A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer, 108
- Adams, Abigail, 126, 155, 168-69
- Adams, John, 126, 138, 140, 155-56, 163, 168-69, 184
- Adams, John Quincy, 155
- Adams, Matthew, 13
- Adams, Samuel, 113
- Addison, Joseph, 14
- Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 47
- Albany, New York, 64
- Alibard, Thomas FranÇois d’, 58, 103
- American Philosophical Society, 45, 56
- AndrÉ, Major John, 162
- Animal magnetism, 173-74
- Anton, Franz, 173
- Ants, experiment with, 57-58
- Arland, Marquis d’, 165-66
- Armonica, invention of the, 81
- Arnold, General Benedict, 136-37, 161
- Articles of Confederation, 179
- Auteuil, France, 168
- Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 34, 108, 141, 184
- Azyr, Felix Vicq d’, 172
- B
- Bache, Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin’s grandson), 107, 123, 142, 148, 155, 175, 176, 178, 185, 186
- Bache, Deborah (Benjamin’s granddaughter), 185
- Bache, Richard (Benjamin’s son-in-law), 101, 106, 119, 123, 125, 141, 161
- Bache, Sarah Franklin (Benjamin’s daughter), 44, 78, 84, 85, 90, 95, 99, 101, 123, 147, 151, 177, 181, 182, 186
- Bache, William (Benjamin’s grandson), 123
- Balloon ascensions, 165-66
- Bancroft, Edward, 153
- Bathurst, Lord and Lady, 105
- Beaumarchais, Caron de, 145, 152
- Beethoven, Ludwig von, 81
- Belgium, 81
- Berkshire, ship, 26
- Bermuda, 127-28
- Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 69
- Black Prince, privateer, 159
- Black Princess, privateer, 159
- Bond, Dr. Thomas, 56-57
- Bonhomme Richard, privateer, 160-61
- Bonvouloir, Achard de, 134, 135
- Boston, Massachusetts, 9-17, 23, 40, 49, 104, 105, 111-13, 115, 119, 123, 126, 139
- Boston City Council, 16
- Boston Gazette, 13
- Boston Massacre, 105
- Boston Tea Party, 115, 119
- Boswell, James, 101
- Braddock, General Edward, 65-66, 70, 71
- Bradford, Andrew, 17, 19, 32, 33, 35
- Bradford, William, 17
- Brillon, Madame, 167-68, 176
- British Royal Society, 25, 45, 51, 58, 59, 60, 78, 91, 100, 150, 151, 171
- Brooklyn Heights, Battle of, 139
- Bruere, James, 127, 128
- Brussels, Holland, 81
- Buffon, Count Georges Louis, 58
- Bunker Hill, Battle of, 124
- Burgesses, Virginia House of, 94
- Burgoyne, General John, 152
- Burke, Edmund, 96, 117
- Burlington, New Jersey, 19, 48, 57
- C
- Cabanis, Georges, 172-73
- Calgagnia, Jean-FranÇois, 51
- Canada, 61, 136-37, 152
- Canton, John, 59, 78
- Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 62
- Charles, Jacques-Alexandre-CÉsar, 165
- Charles II, King, 20
- Charleston, South Carolina, 40
- Chaumont, Le Ray de, 147, 155
- Chaumont, Sophie de, 167
- Christian VII, King, 105
- Collins (Benjamin’s friend), 17
- Collinson, Peter, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 74
- “Common Sense,” 135-36, 137, 147
- Concord, Battle of, 123-24
- Constitutional Convention, 179-81
- Continental Congress, see First Continental Congress, Second Continental Congress
- Continental Navy, 129;
- see also Privateers
- Cook, Captain James, 158, 167
- Cornwallis, General Charles, 161, 162
- Craven Street Gazette, 107
- Cunaeus, 50
- Cushing, Thomas, 112, 113, 118
- Cutler, Manasseh, 181-82
- D
- Dartmouth, Lord, 96, 106, 117
- Davies, Marianne, 81
- Deane, Silas, 141, 144-45, 152, 153, 155
- Declaration of Independence, 137-39, 147
- Declaration of Rights and Grievances, 120
- Deffand, Marquise du, 145-46
- De Lor, 58
- Denham, Thomas, 24, 26, 28
- Denny, William, 71, 80
- “Dialogue between Franklin and the Gout,” 171
- Dickinson, John, 133
- Dinwiddie, Robert, 64
- “Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, A,” 25
- Drake, H.M.S., 160
- Dublin, Ireland, 105
- Dubourg, Barbeu, 110, 133, 144
- Du Fay, Charles FranÇois, 49
- Dumas, Charles, 133
- Dunning, John, 117
- E
- Easton, Pennsylvania, 69
- “Edict by the King of Prussia,” 114-15
- Edwards, Jonathan, 55
- Electricity, 49-56, 58-60, 100
- Empedocles, 54
- England, 24-26, 47, 61, 74-83, 86, 91-99, 100-10, 111-21, 126, 150-51, 152-53, 158-59, 161
- “Ephemera,” 167, 171
- “Experiments and Observations in Electricity, Made at Philadelphia, in America,” 58
-1.htm.html#Page_45">45, 90 Frederick the Great, 187 Meredith, Hugh, 29-30, 31-32 Mesmer, Dr., 174 Mifflin, Thomas, 183 Militia, Pennsylvania, 47, 68-71, 88, 125 Minutemen, 123-24 Mirabeau, Count de, 187 Montgomery, General Richard, 136 Montreal, Canada, 136, 137 Moravians, 68, 69, 86 Morgan, Daniel, 162 Morris, Robert, 128-29 Morris, Robert Hunter, 68, 70-71 Mozart, Wolfgang, 81 Musschenbroek, Pieter van, 50, 81 - N
- Nairne, Edward, 171
- Nantes, France, 143-44
- “Narrative of the Late Massacres in Lancaster County,” 87
- “Nature and Necessity of Paper Money, The,” 32
- New Castle, Pennsylvania, 47
- New England Courant, 13, 15, 16
- Newport, Rhode Island, 40, 53
- Newton, Sir Isaac, 25
- New York City, 17, 71, 137, 186-87
- Nollet, AbbÉ Jean-Antoine, 51
- North, Lord, 104, 125
- Northwest Passage, search for, 57
- O
- Oliver, Andrew, 112, 113, 116
- “On the Slave Trade,” 185
- Oxford University, 81
- P
- Paine, Thomas, 119, 135-36, 138, 147, 162, 164, 178
- Palmer (London printer), 25
- Paper currency, 32
- Paris, Ferdinand John, 77
- Paris, France, 144, 161, 165
- Paris, Treaty of (1763), 86
- Paris, Treaty of (1783), 163