It is the intention of the publishers that this series shall contain only the very highest and purest literature,—stories that shall not only appeal to the children themselves, but be appreciated by all those who feel with them in their joys and sorrows. The numerous illustrations in each book are by well-known artists, and each volume has a separate attractive cover design. Each 1 vol., 16mo, cloth $0.50 The Little Colonel. (Trade Mark) The scene of this story is laid in Kentucky. Its heroine is a small girl, who is known as the Little Colonel, on account of her fancied resemblance to an old-school Southern gentleman, whose fine estate and old family are famous in the region. The Giant Scissors. This is the story of Joyce and of her adventures in France. Joyce is a great friend of the Little Colonel, and in later volumes shares with her the delightful experiences of the "House Party" and the "Holidays." Two Little Knights of Kentucky. Who Were the Little Colonel's Neighbors. In this volume the Little Colonel returns to us like an old friend, but with added grace and charm. She is not, however, the central figure of the story, that place being taken by the "two little knights." Mildred's Inheritance. A delightful little story of a lonely English girl who comes to America and is befriended by a sympathetic American family who are attracted by her beautiful speaking voice. By means of this one gift she is enabled to help a school-girl who has temporarily lost the use of her eyes, and thus finally her life becomes a busy, happy one. Cicely and Other Stories for Girls. The readers of Mrs. Johnston's charming juveniles will be glad to learn of the issue of this volume for young people. Aunt 'Liza's Hero and Other Stories. A collection of six bright little stories, which will appeal to all boys and most girls. Big Brother. A story of two boys. The devotion and care of Steven, himself a small boy, for his baby brother, is the theme of the simple tale. Ole Mammy's Torment. "Ole Mammy's Torment" has been fitly called "a classic of Southern life." It relates the haps and mishaps of a small negro lad, and tells how he was led by love and kindness to a knowledge of the right. The Story of Dago. In this story Mrs. Johnston relates the story of Dago, a pet monkey, owned jointly by two brothers. Dago tells his own story, and the account of his haps and mishaps is both interesting and amusing. The Quilt That Jack Built. A pleasant little story of a boy's labor of love, and how it changed the course of his life many years after it was accomplished. Flip's Islands of Providence. A story of a boy's life battle, his early defeat, and his final triumph, well worth the reading. A Little Puritan's First Christmas. A Story of Colonial times in Boston, telling how Christmas was invented by Betty Sewall, a typical child of the Puritans, aided by her brother Sam. A Little Daughter of Liberty. The author introduces this story as follows: "One ride is memorable in the early history of the American Revolution, the well-known ride of Paul Revere. Equally deserving of commendation is another ride,—the ride of Anthony Severn,—which was no less historic in its action or memorable in its consequences." A Loyal Little Maid. A delightful and interesting story of Revolutionary days, in which the child heroine, Betsey Schuyler, renders important services to George Washington. A Little Puritan Rebel. This is an historical tale of a real girl, during the time when the gallant Sir Harry Vane was governor of Massachusetts. A Little Puritan Pioneer. The scene of this story is laid in the Puritan settlement at Charlestown. A Little Puritan Bound Girl. A story of Boston in Puritan days, which is of great interest to youthful readers. A Little Puritan Cavalier. The story of a "Little Puritan Cavalier" who tried with all his boyish enthusiasm to emulate the spirit and ideals of the dead Crusaders. A Puritan Knight Errant. The story tells of a young lad in Colonial times who endeavored to carry out the high ideals of the knights of olden days. A Dog of Flanders: A Christmas Story. Too well and favorably known to require description. The Nurnberg Stove. This beautiful story has never before been published at a popular price. The Little Giant's Neighbours. A charming nature story of a "little giant" whose neighbours were the creatures of the field and garden. Farmer Brown and the Birds. A little story which teaches children that the birds are man's best friends. Betty of Old Mackinaw. A charming story of child-life, appealing especially to the little readers who like stories of "real people." Brother Billy. The story of Betty's brother, and some further adventures of Betty herself. Mother Nature's Little Ones. Curious little sketches describing the early lifetime, or "childhood," of the little creatures out-of-doors. How Christmas Came to the Mulvaneys. A bright, lifelike little story of a family of poor children, with an unlimited capacity for fun and mischief. The wonderful never-to-be forgotten Christmas that came to them is the climax of a series of exciting incidents. The Little Lame Prince. A delightful