
“Oh dear me! What a narrow escape!” exclaimed Fluffy, as she stooped down and picked up a tiny little woodpecker that had fallen to the ground. “Your mother must be very careless to let you fall.” “No,” said the little chap, “Mother has gone for food for us and I played too near the edge of the stump and fell off.” Just then the woodpecker’s mother returned, and being alarmed that something was happening to her babies, came flying toward Fluffy screaming, “What are you doing here?” “I am not harming your children,” said Fluffy. “I was just putting your little baby back in your nest. He had fallen to the ground and could not get up himself. It was lucky for him that I saw him when I did, for I almost stepped on him.” By this time Mrs. Woodpecker was over her alarm and was very sorry she had spoken so crossly. “Please forgive me,” she said, “I was so terribly frightened I hardly knew what I was saying. I thank you a thousand times; should you ever need a friend, let me know and I will do all I can to help you.” Fluffy did not wait to talk longer; she knew it was getting nearer party time every minute, so she hurried on.

Mrs. Woodpecker flying toward Fluffy and the nest

“Fluffy knew it was getting nearer party time every minute.”


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