I. Building a Good Life 1
What is a Good Life? 2
1. Good Health 3
2. Usefulness 3
3. Moral Strength 4
4. Social Efficiency 5
5. Religious Interest 5
6. Happiness 6
Is the Human Stock comparatively Sound? 7
II. The Time to Build 12
What of the Human Instincts 12
The Dawning Instincts 12
Social Sensitiveness Helpful 19
III. The Rural Home and Character Development 26
What Agencies build up Character? 26
1. Play 27
2. Work 30
3. Recreation 33
Moving to Town for the Children 36
A Back-to-the-country Club 38
IV. The Country Mother and the Children 41
Poor Conditions of Women 42
For the Sake of the Children 44
1. Surplus Nerve Energy 44
2. A Rest Period 45
3. The Home Conveniences 46
4. The Mother’s Outings 47
5. The Home Help 48
6. The Children shield the Mother 49
7. Planning for the Children 50
8. A Common Conspiracy 51
V. Constructing the Country Dwelling 54
Plans and Specifications not Available 55
What appeals to the Children 57
The House Plan 59
How One Farmer does It 60
Outbuildings and Equipment 61
Human Rights prior to Animal Rights 61
2. A Country Literary Society 213
3. The Social Side of the Economic Clubs 215
Some Concluding Suggestions 215
XIV. The Farm Boy’s Interest in the Business 220
What is in your Boy? 220
Much Experimentation Necessary 221
1. Willingness to Work 222
2. Ability to Save 223
Start on a Small Scale 224
Give your Son a Square Deal 225
Keep the Boy’s Perfect Good Will 226
Some will be retained on the Farm 227
The Awakening often comes from Without 229
An Awakening in the South 229
Partnership between Father and Son 231
Summary and Concluding Suggestions 232
XV. Business Training for the Country Girl 235
Is the Country Girl Neglected? 236
Why the Girl leaves the Farm 237
Certain Rules to be Observed 239
1. Teach the Girl to Work 239
2. Teach her Business Sense 240
3. Train her to transact Personal Business 241
4. Make her the Family Accountant 242
5. Miserliness to be Avoided 243
6. Teach her to Give 244
7. Teach the Meaning of a Contract 245
8. Prepare her to deal with Grafters 246
Should there be an Actual Investment? 247
XVI. What Schooling should the Country Boy Have 250
Changes in Rural School Conditions 250
The Boy a Bundle of Possibilities 252
Classes of Native Ability 253
The Great Talented Class 254
Round out the Boy’s Nature 256
Other Important Matters 257
Develop an Interest in Humanity


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