Constitution
New London,
riot at
New Mexico,
Spanish explore
slavery in
bought from Texas
silver interests
New Netherland,
becomes New York
New Orleans,
in colonial times
battle of
"New Roof"
New Sweden
"New tenor"
New York (state),
New Netherland becomes
in colonial times
English in
cedes land to Congress
New York (city),
in colonial times
colonial congress at
national capital
the metropolis
in 1830
labor congress at
New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company
riot at
Newbern captured
granted to English
Newport, Ky. settled
Newport, R.I.,
riot at
in colonial times
in 1790
about 1810
Newtown settled
expedition against
Nipmuck Indians
Nominating conventions
Non-intercourse Law
Norfolk evacuated
North, Lord
North American party
North Carolina,
in colonial times
cedes land to Congress
Sherman in
North Castle
North Dakota admitted
Northern attitude toward slavery
Northern Pacific Railroad
exploration of
the new
Northwest passage to India
Northwest Territory,
Indian troubles in
slavery question in
Notes, United States, see Bonds.
Nova Scotia,
part of Massachusetts Bay colony
struggle for
Nueces River
Nullification doctrine.


Observer O'Conor, Charles Oglethorpe, James Ohio, Settled Admitted currency plan Ohio Land Company Ohio River, struggle for settlements on Oklahoma Old Demand notes Old Ironsides Olmsted, F. L. Omnibus Bill Omnibuses Oneida Indians Onondaga Indians Orders in Council of 1806 and 1807 Ordinance, how passed of 1785 of 1787 Oregon, settled joint occupation of boundaries of trail a territory slavery in Orleans Territory Ossawatomie settled Oswego burned Otis, James Overland stage Owen, Robert.


Pacific Fur Company Pacific Ocean, discovered named Pacific railroads, Pacific States settled, Pakenham, General, Palmer, John M., Palmyra, Mormons at, Palo Alto, battle of, Panic, of 1837, of 1873, of 1893, Paper currency, Parker, Joel, Party platforms, see Platforms. Patent office, Patroons, Patterson, General, Paulding, Pea Ridge, battle of, Peacock, Pelican, Pemberton, General, Pendleton, George H., Pendleton Civil Service Act, Peninsular campaign, Penn, William, settles New Jersey and Pennsylvania, relations with Indians, Pennsylvania, granted to Penn, in colonial times, opposes Townshend Acts, Declaration of Independence in, Confederates in, Pennsylvania Freeman, Pennsylvania Gazette, Pennsylvania Journal, Pennsylvania Packet, Pennsylvania route to West, Pensacola captured, Pensions, People's party, Pequot Indians, Perote, Perry, Oliver Hazard, Perryville, battle of, Personal Liberty laws, "Pet banks," Petersburg, in colonial times, Cornwallis at, besieged, evacuated, Petroleum, Philadelphia, founded, in colonial times, First Continental Congress, captured, Congress at, evacuated, constitutional convention at, in 1800, national capital, Philanthropist, Philippines, Phips, Sir William, Phoenix, Photographic discoveries, Pickens, Pickens, Governor, Pierce, Franklin, president, Pike, Zebulon, Pikes Peak, Pilgrims, Pinckney, C. C., minister to France, Federalist candidate, treaty with England, Pineda, Pinta, Pinzon, Pitt, William, Pittsburg, founded, in 1790, rebellion at, Pittsburg Landing, battle of, Plains of Abraham, Platforms, party, Platte country, Plattsburg, battle of, Plymouth, charter, Company, settled, part of Massachusetts Bay colony, Pocahontas, Poictiers, Political issues, see Platforms. Political parties, beginning of, see Federalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc. Polk, James K., presidential nominee, president, Polygamy, Ponce de Leon, Pony express, Pope, General John, campaigns, Popham, Sir John, Popular sovereignty, Population, in 1790, in 1815, in 1810, in 1820, increase in, of Oregon, western immigrant, between 1840 and 1860, in 1870, of northwestern states, of Oklahoma, Populists, see People's Party. Port Gibson, battle of, Port Hudson, battle of, Port Royal, settled, French stronghold, captured, called Annapolis, Port Royal, S. C., captured, Portage Railroad, Porter, at Vicksburg, Porto Rico, Portsmouth, settled, in colonial times, navy yard, Portuguese in Brazil, Postage stamps, Postal system, in colonial times, in 1790, in 1840, in 1860, Powhatan Indians, Prairie schooners, Prescott, Colonel, President, Presidential election, method of, proposed method of, Presidential succession, Presque Isle built, Price, General, Princeton, battle of, Printing press, Proclamation, line, of neutrality, Emancipation, Progress, from 1790 to 1815, from 1840 to 1860, since Civil War, Prohibition party, Proprietary colonies Proscription, political Proslavery movement Protection South opposes Clay favors political issue Providence founded in colonial times riot at Provincial colonies Public domain granted additions to grants, see Land grants Puebla Puerto Rico see Porto Rico. Pulaski Punishment forms of Puritans persecution of in New England become Separatists Putnam.


