The United States is wondrous land, Within its mighty borders grand, They are a world unto themselves, In South the Negro plows and delves. Raising tobacco, sugar, cotton, Grapes and rice too may be gotten, The west for corn, cattle and swine, On which millions o'er the world dine. The silver hills of Colorado, Equaled only by Nevada, And o'er the world you can't behold Aught like California's mines of gold. To vast extent her exports reaches, Of grapes and oranges and peaches, And Florida the land of flowers Is famous for its orange bowers. Pennsylvania's hills environ Wondrous mines of coal and iron, Great marvel of these modern days, All you require yourselves could raise. But still Canadians are content With their own half of continent, Though Uncle Sam is most wealthy, Canada's content and healthy. Sam and her are blood relation, Sprung alike from British nation, May peaceful odes alone be sung 'Tween people of one race and tongue. When Canada's ten million strong, Then none will dare to do her wrong, Either as a youthful nation Or in Imperial Federation. |