Providential escape of Ruby and Neil McLeod, children of Angus McLeod of this town. Little Neil McKay McLeod, a child of three years of age, was carried under a covered raceway, upwards of one hundred yards, the whole distance being either covered o'er with roadway, buildings or ice. A wondrous tale we now do trace Of little children fell in race, The youngest of these little dears, The boy's age is but three years. While coasting o'er the treacherous ice, These precious pearls of great price, The elder Ruby, the daughter, Was rescued from the ice cold water. But horrid death each one did feel, Had sure befallen little Neil, Consternation all did fill, And they cried shut down the mill. But still no person they could tell What had the poor child befel, The covered race, so long and dark, Of hopes there scarcely seemed a spark. Was he held fast as if in vice, Wedged 'mong the timbers and the ice, Or was there for him ample room For to float down the narrow flume. Had he found there a watery grave, Or borne along on crest of wave, Think of the mother's agony wild, Gazing through dark tunnel for her child. But soon as Partlo started mill, Through crowd there ran a joyous thrill, When he was quickly borne along, The little hero of our song. Alas! of life there is no trace, And he is black all over face, Though he then seemed as if in death, Yet quickly they restored his breath. Think now how mother Her sweet dear child to her restored, And her boundless gratitude Unto the author of all good. |