Quaker settlements Quartering Act Quebec boundaries of Quebec settled French stronghold attacked surrendered Quebec Act Queen Anne's War Queenstown, battle of Quincy, Josiah.


Radical Republicans Railroads early Western Northern Pacific in 1887 land grants to Ralegh, Sir Walter Randolph, John "Receivers general" created Reconstruction Act Reconstruction policy Redemptioners Refunding Act Reid, Whitelaw Reprisal Republicans old party new party Resaca de la Palma battle of Restoration English Resumption of Specie Payment Act Revenge Revolutionary War Rhode Island settled charter in colonial times Ribault, John Richmond Confederate capital campaign against captured Rio Grande Ripon convention at Rittenhouse, David Roads improvements Western Roanoke colonized captured Robertson, James Robinson, John Rochester settled Rogers, Captain Rolfe, John Roosevelt, Theodore Rosecrans, General campaigns Ross, General Roxbury settled Royal colonies Rule of 1756 Rumsey, James Russell, John Russia possessions claims on the Pacific complies with Monroe Doctrine attitude in Civil War Alaska purchased from Ryal, Captain.


Sacketts Harbor battle of Sacramento St. Augustine founded St. Clair's defeat St. Croix River settlements St. John, John P. St. Joseph captured St. Lawrence River explored St. Leger, Colonel St. Louis St. Marks captured St. Marys founded St. Paul Salem settled Salmon Falls massacre Saltillo Sampson, W.T. San Jacinto San Jacinto, battle of San Salvador Santa Anna Santa Fe captured trail Santa Maria Santiago, battles of Saratoga, battle of Savannah Savannah founded in colonial times captured Schenectady massacre Schley, W.S. Schools, free Schuyler, General Scientific discoveries Scioto Company Scott, General Winfield in 1814 in Mexican War presidential nominee in Civil War Sea to sea grants Secession, of Southern States states refuse troops reconstruction plans Sedition Law Seminole Indians Senate formed Seneca Indians Separatists Serapis Seven Cities of Cibola Seven days' battles Seven Pines, battle of Sevier, John Sewall, Arthur Seward, William H. Sewing machine invented Seymour, Horatio Shadrach Shannon Sharpsburg, battle of Indians Shays, Daniel Shenandoah Shenandoah valley, war in Sheridan, General Phil., campaigns Sherman, Roger Sherman, General W.T., campaigns Sherman Act silver-purchase clause repealed Shiloh, battle of Ship Island Shirley, Governor Silver, specie suspended mines discovered demonetized remonetized certificates free coinage of movement party "Silver Grays" Sioux Indians Sirius Six Nations Slave trade forbidden Slavery, established in colonial times, in territories at time of Constitution in 1790 affected by cotton industry in Kentucky in early states beyond Mississippi River issue between North and South area expanded in Texas in New Mexico and California in Kansas in 1857 in 1860 Civil War Emancipation Proclamation during Civil War abolished in Confederate States position of negroes after war Slidell, John Smith, Green Clay Smith, John, at Jamestown explores New England coast among the Indians Smith, Joseph Social conditions, in 1790 about 1890 Socialist Labor party Society for Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures Solis Somers, Sir George Sons of Liberty South American republics South Carolina, settled in colonial times cedes land to Congress Railroad Exposition favors nullification secedes Sherman in readmitted South Dakota, admitted silver interests South Pass Southern Colonies, occupations, etc. Southern States, English in attitude toward slavery form Confederacy at end of 1860 at beginning of war coast blockade cost of war in reconstruction of troubles in the New South Spanish, possessions settlements, etc. claims boundary line Florida bought from war with United States Spanish America Specie Circular Specie payments Speculation in 1836 Speedwell Spottsylvania Courthouse, battle of Springfield, settled Republican state convention at Lincoln's speech at Squatter sovereignty, see Popular Sovereignty Squatters Stagecoaches Stamford founded Stamp Act Stamp tax Standish, Miles Stanton Star of the West Star-Spangled Banner Stark, Colonel John State banks State debts State department Staten Island evacuated States, formed thirteen original trade laws powers of new constitutions in sovereignty of government in seceded, Steamboats Stephens, Alexander II. Steuben, Baron Stevens, John Stevenson, Adlai E. Stewart, G.T. Stillwater, battle of Stockton, Commodore "Stonewall" Jackson Stonington bombarded Stony Point captured Stowe, H.B. Stuart Stuyvesant, Peter Sub treasury plan Sugar Act Sullivan, General Sumner, Charles Sumter Sumter Sumter, Fort Supreme Court established gives Dred Scott decision on Wilson Bill Surplus revenue in 1837 in 1887 Surprise Sutter Sutter's Fort Swedish possessions settlements Symmes, John C.


