The Prisoner Released.



I could stand and look at the stars all night—

Where tides run in wreaths to the rivers and rills,

Where the sea breezes play with the wind from the hills—

Where by land and by sea man can go where he wills—

I'm a free man again, and a free man of right.

I could stand and look at the stars all night,

For months that were years they have prisoned my stars;

My silver-veiled Venus and red-hooded Mars

Were fettered and framed by the merciless bars,

That shaded their glory or shivered their light.

I will stand and look at the stars all night;

I will wait in the shadow and lee of the tower

Till morning shall come, with his magical power—

Perhaps in the flame of that wonderful hour

The prison shall tremble and pass from my sight.


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