She was no dainty city belle, And yet no fairer vision Naught knew she of city life Nature created her a belle Her eyes were large and soulful, Her form was lithe and graceful Her voice was full of melody: Seemed to awake such music Beautiful, pure and guileless, She worshiped the God of nature She lived with honest parents Where peace and plenty lingered Parental duress was unknown, A mother's love and father's hope The acknowledged belle of the mountain, Determining never to promise She could not love her suitors And deemed it sin without such love The idol of many a noble heart, Thus they wound the gentle spirit Grateful for each friendly smile She reigned an empress absolute A petted child of fashion, Came one day among them These hospitable mountain people And strove to make his visit They bade their darling daughter And show him all the beauties Together they scaled the mountains, Together they garnered the flowers He spake of his home in the city, Promised to make Lenora his wife Lenora loved this stranger And trembled 'neath his caresses He was a master of the art To gain what passion courts, His honied words of flattery, Were music to the listening ear Lenora confided in his worth, How could she doubt her only love Assured of an early marriage, That priceless germ of innocence She hoped this sacrifice would gain This were a boon, if death could buy. Little she dreamed that fatal hour That stamped her as an outcast, Eugene went to his city home, And claim as wife the girl he knew Summer and autumn days passed by Yet the recreant lover came not A mother's ever watchful eye Heard her story with breaking heart, She knew her daughter's downfall But hated the heartless stranger God alone can measure the pain As, locked in lingering embrace, And poured in heaven's listening ear And who so bold as to deny The father learned his daughter's sin "Go!" he said, "you guilty wretch, Stung by these cruel, terrible words, In search of the heartless lover, She tracked the guilty miscreant down, Hid her till her child was born The world looked on the helpless child The villian bade his dupe go home, She heard, and from her glittering eye With dagger drawn she reached his side, With her babe she sought her father's door A shelter for her hapless babe "Begone, you wretch!" the father cried, Birth to a wretch whose sin has laid "My mother dead! and I still live? O God! protect my hapless babe, The storm increased; she wandered on Till weary, wet and almost dead, The sky was lit from end to end And a falling tree pinned both to earth They found them thus in the morning light, He tenderly looked on the touching scene They buried Lenora and her nameless babe And each one spake in kindly tones The arm that sent the dagger home 'Tis Lenora's was an awful deed, Aye, let us hope the much-wronged child Where babes can live who have no name |