A miner in California mine, For his distant home he did repine, In a far off Eastern state, Where did live his own dear mate. And one great source of all his joy, His little darling baby boy, One night to drive his cares away To concert hall his footsteps stray. And loud resounding o'er the hall, He heard a little boy squall, The sweetest music he e'er heard, Sweeter far than singing bird. For his thoughts it caused to roam, To his distant eastern home, Near to the mine there were no trace Of baby dear or woman's face. When violinist with his bow Did make exquisite music flow, The miner he did loudly bawl Stop fiddle and let baby squall. My sad heart his cries doth cheer, Reminding me of my own dear, For sooner I would him behold, Than if I found a mine of gold. For what are all the joys of life, So far away from child and wife, But few more months I will stay here Then join my wife and baby dear. |