story of a little boy who has many adventures by means of the magic gifts of his fairy godmother. Adventures of a Brownie. The story of a household elf who torments the cook and gardener, but is a constant joy and delight to the children who love and trust him. His Little Mother. Miss Mulock's short stories for children are a constant source of delight to them, and "His Little Mother," in this new and attractive dress, will be welcomed by hosts of youthful readers. Little Sunshine's Holiday. An attractive story of a summer outing. "Little Sunshine" is another of those beautiful child-characters for which Miss Mulock is so justly famous. By MARSHALL SAUNDERS For His Country. A sweet and graceful story of a little boy who loved his country; written with that charm which has endeared Miss Saunders to hosts of readers. Nita, the Story of an Irish Setter. In this touching little book, Miss Saunders shows how dear to her heart are all of God's dumb creatures. Alpatok, the Story of an Eskimo Dog. Alpatok, an Eskimo dog from the far north, was stolen from his master and left to starve in a strange city, but was befriended and cared for, until he was able to return to his owner. The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow. This story, written by the gifted young Southern woman, will appeal to all that is best in the natures of the many admirers of her graceful and piquant style. The Fortunes of the Fellow. Those who read and enjoyed the pathos and charm of "The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow" will welcome the further account of the adventures of Baydaw and the Fellow at the home of the kindly smith. The Best of Friends. This continues the experiences of the Farrier's dog and his Fellow, written in Miss Dromgoole's well-known charming style. Down in Dixie. A fascinating story for boys and girls, of a family of Alabama children who move to Florida and grow up in the South. Loyalty Island. An account of the adventures of four children and their pet dog on an island, and how they cleared their brother from the suspicion of dishonesty. Theodore and Theodora. This is a story of the exploits and mishaps of two mischievous twins, and continues the adventures of the interesting group of children in "Loyalty Island." The Cruise of the Yacht Dido. The story of two boys who turned their yacht into a fishing boat to earn money to pay for a college course, and of their adventures while exploring in search of hidden treasure. The Young Acadian. The story of a young lad of Acadia who rescued a little English girl from the hands of savages. The Lord of the Air. The Story of the Eagle The King of the Mamozekel. The Story of the Moose The Watchers of the Camp-fire. The Story of the Panther The Haunter of the Pine Gloom. The Story of the Lynx The Return to the Trails. The Story of the Bear The Little People of the Sycamore. The Story of the Raccoon By OTHER AUTHORS The Great Scoop. By MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL A capital tale of newspaper life in a big city, and of a bright, enterprising, likable youngster employed thereon. John Whopper. The late Bishop Clark's popular story of the boy who fell through the earth and came out in China, with a new introduction by Bishop Potter. The Dole Twins. By KATE UPSON CLARK The adventures of two little people who tried to earn money to buy crutches for a lame aunt. An excellent description of child-life about 1812, which will greatly interest and amuse the children of to-day, whose life is widely different. Larry Hudson's Ambition. By JAMES OTIS, author of "Toby Tyler," etc. Larry Hudson is a typical American boy, whose hard work and enterprise gain him his ambition,—an education and a start in the world. The Little Christmas Shoe. By JANE P. SCOTT WOODRUFF A touching story of Yule-tide. Wee Dorothy. By LAURA UPDEGRAFF A story of two orphan children, the tender devotion of the eldest, a boy, for his sister being its theme and setting. With a bit of sadness at the beginning, the story is otherwise bright and sunny, and altogether wholesome in every way. The King of the Golden River: A Legend of Stiria. By JOHN RUSKIN Written fifty years or more ago, and not originally intended for publication, this little fairy-tale soon became known and made a place for itself. A Child's Garden of Verses. By R. L. STEVENSON Mr. Stevenson's little volume is too well known to need description. L. C. PAGE AND COMPANY'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE THE LITTLE COLONEL BOOKS (Trade Mark) By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON Each 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, per vol. $1.50 The Little Colonel Stories. (Trade Mark) Illustrated. Being three "Little Colonel" stories in the Cosy Corner Series, "The Little Colonel," "Two Little Knights of Kentucky," and "The Giant Scissors," put into a single volume. The Little Colonel's House Party. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by Louis Meynell. The Little Colonel's Holidays. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. The Little Colonel's Hero. