Oh, God in heaven up on high, How long this cruel strife? Most I but perish in this den To end this wretched life? Is there no justice here on earth? Must truth remain crushed down And vile and wicked, cruel man Forever look and frown? Is there no power to bring to light The truth of my offense? Must perjury and bribery Prevail forever hence? Can enemies, vile, cruel things, Twist truth all out of shape, And cause one who's not guilty To morally wear death's crepe? Oh, God! is there no remedy For earthly subjects thus To be relieved from wretched pain Without this earthly fuss? Oh, God! to Thee we call for help. Wil't thou but listen—hear? Look down upon me as I be, My innocence thou'lt surely see, These shackles, bolts, and prison bars, The heavy locks and massive key— Hear, Oh, God! Oh, hear my prayer And set this captive free.