There Is No Death.


There is no death! The feeble body, slumbering,
Seems but to waste and fade away;

In future years that God is numbering
'Twill spring from slumber and decay.

And clothed with beauty everlasting,
With not a stain of earth to mar,

'Twill voice a music more entrancing
Than anthem of the morning star.

A thing of beauty is immortal;
Each line once lost to mortal sight,

Soars upward to heaven's august portal,
Glad to escape earth's cankering night.

Earth's best and brightest can not perish—
Death is decreed alone to strife.

The good we love and fondly cherish
God has endowed with endless life.

Grieve not for those now calmly sleeping,
Rocked by the slow, revolving earth:

Angelic hosts around them sweeping
Shall wake them to an endless birth.

In heaven above there is no seeming:
God feeds immortal souls on bliss;

On earth we linger, sadly dreaming,
Till death awakes us with a kiss.

Then fear thee not death's friendly slumbers:
Guardian angels watch thy rest;

Jehovah all thy days shall number
And do for thee whate'er is best.


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