BY GEO W. H. HARRISON. Come. O come, ye radiant sisters, heaven honored "Tuneful Nine." Smooth my ever rugged numbers and inspire my drooping line. Aid my muse to tell the story never breathed to mortal ear. How this sweet angelic chorus happens to be lingering near. In yon fair and blissful aiden, far beyond the faintest star. Once the guardian angels slumbered, leaving heaven's gates ajar! And five wandering seraphs wandered, in their rapid, noiseless flight, Thro' the gates, whose vaulted arches echoed pÆans of delight! Quick as thought their tireless pinions clave the unresisting air. Till they reached the five Wolfe sisters, maids of form and features fair, And within these hearts they lingered, tuning every chord to song. Till the pathos of their music stilled the ever restless throng! Earth and heaven stood astonished and Jehovah's love decreed: "Let them stay! such strains seraphic mortal beings can but heed!" Have you heard their wondrous music? Have you felt their sweet control? If not, friend, you've scarcely sounded half the mysteries of your soul! Amy, soul-enrapturing artist, sweetly sounds the soft prelude. And beneath her skilfull fingers every note, with life imbued. Stills the throng, whose very silence is an encore loud and deep. And each thought, save that of music, is forgotten or asleep. Katherine's rich and full suprano, like the Autumn's mellow morn. Wakes the slumbering soul to action like the practiced huntsman's horn! Mamie's soft, melodious voice nobly takes the second part. And the pathos of her music captivates the raptured heart! Lida's faultless second alto deepens all the noble strain Then Zoraydo's matchless voice sweeps the soul along Till we know that perfect music can be breathed in earthly song! Hear, O hear the melting music pouring from each heaving breast; How it wakes the heart to rapture! How it soothes the soul to rest! When they sing, such lovely visions seem to rise and grandly float Like the poet's airy mansions, on the wave of each full note! Silvery daybreaks brighten slow; sunsets blush on mountain snow! Moonlight shivers on the open sea; Autumn burns in bush and tree; Blowing willows bend and sigh; whispering rivers wander by; Thro' the pines sweep sea-tones soft; sailing birds shout loud aloft; Strange notes beat the lambent air; visions float divinely fair; Vanished faces come and go; silenced voices murmur low; Gentlest memories come and cling, as we listen and they sing. Oh, repeat the music's tale, "Love shall perish not nor fail!" We forget the fear of death—breathe, in tho't, immortal breath! We believe in broadening truth; trust the generous creeds of youth; Feel consoling hopes that climb up to some triumphant clime, And sweet dreams of splendor bring as we listen and they sing! Walls of rock and bars of steel we can neither see nor feel; We forget our dire disgrace; disregard both time and place; Bid all angry passion sleep and profoundest silence keep! Hoard the trembling notes that fall like an angel mother's call; Rise above our low estate and forget the wrongs of fate! We forgive our mortal foes, source of all our many woes, And penance itself loses half its sting, as we listen and they sing! May the God of love and truth give them all the joys of youth; May the raptures they impart ever thrill each noble heart; May their ministry of love lead all erring ones above; May wealth, happiness and joy all their waiting hours employ; Be their cares both light and few and their pleasures ever new; Let fate oft their presence bring, and we'll listen while they sing Gentle sisters, take this tribute poured from imprisoned hearts; You have eased their maddening torture, you have stayed the cruel darts That remorse and shame have driven deep within each captive soul. Suffer them your names to graven on fond memory's deathless scroll: Be assured your seeds of kindness shall not fall on stony ground, Many of your willing converts have both peace and pardon found! And, when all your work is ended, you in heaven shall fondly greet Some whose hearts were first enlightened by your anthems clear and sweet. |