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by E. B. Barry. The Little Colonel at Boarding School. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by E. B. Barry. The Little Colonel in Arizona. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by E. B. Barry. The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by E. B. Barry. The Little Colonel, Maid of Honour. (Trade Mark) Illustrated by E. B. Barry. The Little Colonel. (Trade Mark) Two Little Knights of Kentucky. The Giant Scissors. Big Brother. Special Holiday Editions Each one volume, cloth decorative, small quarto, $1.25. New plates, handsomely illustrated, with eight full-page drawings in color. "The books are as satisfactory to the small girls, who find them adorable, as for the mothers and librarians, who delight in their influence."—Christian Register. These four volumes, boxed as a four volume set $5.00 In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camelback Mountain. The Three Weavers: A Fairy Tale for Fathers and Mothers as Well as for Their Daughters. Keeping Tryst. The Legend of the Bleeding Heart.
There has been a constant demand for publication in separate form of these four stories, which were originally included in four of the "Little Colonel" books. Joel: A Boy of Galilee. By Annie Fellows Johnston. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. New illustrated edition, uniform with the Little Colonel Books, 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.50 A story of the time of Christ, which is one of the author's best-known books. Asa Holmes; or, At The Cross-Roads. A sketch of Country Life and Country Humor. By Annie Fellows Johnston. With a frontispiece by Ernest Fosbery. Large 16mo, cloth, gilt top $1.00 "'Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads' is the most delightful, most sympathetic and wholesome book that has been published in a long while."—Boston Times. The Rival Campers; or, The Adventures of Henry Burns. By Ruel Perley Smith. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50 Here is a book which will grip and enthuse every boy reader. It is the story of a party of typical American lads, courageous, alert, and athletic, who spend a summer camping on an island off the Maine coast. "The best boys' book since 'Tom Sawyer.'"—San Francisco Examiner. The Rival Campers Afloat; or, The Prize Yacht Viking. By Ruel Perley Smith. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50 This book is a continuation of the adventures of "The Rival Campers" on their prize yacht Viking. An accidental collision results in a series of exciting adventures, culminating in a mysterious chase, the loss of their prize yacht, and its recapture by means of their old yacht, Surprise. The Rival Campers Ashore. By Ruel Perley Smith, author of "The Rival Campers," "The Rival Campers Afloat," etc. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50 "The Rival Campers Ashore" deals with the adventures of the campers and their friends in and around the town of Benton. Mr. Smith introduces a new character,—a girl,—who shows them the way to an old mill, around which the mystery of the story revolves. The girl is an admirable acquisition, proving as daring and resourceful as the campers themselves. The Young Section-Hand; or, The Adventures of Allan West. By Burton E. Stevenson, author of "The Marathon Mystery," etc. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by L. J. Bridgman $1.50 Mr. Stevenson's hero is a manly lad of sixteen, who is given a chance as a section-hand on a big Western railroad, and whose experiences are as real as they are thrilling. The Young Train Dispatcher. By Burton E. Stevenson, author of "The Young Section-hand," etc. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50 The young hero has many chances to prove his manliness and courage in the exciting adventures which befall him in the discharge of his duty. Captain Jack Lorimer. By Winn Standish. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by A. B. Shute $1.50 Jack is a fine example of the all-around American high-school boy. He has the sturdy qualities boys admire, and his fondness for clean, honest sport of all kinds will strike a chord of sympathy among athletic youths. Jack Lorimer's Champions; or, Sports on Land and Lake. By Winn Standish, author of "Captain Jack Lorimer," etc. Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50 All boys and girls who take an interest in school athletics will wish to read of the exploits of the Millvale High School students, under the leadership of Captain Jack Lorimer. Captain Jack's Champions play quite as good ball as do some of the teams on the large leagues, and they put all opponents to good hard work in other summer sports. Jack Lorimer and his friends stand out as the finest examples of all-round American high school boys and girls. Little Cousin trademark from back of book cover Transcriber's Notes Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Ad pages in back, the author for A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stephenson is listed on the original ad page as: L. R. Stephenson. This was corrected to R. L. Stephenson. |