Canada is a young giant, Has not yet acquired its strength, On the arts of peace reliant, Throughout its vast breadth and length. Though 'tis not famed for orange bowers Nor for the products of its vines, Though other lands have fairer flowers, Yet it to nobler gifts inclines. It doth produce the golden grain And few lands can with it compete, They often try but all in vain To produce such splendid wheat. Our geologists divine, That ere long we will behold Many a rich glittering mine Of copper, silver and of gold. But we sing more glorious theme, It is our verdant pasture land, Where cows produce a flood of cream, Doth make cheese of the finest brand. And great thoughts oftentimes awakes When we reflect on this wondrous land, With vast rivers and mighty lakes, All nature here's on scale so grand. Young Dominion so gigantic, Where rail cars run at speed terrific, Thousands of miles from the Atlantic, Till in the West you reach Pacific. From balmy breezes of lake Erie To the far north frozen ocean, Where it now seems lone and dreary, All will yet be life and motion. Though nation's young its powerful fleet Doth sail on many a distant sea, For world's commerce to compete Her sails in all climes flowing free. |