Hope Eternity.


The heart bowed down with silent grief.
Despair its portals soon assails.

Oh! let such moments be but brief
When spirit lost o'er man prevails;

Think not of friend who, false, betrayed.
Nor sweetheart's change, nor colder wife—

Recall those oaths when passion prayed
For vengeance and for foeman's life.

We pass dear friends but once this way:
Our judge, accusers and our foe.

If false to God and man they play.
Not thou, but they, shall suffer woe.

All stay is short; the longest span
Counts less than raindrops in the sea.

Arouse thee, then, despairing man.
And hail with hope—Eternity!

Glows in thy cell a fragrant bloom,
Plucked from thy guardian angel's wreath.

Do thou but nurture it with prayer
And water it with tears of faith.

To humble hearts its petals ope,
Revealing bliss to streaming eye—

Immortal blooms this rose of hope,
God's flower of life—Eternity.



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