Arise, my Muse, and tune your harp
To ring the praises of a Tharp;
His cultured mind and noble soul
Truth and virtue both control.
Tell the world his perfect skill
Can conquer every human ill
That lends to science or to art,
From shattered limb to dormant heart.
Each pill and potion that he makes
Relieves your pain and health awakes:
And should he use the surgeon's knife,
He never will sacrifice a life.
His skilfull fingers place a band
As gently as a woman's hand;
And not one patient needs to feel
That he the truth will not reveal.
The poor regard him as their friend,
And on his bounty oft depend;
Well knowing that his generous heart
Dares to act a christian part!
Long may this noble doctor live,
Ease to suffering men to give;
And meet the summons to depart
With the skill he wooes his art.