THE COOK (???).


To cook.

To boil.
? or ?
Zah (or tung).

To roast, bake or toast.

To fry.

To broil.
? or ?
Hyuin, or khau (not much used).

To steam.

To stew.*
? or ? or ??
Tung, or ’oo or tok.
* No exact term in Shanghai colloquial; cooks in imitation of the English sound say “S-thoo” ??.

Boil water for tea.
Tung dzo.

Make tea (by pouring boiling water on the leaves).
?? (or ?) ?
Phau dzo.

Boiled (or boiling) water.
?? Khe-s, ?? Kwung-s.

Go and buy (literally cook) some hot (boiled) water.
Chi phau tien khe-s le.

Buy some hot water.
Ma tien nyik-s.

Buy some hot (i.e., boiled) water (for drinking).
Ma tien khe-s.

Make chicken soup.
Iau tsoo kyi-thaung.

Make chicken jelly.
Iau tsoo kyi s-toong.

Make calves’ foot jelly.
Iau tsoo siau-nyeu kyak-toong.

Go to the market and buy Meat,1 Fish,2 Vegetables,3 Chicken,4 Hen’s Eggs,5 Pheasant,6 Ducks,7 Wild Goose,8 Goose,9 Turkey,10 Snipe,11 Small Water Duck,12 Oranges,13 Pumelo,14 Apples,15 Peaches,16 Apricots,17 Biboes,18 Strawberries,19 Lichees,20 Pineapple,21 Grapes,22 Beans,23 String Beans,24 Cabbage,25 Spinach,26 Cauliflower,27 Turnips,28 Carrots,29 Shoulder of Mutton,30 Leg of Mutton,31 Mutton Chops,32 Roast Beef,33 Steak,34 Bread,35 Biscuits,36 Milk,37 Butter,38 Tea,39 Sugar,40 Coffee,41 Rice,42 Flour,43 Oatmeal,44 Salt,45 Matches,46 Kerosene Oil,47 Coals,48 Charcoal,49 Firewood.50

????? ?,1 ?,2 ??,3 ?,4 ??,5 ??,6 ?,7 ??,8 ?,9 ??,10 ??,11 ???,12 ??,13 ??,14 ??,15 ??,16 ??,17 ??,18 ????,19 ??,20 ???,21 ??,22 ?,23 ??,24 ???,25 ??,26 ??,27 ??,28 ???,29 ???? or ??,30 ????,31 ??,32 ???,33 ???,34 ??,35 ???,36 ??,37 ??,38 ??,39 ?,40 ??,41 ?,42 ??,43 ???,44 ?,45 ???,46 ??,47 ?,48 ?,49 ?.50

Tau ka-laung chi ma nyok,1 ng,2 soo-tshe,3 kyi,4 kyi-dan,5 ya-kyi,6 ah,7 ya-ngoo,8 ngoo,9 hoo-kyi,10 tsok-kyi,11 siau-s-ah,12 kyoeh-ts,13 vung-tan,14 bing-koo,15 dau-ts,16 ‘ang-ts,17 bih-bo,18 Nga-kok yang-me,19 li-ts,20 poo-loo-mih,21 beh-dau,22 deu,23 tau-deu,24 kyoen-sing-tshe,25 poo-tshe,26 hwo-tshe,27 Lau-bok,28 ‘oong lau-bok,29 yang-kuh dzien-the (or ‘eu-the),30 yang-kuh ‘eu-pe,31 iau-oo,32 sau-nyok-phe,33 nyeu-nyok-ba,34 men-deu,35 thah-ping,36 nyeu-na,37 na-yeu,38 dzo-yik,39 daung,40 kha-fi,41 mi,42 mi-fung,43 da-mak-fung,44 yien,45 z-le-hoo,46 hoo-yeu,47 me,48 than,49 za.50

Don’t use pork fat to fry.
’Veh iau yoong ts-yeu tsien.

Use beef fat to fry.
Iau yoong nyeu-yeu tsien.

Is it ready?
?? or ???
Hau meh (or hau tse va?)