Taft, William II.
Taney, Roger B.
of 1789
bills of 1824, etc.
of 1861
for revenue only
Mills Bill
McKinley Act
revision of 1896
Tarleton, Commander
in colonies
of 1861
of bonds demanded
of Chinese
a political issue
Taylor, General Zachary
in Mexican War
death of
Tea tax
Temperance party
Tender Acts
part of public domain
opposes Wilmot Proviso
reconstructs government
Tenure of Office Act
Territory formed
Terry, Eli
becomes independent
annexed to United States
boundaries of
New Mexico purchased from
opposed to Reconstruction Act
again in the Union
Thames River
battle of
Thayer, Hon. Eli
Third-term tradition
Thirteenth Amendment
Thomas, General George II.
Thomas, General Lorenzo
Thompson, Henry Adams
Thurman, Allen G.
Ticket money
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tippecanoe, battle of
population in 1840
Tompkins, Daniel D.
Tonty, Henri de
Topeka free-state constitution
Townshend Acts
in colonial times
in original states
convention at Annapolis
regulated by Congress
with West Indies
regulations of English and French
facilities for
trades unions
Transportation Bill
in 1790
in 1810
Treasury department established
Treasury notes
of Penn with Indians
of Utrecht
of Ryswick
of Aix-la-Chapelle
of Paris
with France
with Spain
of Ghent
of Greenville
of 1818
of 1819
with Mexico
with Texas
of 1846
with China
of Washington
with Hawaii
between Great Britain and Venezuela
Trent, William
Trent Affair
battle of
war with
see Corporations.
Truxton, Captain Thomas
Tuscarora Indians
Twelfth Amendment
Tyler, John
vice-presidential nominee


Uncle Tom's Cabin Underground Railroad Union Labor party Union Pacific Railroad United Colonies of New England United Labor party United States United States Bank see National Bank. United States bonds see Bonds. Usselinx, William Utah Mormons in acquired slavery question in admitted silver interests


Vaca, Cabeza de
Vail, Alfred
Valley Forge
Van Buren, Martin
vice-presidential nominee
presidential nominee
favors 10 hours system
Van Born, General
Van Rensselaer's expedition
Van Wart
Venezuela boundary question
Vera Cruz
battle of
passes Personal Liberty Law
Vespucci, or Vespucius, Amerigo.
Vevay settled.
Vice-admiralty courts.
Vice president, manner of electing.
Vicksburg captured.
Vincennes settled.
Virginia, named;
a royal colony;
defends Ohio valley;
in colonial times;
opposes Stamp Act;
cedes land to Congress;
Plan of Constitution;
resolutions of 1798;
resolutions of 1849;
Brown's raid in;
coast blockade;
opposes reconstruction policy;
again in the Union.
Virginia City, Mont., founded.
Virginia City, Nov., founded.
Virginia companies.
Volunteers during Civil War.


Wabash River, Indians on. Wachusett. Wages, in 1790; in 1860; in 1873; in 1880. Walla Walla. Wampanoag Indians. War department. Ward, Ensign. Warren. Wars, Indian; colonial; French and Indian; Revolution; with France; with Tripoli; war for commercial independence (War of 1812); Mexican; Civil; Spanish. Washington, George, in French and Indian War; commander in chief; in Revolution; president constitutional convention; president; social conditions at time of. Washington, national capital; burned; Confederates near. Washington, slavery question in; a territory; settled; boundary of; admitted. Wasp. Watauga Creek settlements. Waterloo settled. Watertown settled. Watlings Island. Watson, Thomas E. Wayne, Anthony, at Stony Point; in Indian warfare. Weaver, James B. Webster, Daniel, birth; opposes nullification doctrine; secretary of state; speech on Compromise Bill; death of. Webster-Ashburton treaty. Weitzel, General. Wells, Dr. West Indies discovered. West Point, Arnold at. West Virginia, admitted; slavery in. Western movement. Western Reserve of Connecticut. Western Union Telegraph Company. Wethersfield settled. Whalley, Edward. Wheeler, William A. Wheeling settled. Whig party. Whisky Rebellion. White House Landing, battle of. White Plains, battle of, 135. White, John. White, John. Whitman, Marcus. Whitney, Eli. Wildcat state banks. Wilderness campaign. Wilkes, Captain. William, King, grants Massachusetts charter. Williams. Williams, Roger. Williamsburg, in colonial times; captured. Wilmington, Del., Washington at. Wilmington, N. C., British at; captured. Wilmot, David. Wilmot Proviso. Wilson, Henry. Wilson, William L. Wilson Bill. Winchester, General. Winchester, battle of. Winthrop, John. Wirt, William. Wisconsin territory and state. Wolfe, General James. Woman suffrage. Workingman, see Labor. Wyeth, Nathaniel J. Wyoming massacre. Wyoming, acquired; a territory; admitted; silver interests.


"X, Y, Z mission."


York, Canada, burned.
York, Me., massacre.
York, Pa., Congress at.
York, Duke of.
Yorktown, surrendered;
Young, Brigham.


ZuÑi pueblos.


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