How To Be Happy In Prison.


BY NO. 22700

Do what is right, and day by day
Teach yourself that work is play
Of brain and muscle, rightly used—
And hurtful only when abused;
Deep interest take in all you do;
'Twill others please, as well as you.

Relieve a fellow prisoner's need;
Righteous counsel always heed;
Be not suspicious or unjust—
Few men betray a perfect trust;
He trusts the most whose heart is pure,
And generous thought will malice cure.

Brood not o'er the ills of life;
Give no cause for needless strife;
Tomb the past with all its sin;
Purify yourself within;
Rear your standard, be a MAN,
And do whatever good you can.

Some, perhaps, will misconstrue
All you say and all you do,
But when conscience is at rest
Happiness will fill the breast—
'Twill be a sweet red-letter day
When we all shall act that way.


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