CHAPTER | PAGE | I | The Death of the Phoenix | 9 | II | The Coming of Lilith | 34 | III | The Spirit of Pan | 58 | IV | Aphrodite Demi-mondaine | 79 | V | Nobody's Fault | 107 | VI | The Shadow Line | 124 | VII | A Matter of Duty | 141 | VIII | A Matter of Pleasure | 161 | IX | The Judgement of Solomon | 177 | X | Vindication | 198 | XI | The Laurel and the Rose | 217 | XII | An Error of Judgement | 230 | XIII | A Note of Interrogation | 257 | XIV | The Answer of the Oracle | 277 | XV | Prelude to Romance | 294 |
"I became the spendthrift of my own genius, and to waste an eternal youth gave me a curious joy. Tired of being on the heights, I deliberately went to the depths in the search for new sensation ... I grew careless of the lives of others. I took pleasure where it pleased me, and passed on. I forgot that every little action of the common day makes or unmakes character...." Oscar Wilde: De Profundis.