If you prefer the sounding line, Go read some master of the Nine! Good taste perhaps you will display; Let others read my simple lay That gushes from an honest heart Unawed by fear, unstrained by art. I ne'er will prostitute my Muse The rich to praise, nor poor abuse; But simply sing as best I can Whate'er may bless my fellow man; I dare not stain a single page With outbursts of unreasoning rage, But if one sorrow I can soothe Or one his rugged pathway smooth; One pain relieve, one joy impart, 'Twill ease the burden of a heart That has known for weary years No solace save unbidden tears. Hard is the heart that will refuse Due merit to the Prison Muse. May heaven watch the prisoner's weal And mankind for his sorrow feel! [Pg 10] [Pg 11] |