Have you any business to-day?
Kyung-tsau noong yeu sa z-thi va?
Do you wish to order anything to-day?
Kyung-tsau noong iau ding* sa hoo-suh va?
Yes, I want to order.*
Ngoo iau ding kuh.
* Ding (?) and Ta (?) are commonly used in Shanghai as equivalents for “order.” Ding actually contains the idea of contract and money paid; Ta actually contains the idea of bringing the goods with you; but they each have a wider significance.
I do not want to order.
Ngoo ’veh iau ding sa hoo.
I want to purchase.
Ngoo iau ma.
I want to sell.
Ngoo iau ma-theh.
It cannot be bought (i.e., Can not sell at that price).
Ma ’veh doong.
It can be bought (i.e., Can sell at that price).
??? (or ???)
Ma tuh-doong (or Khau-i ma).
What do you want to buy?
Noong iau ma sa meh-z?
Will you sell?
Noong iau ma-theh va?
What is the price of this?
Di-kuh sa ka-dien?
[This] price is too dear.
Ka-dien thuh kyui.
When will the goods come?
Hoo-suh kyi-z tau?
If too late I cannot use them.
Zak-z thuh man, ngoo yoong-’veh-dzak.
These goods are worse than last time.
????????? (or ??)
Di-we kuh hoo-suh pi zaung ths cheu (or the-pan).
To-day I have goods to be imported.
Kyung-tsau ngoo yeu hoo-suh tsing-kheu.
To-day I have goods to export.
Kyung-tsau ngoo yeu hoo-suh tsheh-kheu.
To-day I have goods to tranship.
Kyung-tsau ngoo yeu hoo-suh koo-zen.
To-day I have goods to re-export.
Kyung-tsau ngoo yeu hoo-suh tsen-kheu.
How much duty on these goods?
Di-kuh hoo-suh iau wen kyi-hau soe?
Has the Duty Memo come?
Soe-tan yeu le va?
Have you received the Duty Memo?
Soe-tan noong seu-dzak meh?
[Duty Memo] has not come yet.
Wan ’veh-zung tau.
Duty has been paid.
Soe i-kyung wen la tse.
Duty has not been paid.
Soe ’veh-zung wen-koo.
Please pay your duty.
Tshing wen noong-kuh soe.
Make out the Import application.
Iau yui-be tsing-kheu-tan.
Make out the Export application.
Iau yui-be tsheh-kheu-tan.
Take delivery of the goods at once.
Hoo-suh zieu iau di-tsen-le.
Put these goods in the godown.
Hoo-suh khau-i kyi la dzan-vaung-li.
When one’s own godown is meant, ? zaung is used in place of ? kyi.
Is there any storage?
Iau sa dzan-tsoo va?
How much storage is there?
Iau kyi-hau dzan-tsoo?
Among them, four bales are damaged by water; I cannot receive them.
????????, ????
Ne-tsong-s-jien yeu s sah-kuh; ngoo ’veh-nung seu.
You brought the delivery order too late, therefore I cannot pay storage.
???????, ????????
Noong di-tan soong le thuh-an, soo-i ngoo ’veh-nung foo dzan-tsoo.
The goods are now at Pootung.
Hoo-suh yien-dze la Phoo-toong.
Do you want a Customs Pass?
Noong iau pha-s va?
Yes, I want one.
No, I do not want any.
’Veh iau.
How many passes do you want?
Noong iau kyi tsang pha-s?
I want one pass.
Ngoo iau ih-tsang pha-s.
I want two passes.
Ngoo iau liang-tsang pha-s.
Please put my goods through the Customs quickly.
Ngoo-kuh hoo-suh tshing noong khwa-tien pau kwan.
Has the steamer arrived?
Lung-zen tau meh?
When will the steamer arrive?
Lung-zen kyi-z tau?
What is the name of the steamer?
Lung-zen-kuh ming-deu kyau sa?
To what Company does the steamer belong?
Sa-nyung-ka ‘aung-li-kuh lung-zen?
At what wharf is she discharging?
La ‘a-li ih-kuh mo-deu sia-hoo?
At Hongkew (Jardine’s) Wharf.
La ‘Oong-kheu Yi-woo Mo-deu.
At Pootung Wharf.
La Phoo-toong Mo-deu.
At China Merchants’ Lower Wharf.
La Tsau-saung jok Pok-dzan Mo-deu.
At Yangtze Wharf.
La Yang-ts Mo-deu.
At Old Ningpo Wharf.
La Lau Nyung-poo Mo-deu.
What are your shipping marks?
???? [or ??] ??
Na-kuh kyi-‘au [or muh-deu] z sa?
To-day exchange (shilling) is good.
Kyung-tsau sien-ling ‘aung-dzing ’man-hau.
To-day exchange is rising.
Kyung-tsau sien-ling ‘aung-dzing tsang-tse.
How is exchange (native) to-day?
Kyung-tsau kuh li-deu z na-nung?
Exchange has gone up.
Li-deu tsang-tse.
Exchange has gone down.
Li-deu tih tse.
Silver is strong to-day.
Kyung-tsau-kuh nyung-kung khwen.
Silver is weak to-day.
Kyung-tsau-kuh nyung-kung kyung.
What is your opinion of exchange?
Noong-kuh i-s li-deu na-nung?
I cannot say.
Ngoo ’veh nung wo.
I think it will go up.
Ngoo siang iau tsang-tien.
I think it will go down.
Ngoo siang iau tih-tien.
How is business to-day?
Kyung-tsau-kuh sang-i na-nung?
Is your business good?
Noong-kuh sang-i hau va?
Is there any improvement?
Yeu sa chi-suh va?
No, about the same.
How is the market?
Z-mien na-nung?
The market is steady.
Z-mien z ’wung-taung-kuh.
Prices are high to-day.
Kyung tsau-kuh ka-dien kyui-tse.
Prices are low to-day.
????? [C1]?
Kyung-tsau-kuh ka-dien jang tse.
The market is much stronger.
Z-mien khwen-ts too-hau tse.
The market is much weaker.
Z-mien kyung-ts too-hau tse.
How is the cotton market to-day?
Kyung-tsau mien-hwo z-mien na-nung?
This year’s tea business is better than last year’s.
Kyung-nien dzo-yih z-mien pi jeu-nien hau-tien.
At present trade in foreign goods is not very remunerative.
Jung-le tsoo yang-hoo sang-i veh-nung dzan doong-dien-kuh.
Call the compradore.
??? (or ??) ?
Tshing tsang-vaung (or ’ma-ban) le.
Call the shroff.
???? (or ???) ?
Kyau seu-tsang-kuh (or seh-lau-fu) le.
Call the coolie.
??? (or ??) ?
Kyau tsheh-tien (or siau-koong) le.
Take this letter to the Chinese Post office.
Di-kuh sing soong tau Yeu-tsung-jok chi.
British Post Office.
Da-iung Su-sing-kwen.
United States Post Office.
Hwo-ji Su-sing-kwen.
German Post Office.
Tuk-kok Su-sing-kwen.
French Post Office
Fah-kok Su-sing-kwen.
Japanese Post Office.
Toong-yang Su-sing-kwen.
Russian Post Office.
Ngoo-kok Su-sing-kwen.
Just now I am very busy; come again.
Yien-dze ngoo maung-le-si; ‘eu-seu tse le.
Come back to-morrow.
Ming-tsau tse le.
Come back this afternoon.
‘Au-pen-nyih tse le.