Keep this; we can use to-morrow.
???, ????
Iau pa-la; ming-tsau tse yoong.

This is too salt.
Di-kuh thuk ‘an.

This is too fresh (has not enough salt).
Di-kuh thuh dan.

This is under-cooked.
Sau le thuh sang.

This is cooked too long.
Sau le thuh zok.

This needs a hot fire.
Iau yaung-hoo sau.

This wants a slow fire.
Iau vung-hoo sau.

Warm this meat.
Nyih-nyih di-kuh nyok.

Get it ready presently.
Zieu iau sau.

Get it ready quickly.
Khwa-tieu sau.

All meals must be ready on time.
Chuh-van iau yeu ih-ding-kuh z-‘eu.

This cooking stove is broken; have it repaired.
Thih-tsau yeu mau-bing; iau sieu.

The flue (or chimney) is choked; have it cleaned.
????, ??
Ien-tshoong suh-meh, iau thoong.

Black the stove.
Thih-tsau iau seh huk.

This is not the stove brush; exchange for another.
Di-kuh ’veh-z thih-tsau-kuh seh-tseu; iau wen bih-kuh.

This brush is broken; buy a new one.
Di-kuh seh i-kyung wa-theh; iau ma sing-kuh.

I have no black lead.
????? or ??
Ngoo ’veh yeu huh-me (or huh khan).

This pot leaks; have it mended.
?????, ?? (or ??)
Di-kuh ‘oo leu tse; iau sieu (or iau ‘oen—solder.)

This pot is cracked and can’t be mended.
?????, ????
Di-kuh ‘oo pang-khe, ’veh nung tse sieu.

I want to buy a new kettle.
Ngoo iau ma ih-po sing-kuh s-‘oo.

I want to buy a large covered jar.
Ngoo iau ma ih-kuh yeu-ke-kuh peh-deu.

I want to buy a small kong.
Ngoo iau ma ih-tsak siau-kaung.

Buy a ton of soft coal and half a ton of hard coal.
Ma ih-tung ien-me lau pen-tung bak-me.

Buy a basket of charcoal.
Ma ih-leu than.

Have you bought the firewood?
Sang-hoo-kuh za ma tse ’va?

[I] want [you] to buy ice.
Iau ma tien ping.

Put this in the ice-box.
Di-kuh meh-z iau pa la ping-siang li.

[I want you to] clean out the ice-box.
Ping-siang iau loong koen-zing.

The ice-box is leaking; have it mended.
????, ???
Ping-siang yeu leu; iau sieu-hau.

Bring some boiling water.
??? (or ??) ?
Tan kwung-s (or khe-s le.)

Make a bowl of arrowroot.
Tsoong ih-’wen ngeu-fung le.

Make it thicker than yesterday.
Iau pi zauh-nyih ‘eu-tien.

I am going out; you look after the house.
????, ??????
Ngoo iau tsheh-chi; noong iau taung-sing vaung-ts.

A friend has asked me to go out to dinner; you don’t need to prepare.
????????, ??????
Yeu bang-yeu tshing ngoo chuh ya-van; noong ’veh iau yui-be tse.

To-day get supper ready half an hour earlier.
Kyung-tsau ya-van iau tsau pe-tien-tsoong.

Call me at 6 o’clock to-morrow morning.
Ming-tsau tsau-zung lok tien-tsoong iau kyau ngoo.

Go to the market early to-morrow morning.
Ming-tsau iau tsau-tien tau ka-laung chi.

I want to take the accounts now.
Yien-dze iau soen-tsang.

Your account is all right.
????? or ??
Noong-kuh tsang ’veh tsho (or te kuh).

Your account has a mistake.
????? or ??
Noong-kuh tsang ’veh te (or yeu tsho).

Your account is more than mine.
Noong-kuh tsang pi ngoo too.

Your account is less than mine.
Noong-kuh tsang pi ngoo sau.

I have already paid this.
Di-kuh tsang ngoo i-kyung foo-la-tse.

I will pay you to-morrow.
Ming-tsau foo noong.

Next week I will pay you.
‘Au li-pa foo noong.


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