BY GEO. W. H. HARRISON. Just consider, for one moment, all the good this man has done. On full many a field of battle he the victory hath won; Swept he with victorious Sherman from Atlanta to the sea, Ever acting as a soldier, from all fear and malice free; Proving true in every station, like a soldier tried and true, He has earned and won the friendship of the boys who wore the blue! Since his advent in this prison he has, with impartial mind, Made it plain that every duty can be done and still be kind. In his bosom rests no malice towards a single human soul; 'Tis his study, night and morning, all his passions to control. He is willing every prisoner should become his honest friend, And the prisoner's reformation he regards as law's best trend: Crime, he deems is but the fruitage of conditions time can change. He would lift his fallen brother and no rule of right derange! Ever ready with the welcome of a smile and word of cheer, Some may only be respected, but such men are ever dear. O'er the path of life may Heaven scatter roses at his feet; None will doubt that every christian shall his face in heaven meet. |