How To Be Happy In Prison. |
BY NO. 22700 Do what is right, and day by day Teach yourself that work is play Of brain and muscle, rightly used— And hurtful only when abused; Deep interest take in all you do; 'Twill others please, as well as you. Relieve a fellow prisoner's need; Righteous counsel always heed; Be not suspicious or unjust— Few men betray a perfect trust; He trusts the most whose heart is pure, And generous thought will malice cure. Brood not o'er the ills of life; Give no cause for needless strife; Tomb the past with all its sin; Purify yourself within; Rear your standard, be a MAN, And do whatever good you can. Some, perhaps, will misconstrue All you say and all you do, But when conscience is at rest Happiness will fill the breast— 'Twill be a sweet red-letter day When we all shall act that way.