

Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer, 108
Adams, Abigail, 126, 155, 168-69
Adams, John, 126, 138, 140, 155-56, 163, 168-69, 184
Adams, John Quincy, 155
Adams, Matthew, 13
Adams, Samuel, 113
Addison, Joseph, 14
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 47
Albany, New York, 64
Alibard, Thomas FranÇois d’, 58, 103
American Philosophical Society, 45, 56
AndrÉ, Major John, 162
Animal magnetism, 173-74
Anton, Franz, 173
Ants, experiment with, 57-58
Arland, Marquis d’, 165-66
Armonica, invention of the, 81
Arnold, General Benedict, 136-37, 161
Articles of Confederation, 179
Auteuil, France, 168
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 34, 108, 141, 184
Azyr, Felix Vicq d’, 172
Bache, Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin’s grandson), 107, 123, 142, 148, 155, 175, 176, 178, 185, 186
Bache, Deborah (Benjamin’s granddaughter), 185
Bache, Richard (Benjamin’s son-in-law), 101, 106, 119, 123, 125, 141, 161
Bache, Sarah Franklin (Benjamin’s daughter), 44, 78, 84, 85, 90, 95, 99, 101, 123, 147, 151, 177, 181, 182, 186
Bache, William (Benjamin’s grandson), 123
Balloon ascensions, 165-66
Bancroft, Edward, 153
Bathurst, Lord and Lady, 105
Beaumarchais, Caron de, 145, 152
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 81
Belgium, 81
Berkshire, ship, 26
Bermuda, 127-28
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 69
Black Prince, privateer, 159
Black Princess, privateer, 159
Bond, Dr. Thomas, 56-57
Bonhomme Richard, privateer, 160-61
Bonvouloir, Achard de, 134, 135
Boston, Massachusetts, 9-17, 23, 40, 49, 104, 105, 111-13, 115, 119, 123, 126, 139
Boston City Council, 16
Boston Gazette, 13
Boston Massacre, 105
Boston Tea Party, 115, 119
Boswell, James, 101
Braddock, General Edward, 65-66, 70, 71
Bradford, Andrew, 17, 19, 32, 33, 35
Bradford, William, 17
Brillon, Madame, 167-68, 176
British Royal Society, 25, 45, 51, 58, 59, 60, 78, 91, 100, 150, 151, 171
Brooklyn Heights, Battle of, 139
Bruere, James, 127, 128
Brussels, Holland, 81
Buffon, Count Georges Louis, 58
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 124
Burgesses, Virginia House of, 94
Burgoyne, General John, 152
Burke, Edmund, 96, 117
Burlington, New Jersey, 19, 48, 57
Cabanis, Georges, 172-73
Calgagnia, Jean-FranÇois, 51
Canada, 61, 136-37, 152
Canton, John, 59, 78
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 62
Charles, Jacques-Alexandre-CÉsar, 165
Charles II, King, 20
Charleston, South Carolina, 40
Chaumont, Le Ray de, 147, 155
Chaumont, Sophie de, 167
Christian VII, King, 105
Collins (Benjamin’s friend), 17
Collinson, Peter, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 74
“Common Sense,” 135-36, 137, 147
Concord, Battle of, 123-24
Constitutional Convention, 179-81
Continental Congress, see First Continental Congress, Second Continental Congress
Continental Navy, 129;
see also Privateers
Cook, Captain James, 158, 167
Cornwallis, General Charles, 161, 162
Craven Street Gazette, 107
Cunaeus, 50
Cushing, Thomas, 112, 113, 118
Cutler, Manasseh, 181-82
Dartmouth, Lord, 96, 106, 117
Davies, Marianne, 81
Deane, Silas, 141, 144-45, 152, 153, 155
Declaration of Independence, 137-39, 147
Declaration of Rights and Grievances, 120
Deffand, Marquise du, 145-46
De Lor, 58
Denham, Thomas, 24, 26, 28
Denny, William, 71, 80
“Dialogue between Franklin and the Gout,” 171
Dickinson, John, 133
Dinwiddie, Robert, 64
“Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, A,” 25
Drake, H.M.S., 160
Dublin, Ireland, 105
Dubourg, Barbeu, 110, 133, 144
Du Fay, Charles FranÇois, 49
Dumas, Charles, 133
Dunning, John, 117
Easton, Pennsylvania, 69
“Edict by the King of Prussia,” 114-15
Edwards, Jonathan, 55
Electricity, 49-56, 58-60, 100
Empedocles, 54
England, 24-26, 47, 61, 74-83, 86, 91-99, 100-10, 111-21, 126, 150-51, 152-53, 158-59, 161
“Ephemera,” 167, 171
“Experiments and Observations in Electricity, Made at Philadelphia, in America,” 58
-1.htm.html#Page_45">45, 90
Frederick the Great, 187
Meredith, Hugh, 29-30, 31-32
Mesmer, Dr., 174
Mifflin, Thomas, 183
Militia, Pennsylvania, 47, 68-71, 88, 125
Minutemen, 123-24
Mirabeau, Count de, 187
Montgomery, General Richard, 136
Montreal, Canada, 136, 137
Moravians, 68, 69, 86
Morgan, Daniel, 162
Morris, Robert, 128-29
Morris, Robert Hunter, 68, 70-71
Mozart, Wolfgang, 81
Musschenbroek, Pieter van, 50, 81
Nairne, Edward, 171
Nantes, France, 143-44
“Narrative of the Late Massacres in Lancaster County,” 87
“Nature and Necessity of Paper Money, The,” 32
New Castle, Pennsylvania, 47
New England Courant, 13, 15, 16
Newport, Rhode Island, 40, 53
Newton, Sir Isaac, 25
New York City, 17, 71, 137, 186-87
Nollet, AbbÉ Jean-Antoine, 51
North, Lord, 104, 125
Northwest Passage, search for, 57
Oliver, Andrew, 112, 113, 116
“On the Slave Trade,” 185
Oxford University, 81
Paine, Thomas, 119, 135-36, 138, 147, 162, 164, 178
Palmer (London printer), 25
Paper currency, 32
Paris, Ferdinand John, 77
Paris, France, 144, 161, 165
Paris, Treaty of (1763), 86
Paris, Treaty of (1783), 163

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