Wilmot of fish culutre fame, To this tale he lends his name, A pair of eagles built their nest On a lofty pine tree's crest. And therein they regular rear A brood of young year after year, One day he saw one leave its nest, When for food it was in quest. It did wing its flight on high, And then on water cast its eye, When it quickly did discover A great salmon in the river. Like lightning flash down it doth sweep And its talons it buries deep, In salmon of enormous size He trys to rise in air with prize. But all in vain he quickly found He could not carry thirty pound, And had bit more than he could chew For in the air no more he flew. Wilmot he did gaze with wonder At the spot where he went under, Resolved to know what was the matter He poled his boat o'er the water. And he looked down and there he found That the eagle it was drowned, And its wings in part outspread, But alas it was quite dead. With grappling hook he drew him out, But attached to him was monster trout, Eagle could not extract his claws, And this the death of both did cause. |