BY GEO. W. H. HARRISON. He towers above his fellow men, like some grand knight of old. Endeavoring to right all wrong with spirit bold and free! No craven fear usurps his soul, no task his spirit quails. Religion to his soul is love, and love no wrong entails! Ye who love eternal right and wish your fellows well Refuse him not the meed of praise—'tis his our aches to quell! Each heart within these prison walls that tests his wondrous skill Unites to sing his praises and bless his generous will. By kindly words he cheers the soul of those whom dread disease Envelops in her mystic folds and gives each patient ease. Naught caring for their praise or blame, he steers his course aright, Proving duty, well performed, is matchless in its might. And, tho' but a youth in years, his well instructed mind Reveals all pathologic truth and practice well combined. Kindly may the fates decree that he may rise to fame, Ever free, as he is now, from error and from shame. Refuse him naught of happiness and bless his honored name! |