- Acetone poisoning, Odour of, 84
- Adsorption of odours, 113
- Æneid, The, Odour in, 72
- Albinos, Anosmia of, 116, 126
- Alcoholism, Odour of, 84
- Alexander the Great, 77
- Ambergris, 106
- Ammonia, 94
- Animals, Lower, Olfaction in, 21
- Aniseed, 71
- Anosmia, 23, 115, 142
- Anti-demoniac treatment by fumigation, 67
- Ants, Olfaction in, 28
- Apoplectick, Balsam of Horstius, 69
- Aromatics, The, 119
- Asthma from horses, 93
- Asafoetida, 71
- Aura, Olfactory, 91
- Bacon, Francis, 84
- Badger, Olfaction in, 37
- Bat and sound-pictures, 32
- Bath, The domestic, 18
- Baudelaire, 51
- Bay, 73
- Bazin, RÉnÉ, 144
- Bean-flowers, Fragrance of, 145
- Beltane fires, 143
- Bolboceros beetle, 37
- Books, Smell of, 146
- Brain, Olfactory Routes in, Unknown, 136
- Brewer, Anthony, 53
- Browning, Robert, 71
- Burton, Robert, 78
- Cairo, Cholera in, 68
- Camphor as disinfectant, 70
- Carminatives, 71
- Castelli’s theory of vision, 127
- Cats, Aversion towards, 92
- Cities and towns, Smells of, 150
- Civet, 106
- Collins, Wilkie, 47
- Colosseum, Perfumes in the, 56
- Coumarin, 105
- Creighton, 84
- Crowd-psychology and Odour, 97
- Death, Odour of, 84
- Deite, 104, 117
- Devil, Odour of the, 63, 73
- Dickens, Charles, 54, 148
- Disease, Epidemic, and Stenches, 5, 66
- Disraeli, Benj., 21
- Evolution of, 21
- in fish,