BY 21069. Of all the pet pleasures so pleasing to man I doubt if there's any can make him so glad While here he's confined he's troubled in mind And he longs for the day when he boldly can say: Then keep a strong heart. With courage don't part, Be it "five" or it "ten" or twice that again, How often at night when I sit in my cell, My memory goes back to the time that I fell, And sometimes, I own, while sitting alone But it makes me feel gay when I think I can say, Oh, many's a home that's cheerless tonight, When she thinks of the one far away from her sight Though others may cleave to her, you are the same; She may now be quite sad, but won't she feel glad Then, don't be discouraged. No matter how long You know that to worry and fret is quite wrong, Old Time is the boy your "bit" to destroy And so, in the end, you'll find he's the friend |